The Watchtower has played a shell game, and the vast majority of dubs are far too numb to see it.
To keep the spin on this teaching, Watchtower has had to move the coconuts very often.
Take for example Mt. 24:45-46. The supposed answer to the slave question in verse 45 is found in verse 46, "on arriving" he appoints the slave. Here the WT uses their famous word "arriving" to point the reader back to 1914-1918. Yet, when you carefully examine the verse, right from the NWT reference edition, there is an asterisk on the word "arriving*" which takes you to the bottom of the page. The reference says "46* Lit., "having come." Gr., el-thon'.
In other words. the Literal translation from the Greek is "having come" which puts the fulfilment of verse 46 squarely in the future as fully in context with the verses before and after. Verse 42 says "Keep on the watch... your Lord is COMING." Verse 44 says "... the son of man is COMING" Verse 46 says "...on having COME he finds him doing so" and verse 50 says "...the master of that slave will COME on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know..." which takes us back to verse 36 "Concerning that day and hour NOBODY KNOWS..."
But dubs are too numb to see it.