Now how many of them were expelled from this board for disapproved behavior? How many became inactive?
well, it's been one year since i first came to this lovely board, and i have to say, it's been a lot of good times.
thanks to everyone for keeping the homefires lit.. it was also encouraging to see so many new ones.
i'm happy to report that for the 2004 jwd service year (ends dec 14), we had spectacular growth.
Now how many of them were expelled from this board for disapproved behavior? How many became inactive?
i have the scanned 2004 report pm me and i will email them to you.
grand total (235 lands) 6,513,132 2004 av pubs 6,308,341 inc over 2003 % 2.0 2004 no baptised 262,416 av pio pubs 858,461 no of congs 96,894 toal hours 1,282,234,887 av bible studies 6,085,387 memorial attendance 16,760,607 memorial partakers 8,570. note the fine increase!.
Oh, c'mon.
We know that much time is not spent in the ministry! The amount of time preaching for one person baptized should be at least 75% less. Witnesses go out in pairs. Don't you guys remember that? They don't talk to somebody every minute of every hour reported!
2004 worldwide service report
jehovah's witnesses are up this year.
1,019,000 live in the lower united states.
2004 Worldwide Service Report
Jehovah's Witnesses are up this year. 1,019,000 live in the lower United States. The number who showed up at the Memorial was 2,303,015 in the 48 lower States . Attendance worldwide didn't increase by much. Bible studies went up too.
There are less people getteng baptized than in the past, but the retention rate is higher. This trend is especially true in Europe. It saw isfellowhiipped and inactive ones returning to the congregation.
They are being persecuted in some countries, but also growing.
In Rwanda, the brothers have been beaten up by police and children are continued to be expelled from school in some provinces. They are having a very difficult time findiing a place to marry because of the practice of having to put their hand on the national flag. They have been beaten and imprisoned where the marriage certificates are issued. Hundreds, now, have been imprisoned or detained, and while there some facing severe beatings for refusing to participate in night sercutiy patrols. A couple of circuit overseers were also arrested on charges of inciting school children to disrespect national symbols and to oppose government policy on security. One CO was treatened and forced to walk for 4 hours under armed guard to a military prison. Local authorities have closed Kingdom Halls and an armed major in the Rwandan Defense Forces dispersed a congregation at a Hall claiming that the Witnesses were guilty of divisionism-- trying to udermine the security of the state. Supposedly the authorites told them they were responding to reports they heard on state-run Radio Rwanda and articles making similar accusations in also state-run newspaper Imvaho. They have also been accused of influencing people in taking part in the masacre back in 1994.
In Azerbaijan, the congregations were deleted because of the constent harrasment they face there. Fanatical Muslims have been targeting them and police have beaten them up. Now they meet in dozens of groups in private homes. The brothers are being fined and are having to constantly defend themselves in court.
The growth continues in these 2 countries.
Most of the countries that reported negative growth were the countries where people migrate from. Thus the decrease in publishers.
Of note. JW's DO NOT have a death rate of 1%, but higher. And that's because publishersy are mostly 15 and over. One-percent would have been a closer rate if they were to count as publishers all those little ones from birth. If all children were to be counted then there would be much more than 8.2 million 'publishers' in the world. Because of the increasing number of publishers in developing countries, a higher death rate among Witnesses is to be expected in the future. in In Zambia, for example, most people dont get to live to be 40 years of age.
this question can really just go to anybody.
in your congregatoin, how many of the ones desfellowshipped were young people?
in jcs, how many were in their early 20's or younger?
This question can really just go to anybody. In your congregatoin, how many of the ones desfellowshipped were young people? In JCs, how many were in their early 20's or younger?
as the temporary book study overseer i have been handed a letter as follows:.
upon receipt of this letter, book study overseers should review the following points with those in their groups:.
* individual homeowners have a right to exclude people from their property by posting a "no trespassing" sign.. * if publishers call on a home or enter the grounds around a home where a "no trespassing" sign is located, they may be subject to criminal prosecution and resulting monetary sanctions and/or incarceration.
What new rules? It has always been the case.
having read "seven006" posting "the information age and new jw marketing changes" and the view it put forward of were the watchtower found itself now.. i was wondering what the 2004 service year report would show.
i think there will be a small increase, due to there play on world events and the usually jw family members getting baptised to please parents etc.
anyone else have any views on what it could be.
Inactives and disfellowshipped ones returning in developed countries. Spain and France in particular. More growth in South America and Eastern Europe. Retention rate a bit higher than years past.
i went to church on sunday, for my daughter, with my daughter.. i noticed something, they don't count how many are there.
it got me remembering how jw's count count count count at meetings, then put it up on the back bulletin board, then at assemblys and announce it right away, how many went out in service.. more numbers=keeping track of bible studies, placements, family studies..... it goes on and on....why?
i think to guilt members into doing more, if it were all free choice then it would be our decision to come, go, go out in service, etc.
An interesting statistic for you. In 2002 there were only 44 new Catholic parishes in the U.S, and this year Boston closed 65 of them alone. Churches do count attendance from time to time.
lately on this board there has been a couple of threads that show how much the watchtower is being effected by the open communication of the internet and web sites like this one.
they are changing long time policy and trying new ways of getting their religious product to the market.
no longer do their leaders hear the voice of god and then pass it directly on as unwavering guidance to their customers.
NOW telling the magazine sales staff to avoid "no trespassing, no JW's" signs. Why? because god told them too?
It has ALWAYS been the case.
first of all, i found this webpage, which is full of charts on jw statistics very interesting:.
let's face the facts, jws are still overall increasing.
If you take into account the population growth, they are not keeping up with they're percentage!
Population growth: 1.14%. JW growth 2.2%
I want to know what you are talking about.
first of all, i found this webpage, which is full of charts on jw statistics very interesting:.
let's face the facts, jws are still overall increasing.
Growth rate right now is 1.14%. Do the math.