You're Spain!
You like rain on the plain, as well as interesting architecture and a diverse number of races and religions. You like to explore a lot, but sailing, especially in large groups, never really seems to work out for you. Beware of pirates and dictators bearing bombs. And for heavens' sake, stop running around bulls! It's just not safe!
JoinedPosts by fraidycat9
Do You Really Think The wt Feel The Outrage Felt On This Site?
by Celtic in.
i don't think they get it yet.
Yes. Fact is: They gotta do something sometime SOON. My own personal guess is that sometime in the not-too-distant future, someone will get the bright idea to draw up an affidavit that each member in good standing will have the "option" of signing (of course, this will be a "conscience" matter). For full effect, it would be distributed on the book study level under the watchful eye of the book study overseer and signed right there on the spot. Anyone showing any reluctance to sign will stand out like a sore thumb. This signed affidavit would serve as visible proof to all onlookers (does this sound familiar?) that the signer will not access any "questionable" site. This document would really come in handy when, take for instance, a person wants to date someone in good standing. The person would simply have to say, "Pardon me, may I see your signed affidavit please?" OR, if someone were eligible for appointment, the elders could say, "I noticed that you don't have a signed affidavit, is there any reason for this brother?". Remember that this is my own personal opinion but not at all an impossibility. If it happens, just remember, you heard it here first folks!!
First stage: So goody goody goody and practically dripping with molasses (zeal?)
Second stage: Good enough to be palatable (tolerable)
Third stage: Not quite so good (marked? am I good association still?)
Fourth stage: Goody goody goody revival!!! (zeal zeal zeal!!!)
Fifth stage (now): Not so hot and not really caring (stone cold)
Tell us about your avitar.
by carefully faded ini loved the recent topic asking what each of our screen names means.
great question as i have always wondered about quite a few of our screen names.
as i was reading the responses, i looked at holey cheeses - king of the juice's avitar and thought about how i have been wondering for the past three years, what the hell that is a picture of.
As mentioned in an earlier post, I chose the name fraidycat9 because the previous numbers were taken. Cats are typically known for having "9" lives and I figured that I was on my 9th and final chance so I chose "9". However, my avatar of a black and white cat with only the eyes visible was chosen because it symbolized my half in/ half out state and my view that some thoughts are neither black nor white. Also leaving one to wonder if there's a sad pout or a wicked smile below those eyes; more so: Does anyone actually care?
Please tell me your story of.....
by Doubtfully Yours indid anyone here just broke the news to the unsuspecting spouse/so that they just were not going to be a jw anymore?.
please tell me about the reactions and the aftermath.
did it break the relationship, or did it survive?
I have never (nor do I think I will) made any announcements or declarations. However, I did tell my spouse that I would no longer be peddling books or any other written material from house to house, car to car, parking lot to parking lot, toilet to toilet etc. In other words, I will not be going out into "the field" anymore so don't expect me to go. We seem to have an unspoken agreement to just not talk about it. We do the unspoken dance of one getting ready for the meeting and one staying home. Kiss each other goodbye and wait for the return. No one asks for my "time" anymore. It is expected that I don't show up for any meetings. I did, however, make a "guest appearance" at the memorial this year. Although I'm still getting sideways glances and halting hellos from JW's I meet who don't really know my status, my disappearance is now more "the norm" than the exception. I'm liking this.
Do You Think We Are Helping Witnesses Get Out Thru This Forum?
by minimus ini am curious , especially since we have so many new ones here, as to how many actually left the organization because of this board or others similar to it.
i certainly would hope that we are making a dent in the jw organization by what we do here......,
I pretty much made my decision prior to discovering this board. I use this board mostly as a sanity check and as confirmation that what I lived through was not "all in my head". There is no way that it is by sheer co-incidence that so many people from so many backgrounds who don't even know me remotely could have so many of the same if not similar experiences. After some self-examination, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not sure if I was actually "in" in the first place. I inherited the belief system from my parents and bought into the package without thoroughly examining the contents (which, by the way changed as time went on). This forum may not be helping anyone get out, but if a person is honest with him or herself after reading the real life stories, they would have to agree that it sure isn't helping anyone stay in. And that's just my take on things.
If You Won $117 MILLION on a Lottery, What Would You Do With It?
by minimus inin lowell mass.
a 67 year old former janitor won the mega millions jackpot.
what would you do with all that money?
Bank most of it. Dole out funds *anonymously to those who I think are truly needy. Keep working until the fun of doing it is gone.
*this is important. Once the vultures find out you have cash, they'll keep coming.
Field Service Book Bag
by Pinned Blouse infor those that no longer go to the kh --i was curious as to what you have done with your field service bookbag?.
for a long time i could not look at it without feeling guilty, then a couple of times i looked at with contempt.... after awhile it mysteriously ended up in the dumpster including... the books, tracts, wt's, awakes, and return visits slips that was in it.. where is your bookbag right now?.
Still got it. Price: $174.00; engraved. Cost too much to throw away. Contains memories and warped personal attachment. Attic bound.
Fresh wave of sadness
by czarofmischief inyo.... i get sick sometimes.
not just in my body, but my mind gets a little funny as well.
sometimes i think i might be better off dead.
Been there man, been there. Ride the wave, ride the wave!!!! Trouble don't last always!!!!
Love Fraidy
I am a sociopath - WT Society's fault???
by Confucious inalthough not professionally diagnosed, i feel like i'm a sociopath.
someone told me the definition of one (and it is complex) and i feel i fit the mold - although not 100 percent.
there are some things that i don't match the definition of.
DO NOT label yourself! Trust me on this one. Once you slap that label on yourself or allow others to, you'll feel impelled to start living up to the legend, if even subconciously. Treat whatever problem you have as an individual. DO NOT accept the blanket label! DO NOT!!!. I also make a good living. However, life's tough enough in itself and having "stuff" ain't all there is to life! Recognize your problem for whatever it is, (Lord knows I'm no analyst and don't have the credentials to be even the most junior of advisors) However, I am well versed in the "human experience" Get the appropriate help and move on. Move on.... My prayers go with you...really.