Always the fallout with no accountability for WT reasoning, this time the gas prices statement. Damn it gets old. Why do the rank and file keep putting up with this. I can't believe they are so inept and keep going back for more!
JoinedPosts by Thechickennest
WT backtracking fast on Book Study -High Gas Prices
by stillajwexelder inso tonight the congregation discussed the front page of the october km -the new meeting schedule.
straight away it was emphasized it was not because of high gas prices that the meetings were being reduced.
it was pointed out that in parts of the world the brothers do not have cars so it was not high gas prices.
How often do you go to the meetings at the KH this year?
by asilentone inthe only meeting that i went is the memorial this year.
None. I manage to run into the witnesses about everyday in the small community where we live.....they don't bother to invite me to the meetings anymore....I wonder why? Oh, I almost forgot the Memorial invitation abandoned and floating around on our porch this past year! Nothing will take us back, be it funerals, weddings, whatever...when it's over, it's over.
Off to the one day special assembly day - what can I look forward to?
by eyeslice ini never attend any of the congregation meetings but to support my wife, i attend the assemblies and the memorial.
tomorrow is the one day special assembly day.
should i be getting excited?
It's nice of you to spend a day with your wife doing something she holds dear to her heart. Having said that, don't get your expectations too high about the program. I veiwed Blondies copy of the program. In it's basic form the WT program has not changed much in the last 25 years that I can see.
Bought a new car!
by coffee_black ina while back i started a thread regarding the fact that i would have to buy a new car.
well, the day finally came... had to put the old one to rest... it failed the emissions test and would cost nearly $2,000.
to fix.
Zoom Zoom! Honda's are great, be it their cars or motorcycles. Why did you not buy another Saturn? Just curious. Happy motoring!
Black Widow Spider bites beware!
by Thechickennest inthis year in our part of the county all spiders and black widows seem to more visable this year than in previous years.
this brings me to the subject i would like to share with all in with idea that someone might saved some agony.. last thursday night just before i was going bed, a large black spider fell out of my pajama shorts to the floor landing in between my feet.i tried to step back but the spider spun a web between my feet and when i moved the spider moved!
i finally got a good look at the spider before i wrapped her in tp and flushed her down the toilet.
That is probably a brown recluse bit. They attack the flesh and as one can see the result is not nice at all. The widows as mentioned by someone in this thread cast a systemic bite meaning the whole body is poisened. I had the whole body thing. Until the anti-venom was used I was in really bad pain from top to bottom, could'nt even urinate. My speech was affected and still is a little bit. My blood pressure is still not stable and continues to rise in spite of 4 medications for it. My mind is sluggish. I would encourage everyone that reads this thread to clean out all the places that widows like to hide in and hatch eggs. In our area all spiders are flourishing. I hope we have a hard freezing winter to at least kill all the spiders outdoors.
Thanks for the picture. It really drives home what can happen in an instant minute.
Black Widow Spider bites beware!
by Thechickennest inthis year in our part of the county all spiders and black widows seem to more visable this year than in previous years.
this brings me to the subject i would like to share with all in with idea that someone might saved some agony.. last thursday night just before i was going bed, a large black spider fell out of my pajama shorts to the floor landing in between my feet.i tried to step back but the spider spun a web between my feet and when i moved the spider moved!
i finally got a good look at the spider before i wrapped her in tp and flushed her down the toilet.
That is the spider that bit me. Thanks for the picture. It really is an evil looking spider and very aggressive!
Black Widow Spider bites beware!
by Thechickennest inthis year in our part of the county all spiders and black widows seem to more visable this year than in previous years.
this brings me to the subject i would like to share with all in with idea that someone might saved some agony.. last thursday night just before i was going bed, a large black spider fell out of my pajama shorts to the floor landing in between my feet.i tried to step back but the spider spun a web between my feet and when i moved the spider moved!
i finally got a good look at the spider before i wrapped her in tp and flushed her down the toilet.
This year in our part of the county all spiders and black widows seem to more visable this year than in previous years
This brings me to the subject I would like to share with all in with idea that someone might saved some agony.
Last Thursday night just before I was going bed, a large black spider fell out of my pajama shorts to the floor landing in between my feet.I tried to step back but the spider spun a web between my feet and when I moved the spider moved! I finally got a good look at the spider before I wrapped her in TP and flushed her down the toilet. By the time I made it to my bed I could feel a soreness on my right hip. I felt the spot and it was hot and moist to the touch. I got out of bed. Damn spider had nailed me good. I went to the computer and looked up Black Widow spider bites. Seems the females like the one that bit me have the strongest venom. (15 times more potent that a prairie rattlesnake).
To make this story short and to the point heres what happend: I went to the emergency room with sever chest and abdominal pain. As the venom moved through my system I then had pain in my arms and legs and groin area. My doctor admitted me to the hospital from the emergency room. I spent four days in the cardiovascular unit as my blood pressure was really high and was not responding to any medication. I was then given the anti-venom which nuetralized the venom in my system. It was then that my blood pressure started to stabilize and the pain began to go away. If this had happened to a child, elderly person or one that was weak in health, it certainly could be fatal. Now, in order to keep the blood pressure stable I am one 3 blood pressure medications. I am taking a nerve pain medicine along with another pain medication. I am still kind of spacey and my skin is a little numb and itchy. My blood pressure goes up and down a lot but it does not get so high as before.
Clean and vacuum all the dark corners of your house inside and out. Spray for spiders. Look up Black Widows on the internet and educate your self. If you are from the south you have the Brown Recluse to deal with also.
So be careful. There are some spiders out there than can do a lot of harm
From bitten in South Dakota!
When you were a JW
by searcher inwhat was it that made you believe that you were so important that you deserved to live forever?
I swallowed the kool-aid without really checking the facts on this verbal promise about "forever" from the borg. I was 17 years old and stupid. When you are young you think you are invincible anyway.....down deep I knew it was a promise that could not be kept. I still thought that there was enough good in the rest of the lie to stick around for. I used really poor judgement.
What is the financial cost to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Thechickennest inhas anyone ever figured out what the cost is to be an average active jw?
i am thinking of the jw costume of clothes for the whole family & drycleaning.
the four door sedans, the fuel, repairs, and auto cleaning up costs after running a shuttle service at least serveral times a week.
Its a free country. I really think you should put all your Watchtower eggs in one basket and guard them with your life. Its great that you are a happy camper in the WT world however, the facts show that many have heeded the direction of the ones taking the lead in the WT organization and have not completed any strategic plans in personal way for the future. They have gave all. They gave their lives promoting some old men's dreams. They gave of their assets and life energy. They gave life blood so to speak. They transfused the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society with the very life energy from their bodies. The Watchtower sucks the life out of you. Someday you might wake up and feel a litte anemic due to handing over your life to a business, a corporate publishing company that wrecks familys and lives. I wish you the best.
What is the financial cost to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Thechickennest inhas anyone ever figured out what the cost is to be an average active jw?
i am thinking of the jw costume of clothes for the whole family & drycleaning.
the four door sedans, the fuel, repairs, and auto cleaning up costs after running a shuttle service at least serveral times a week.
WTwizard: I think you really understand the "truth" of the matter is on this subject. Thank you!