Trauma and Rev:
I have an e-mail to Bill and one to the webmaster I am awaiting their reasoning on this LOL
i discovered a major security flaw on the silentlambs website, i e-mailed bill about it, setup up a small demonstration, mind you i told no one else about this.
and the demonstration was benine, because this flaw could allow someone to forward the site to say porn sights.
i won't go into detail, but let's just say i could cause alot of havoc with it.
Trauma and Rev:
I have an e-mail to Bill and one to the webmaster I am awaiting their reasoning on this LOL
my journey from lurker to poster was pretty quick.
all the posts are addicting to read, this is worse than being a couch potato.
i've been fortified to make a clean break & them the little inner voice starts talking back.
What if this is a gathering place for those who want to do anything under the sun, free love, sex, smoking, new age, you name it
What if it is you ask, well what if others choose to do that? Freedom is CHOICES they have choices you have choices the thing is you have freewill and a brain. Use it to your own good do I have free love you bet I love my family my hubby and my petsDo I have sex you bet nightly with the thunderrider (my faithful hubby of 18 1/2 years) Smoking (not unless I'm on fire) by the way girls do you KNOW that fake nails are flammable ??? I was lighting a candle and wondered why the friggin flame wouldn't go out it was my FINGERNAIL LOLDo not judge others harshly and relax this place has been nothing but kind to me and my hubby unlike the dub's. If others have a different lifestyle why should I CARE as long as we respect each others CHOICES all is well. I don't care what sexual orientation/color or what they choose to inhale as long as we can be a support system for each other that is ALL that matters in this world.
it's 15 feet tall and still fresh, not a needle has fallen off yet.
so of course that means that it will remain where it is a bit longer.
sort of enjoyable to wake up in the early morning and see the glow from the tree throughout the house.
Love the tree I wish I could have a real one, I alas am allergic to trees LOL Me the gardener LOL I wouldn't take it down either. Mine is still up because I am being lazy, but school will be starting again and I have to get movin on my chores LOL
on the chance that the photo may load i'll try this thread.
my wife is at the wedding that i was uninvited to at this moment.
we are giving her an engraved glass photo holder that duplicates their wedding invitation.
Beautiful thoughtful gift...
<of the knows how it sucks to be uninvited class>
ludicrous as it may seem, the watchtower society may be right?...
as so much of their doctrines are based on interpretation.. the watchtower society may have interpreted the bible... correctly!
What if the JWs are right and will someda rule the world? I'd rather be dead.
Oh how twu
Shoes ahaaaaaaaaaaaa we ARE soul sisters I LOVE shoes flats, pumps, boots the colors the selection.....
ludicrous as it may seem, the watchtower society may be right?...
as so much of their doctrines are based on interpretation.. the watchtower society may have interpreted the bible... correctly!
To steal a thought from one of my alltime favorites "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"That is really what I wish religion would say hey, we have no friggin idea but these fruits of the spirit aren't a bad thing so let's try it. But instead the ram there shit down your throat then say hmmm well we have new light.
Also if they are right and THAT is what Jehovah is about YUCKKKKKKKKK
"they" refers to the watchtower society, the elders, the brothers and sisters, etc.
when you look at how much control has been exerted over us over the years, you can't help but be amazed.
for example, if we had a major snowstorm in the area and the entire state was told by the governor to "please not go out", unless the call was made by the elders, the meeting was still on and you were expected to attend.
Witch Child Mr. Shakita:
OH can I relate first WC if your attractive in a congregation that errr doesn't have a lot of attractive women it is HORRIBLE when I was in the Southern MO congregation they treated me like a harlot. The pioneer sister kept telling me I was to "into" fashion. TRUE HOW TRUE this was the friggin late 80's and she was dressed like the 50's geesh.They hated that I dressed my daughter nicely. When I moved to Mass they at least didn't harp on that there were many attractive sisters so it was much easier
Mr.Shakita I thought when I was ready to get married in 1984 I was going to kill the elders, I didn't have any idea they thought they had control over my wedding,,,well I guess they did, two strangers were my Matron and Maid of honor I had known them for about six months. I always wanted my oldest sister to stand with me, I was five when I was her flower girl (in her first wedding) and my cousins who I had grown up with well that was a BIG HELL NO on the elders partand now they were telling me what song to have I wanted the Carpenter's The Wedding Song a beautiful SPIRITUAL song, I had to go through the thing lyric by lyric well finally I was so pissed I told them "ya know what were not having it in the kingdom hall (how does one coordinate anything with avacodo green?) so if you don't want to conduct the ceremony I'm sure I can find a minister who will I was a member of the baptist church" So we ended up fighting again about something in rehearsl caused my hubby and I too bicker I was so upset I almost called off the wedding. So ended up with the two strangers the friggin longass wedding talk SNOOOOOOOOOREEEEEEEE and MY GRANNY AND FAMILY ALL THERE LOL The control they exert is so stupid they didn't even want us to dance at the reception, I stood my ground and kept saying ya know this is not at the KH. I have been to sooooo many witness weddings that make funerals look happy!
a lot has been discussed here of late about the disfellowshiping of inactive ones.. in my old hall i know a sister that started smoking again and when found out she insisted that her reproof must be private and not public otherwise she would never return to the hall.
she pulled it off.. i know a brother that became inactive and started smoking.
the elders appeared to leave him alone, but one day they pounced and he is now disfellowshipped.. i know a ministerial servant that caused a great deal of upset in the congregation because of his lies and decietfulness, (causing divisions).
How can elders receive "new light" when they have their head up their ass?
<of the just wondering class>
i will start off saying that at first when i was trying to think of a title to this thread the only word that came to mind, was two really............sorry but i am trying to not get this edited.... i will feel bad for the words i want to say right now.
f you daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
and that the one pappaw would give his life for him.
{{{Lyin Eyes)):
I'm so sorry, I too have been there when my son was little he would say "Im a bad boy, I'm a bad boy that is why Grandma doesn't love me" we tried to explain to him that she was that way to everyone. I will never understand someone that can hurt a child in such a deep deliberate manner but they exist, she was a dub by the way loving aren' t they. Just let him know there are others that love him sometimes blood means nothing.
<of the don't it make you sick at heart class>