It's Alive!
It's Alive! III: Island Of The Alive
here's my movies that suck list.
battlefield earth .
mission to mars .
It's Alive!
It's Alive! III: Island Of The Alive
if you keep picking your nose, your nostrils will get as big as a horse's!.
we can use your face for a halloween mask if it freezes suddenly with that expression on it.. how would you feel if your sister died after you said such awful things to her?
(this following a normal, sibling scuffle).
My mom:
Go ahead! Go right on ahead! Try it and see what happens!
If Joey jumped off of the cliff, would you do it too?
Would you like a surprise? I'll be only too glad to give you one.
I'm counting to ten and then it's Judgement Day!
I hope you think it's worth getting your hiney smacked!
if you keep picking your nose, your nostrils will get as big as a horse's!.
we can use your face for a halloween mask if it freezes suddenly with that expression on it.. how would you feel if your sister died after you said such awful things to her?
(this following a normal, sibling scuffle).
A Family Favorite by Delia Ephron: A Mom's Life Take your plate into the kitchen, please.
Take it downstairs when you go.
Don't leave it there, take it upstairs.
Is that yours?
Don't hit your brother.
I'm talking to you.
Just a minute, please, can't you see I'm talking?
I said, Don't interrupt.
Did you brush your teeth?
What are you doing out of bed?
Go back to bed.
You can't watch in the afternoon.
What do you mean, there's nothing to do?
Go outside.
Read a book.
Turn it down.
Get off the phone.
Tell your friend you'll call her back. Right now!
Hello. No, she's not home.
She'll call you when she gets home.
Take a jacket. Take a sweater.
Take one anyway.
Someone left his shoes in front of the TV.
Get the toys out of the hall. Get the boys out of the bathtub. Get the toys off the stairs.
Do you realize that could kill someone?
Hurry up.
Hurry up. Everyone's waiting.
I'll count to ten and then we're going without you.
Did you go to the bathroom?
If you don't go, you're not going.
I mean it.
Why didn't you go before you left?
Can you hold it?
What's going on back there?
Stop it.
I said, Stop it!
I don't want to hear about it.
Stop it or I'm taking you home right now.
That's it. We're going home.
Give me a kiss.
I need a hug.
Make your bed.
Clean up your room.
Set the table.
I need you to set the table!
Don't tell me it's not your turn.
Please move your chair in to the table.
Sit up.
Just try a little. You don't have to eat the whole thing.
Stop playing and eat.
Would you watch what you're doing?
Move your glass. It's too close to the edge.
Watch it!
More, what?
More, please. That's better.
Just eat one bit of salad.
You don't always get what you want. That's life.
Don't argue with me. I'm not discussing this anymore.
Go to your room.
No, ten minutes are not up.
One more minute.
How many times have I told you, don't do that.
Where did the cookies go?
Eat the old fruit before you eat the new fruit.
I'm not giving you mushrooms. I've taken all the mushrooms out. See?
Is your homework done?
Stop yelling. If you want to ask me something, come here.
I'll think about it.
Not now.
Ask your father.
We'll see.
Don't sit so close to the television, it's bad for your eyes.
Calm down.
Calm down and start over.
Is that the truth?
Fasten your seat belt.
Did everyone fasten their seat belts?
I'm sorry, that's the rule. I'm sorry, that's the rule. I'm sorry, that's the rule. Delia Ephron
helllloooo everyone,.
after reading this board for quite a while, i've finally been moved to post.
i was inspired by our trip to the dallas apostachilifest, where princess and i met lots of terrific people in various stages of exit from the j-ho's.
just wanted to know if any of you have read the entire bible?
- i remember that it was mentioned in the congregation many times that this would be a requirement that we were to read the bible in its totality at least once and especially as elders!.
i myself never had the time (or energy) to read the scriptures from cover to cover.
Kinda, sorta. However, when I got to Chronicles (1st and 2nd) the whole "who begat who" stuff was more than I could take. Lost interest and skipped to Ezra. Finally finished the rest over time. Good book though overall. Give it my personal thumbs up.
did you ever get into just doing random underlines and notes and all that on your study wt or books just to look like you?d studied it without ever having even looked at it before?
Ain't no such thing as "randomly underlining". No matter what you underline, you got it right because the question at the bottom is answered somewhere in the paragraph. My child, who couldn't read was able to underline the right answers. Gave him a box of crayolas and he "went to town" using different colors "pretending" to study his lesson. Upon closer inspection, I realized that most of his underlinings were the correct answers to the questions below. No way he could miss.
as much as i dreaded going to all the meetings there were things that i did enjoy.. 1. no special parking spaces for the elders, etc.. 2. no collections plate going around the room.
3. no one person giving the talk every single week (can you imagine the same speaker 3 to 4 times a week, every day?
"Sometimes we got to get Popeye's fried chicken after the Sunday meeting. Yea. That was cool.
Oh - and if it ended on time we could also catch the end of "American Top 40" and hear the #1 song for the week!!" We did the EXACT same thing. (Even down to the same named chicken place).
for me, it is faith hill's, "let me let go".
any other suggestions?!
i thought it was over, baby.
This House Is Empty Now
(Elvis Costello / Burt Bacharach)
These rooms play tricks upon you
Remember when they were always filled with laughter
But now they're quite deserted
They seem to just echo voices raised in anger
Maybe you will see my face
Reflected there on the pane
In the window up above for long
In broken home
Yet this house is empty now
There's nothing I can do
To make you want to stay
So tell me how am I supposed to live without you
These walls were lined with pictures
Remember the glass we charged in celebration
But now I fill my life up
With all that I can to deaden this sensation
Do you recognize the face
Fixed in that fine silver frame
Were you really so unhappy there
You never said
So this house is empty now
There's nothing I can do to make you want to stay
So tell me how am I supposed to live without you
Oh, if I could just become forgetful
When night seems endless
Does the extinguished candle care
About the darkness
It's funny how the memory
Will bring you so close then make you disappear
Meanwhile all our friends must choose
Who they will favour, who they will lose
Hang the garland high, or close the door
Or throw away the key
This house is empty now
There's no one living here
You have to care about
This house is empty now
There's nothing I can do
To make you want to stay
So tell me how am I supposed to live without you
This house is empty now
This house is empty now
There's nothing I can do
This house is empty now
This house is empty now
what always blew my mind was that whenever an article in the watchtower, awake, or any wt publication is when someone refers to a part of the publication and says, "there's a really good article in here about bla bla bla".
i've heard many jws use it at the doors, use it at the kingdom hall, etc.
my question is, when is there ever a bad article?
Guilty as charged and very ashamed. Said it more times than I care to admit.
i heard it wasn't s'posed to happen, but as late as '89 i've seen the elders give obvious references about who to mark from stage.
i can't give the exact example, but , say it's along the lines of "nobody is to go to that three story house on blank street.
" that obvious.
Re: Chevysnats
Amen and Hallelujah my brother!!!!!!!