@BB Exactly. With billions of dedicated funds, instead of just offering a fair sum to the museum archive for purchase of these obsolete keepsakes, the GB would rather faithfully and discreetly spend those dedicated resources publicly bitching about it in a German court for added publicity.
Everyone already knows the old story about that Kusserow family. Watch Tower has been martyrizing it for decades and already published videos about it, Purple Triangles, and Under Opposition.
The GB wants legal right and possession of the Kusserow collection not for educational purposes, but for purposes of high control emotional manipulation to groom cult followers for future self-sacrifice.
"The Kusserow family martyr deaths prove Watch Tower is the only true religion. Be like the Kusserows. Be willing to sacrifice & die for Jehovas Zeugen Watch Tower... while the GB fatten up at Warwick Resort."
How it that JW governing body members never perish from persecution?? What hypocritical swine.