I stuck to my guns!! They requested I go out in service on SAT....I told them "No Way". My hubby agreed to go out in service...but that's ok...he will go and not go again for another year....as the world turns. My husband told the Elders that I had no desire to attend any meetings anymore. All they said was, "Sorry to hear that." FYI: My hubby grew up in the Truth and I am only a study.
I have never found elders to be hostile...as of yet. I hear the horror stories though and keep my guard out.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. Jehoveh really does answers prayers...even if you are not part of the society's organization!! I am learning quickly that what the society tells you about having to be Witness in order to be one of Jehovah's people...is just a tactic. A tactic to benefit the pockets of the WTS...not our personal relationshis with Jehovah.
Jehovah loves you no matter if you are in a society, group, solo, alone, etc. I do not need a group of "discreet slave" (who think they are better than everyone else) telling me how I should maintain my relationship with Jehovah...that is between Jehovah and I.
I have received more support from this board in 4-5 days than I have in 2 years being a part of the organization.
Not with Sisterly love,
But with Christian love,
Edited by - jacqueline on 24 January 2003 0:39:18