I have yet to go through them and I have more on the way. Most of these tapes are the only ones in existance. One says "Brother Knorr 1974"
Reel to Reel friends. I have to go get the old machine now.
most of these tapes are the only ones in existance.
one says "brother knorr 1974".
reel to reel friends.
I have yet to go through them and I have more on the way. Most of these tapes are the only ones in existance. One says "Brother Knorr 1974"
Reel to Reel friends. I have to go get the old machine now.
the watchtower in canada, perhaps elsewhere also, is chasing down members, each and every, to provide information related to "disaster planning".. now, the watchtower has not printed any material to work with and has left local elders the task of of doing this chore.
our local elder doods have gotten some disaster planning forms off the web and they are photocopying these.. they are quite insistive that everyone fills this out so that the elders can "find you after a disaster" etc bla bla bla.. here's the rub.
they don't care where you go, and insist only that it is a relative, worldly or not.
Did you hear anything about this? In other locals?
the watchtower in canada, perhaps elsewhere also, is chasing down members, each and every, to provide information related to "disaster planning".. now, the watchtower has not printed any material to work with and has left local elders the task of of doing this chore.
our local elder doods have gotten some disaster planning forms off the web and they are photocopying these.. they are quite insistive that everyone fills this out so that the elders can "find you after a disaster" etc bla bla bla.. here's the rub.
they don't care where you go, and insist only that it is a relative, worldly or not.
the watchtower in canada, perhaps elsewhere also, is chasing down members, each and every, to provide information related to "disaster planning".. now, the watchtower has not printed any material to work with and has left local elders the task of of doing this chore.
our local elder doods have gotten some disaster planning forms off the web and they are photocopying these.. they are quite insistive that everyone fills this out so that the elders can "find you after a disaster" etc bla bla bla.. here's the rub.
they don't care where you go, and insist only that it is a relative, worldly or not.
"what is this about how the Tower is trying to scam the Canadian government"
What I suspect is that the Watchtower is applying to get grant money by lining up the dubs with their respective locations to flee to in case of disaster.
In other words, Watchtower, through the Circuit Overlords is getting dubs to fill out forms that have certain information on them with repsect to "disaster planning".
Watchtower will then use these stacks of papers to validate the conditions that the Canadian Government agencies have imposed on them as a stipulation for getting grant money.
Then the Watchtower will spend the grant money on ... let's say... 'paying off child molestation victims for their silence'
the watchtower in canada, perhaps elsewhere also, is chasing down members, each and every, to provide information related to "disaster planning".. now, the watchtower has not printed any material to work with and has left local elders the task of of doing this chore.
our local elder doods have gotten some disaster planning forms off the web and they are photocopying these.. they are quite insistive that everyone fills this out so that the elders can "find you after a disaster" etc bla bla bla.. here's the rub.
they don't care where you go, and insist only that it is a relative, worldly or not.
Good question. Allz I know is that I would like to find out more about this issue so as to help many, many more leave.
the watchtower in canada, perhaps elsewhere also, is chasing down members, each and every, to provide information related to "disaster planning".. now, the watchtower has not printed any material to work with and has left local elders the task of of doing this chore.
our local elder doods have gotten some disaster planning forms off the web and they are photocopying these.. they are quite insistive that everyone fills this out so that the elders can "find you after a disaster" etc bla bla bla.. here's the rub.
they don't care where you go, and insist only that it is a relative, worldly or not.
Dat's da ting. They don't give a damn about the members, they are only sheep to be fleeced.
But with all the lawsuit payouts, Watchtower is hard up for cash. It's not beyond them to suck at the tits of the UN, so I don't suppose an individual government would be anymore than a cash cow to be milked in theie eyes.
the watchtower in canada, perhaps elsewhere also, is chasing down members, each and every, to provide information related to "disaster planning".. now, the watchtower has not printed any material to work with and has left local elders the task of of doing this chore.
our local elder doods have gotten some disaster planning forms off the web and they are photocopying these.. they are quite insistive that everyone fills this out so that the elders can "find you after a disaster" etc bla bla bla.. here's the rub.
they don't care where you go, and insist only that it is a relative, worldly or not.
The Watchtower in Canada, perhaps elsewhere also, is chasing down members, each and every, to provide information related to "Disaster Planning".
Now, the Watchtower has not printed any material to work with and has left local elders the task of of doing this chore. Our local elder doods have gotten some disaster planning forms off the web and they are photocopying these.
They are quite insistive that EVERYONE fills this out so that the elders can "find you after a disaster" etc bla bla bla.
Here's the rub. They don't care where you go, and insist only that it is a relative, worldly or not. They DO NOT want you to say you are going to find the local Kingdom Hall and go from there. The attitude is quite clearly 'don't show up on Watchtower's doorstep.'
What is the motive? I feel quite certain that it is MONEY. It's alway money isn't it...?
So my wife and I got to thinking, '...is the Watchtower applying for some government funds and needs to show this information to get the cash stash...?'
I did a little research and I need some help in getting to the facts.
First, http://www.nss.gc.ca/site/newSARInitiatives/NIFapply_e.asp is a Government of Canada website that discusses this.
The Search and Rescue New Initiatives Fund (SAR NIF) provides funding for new initiatives related to response, prevention and research and development that will enhance the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of SAR activities in Canada.
Potential applicants should first consult the government partner with the SAR jurisdictional responsibility related to their proposed initiative to ensure that the initiative is aligned with the SAR partner's overal priority for SAR and supports the National SAR Program Priorities. The National SAR Program Priorities can be found in the Applicant's Guide.
Details of the application process and procedures for submitting proposals to the SAR NIF are contained in the Applicant's Guide.
Please forward proposals, including omnibus proposals from Provinces and Territories to:
France Bergeron
A/Director, Coordination
National SAR Secretariat
4th Floor, 275 Slater Street
Ottawa ON K1A 0K2
Check out the Applicant's Guide
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Check out the intro >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The SAR NIF was established by the Government of Canada to provide funding for SAR initiatives that will improve and enhance the National SAR Program.
The SAR NIF has an annual allotment of $8.1 million available to federal, provincial and territorial governments, profit and not-for-profit Canadian organizations from volunteer, academic or private sectors and individuals with responsibilities in the National SAR Program.
The SAR NIF is administered by the NSS in partnership with federal departments and agencies, provincial and territorial governments with SAR responsibilities in Canada.
The objectives of the SAR NIF are to:
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Look at the eligable applicants >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
For the purpose of the SAR NIF, the type of eligible applicant will vary depending on the jurisdiction that is impacted by the proposed project. Please consult the following table to determine whether you are eligible to apply for SAR NIF funding:
Not-for-profit Canadian Organization: SAR organizations that are registered as either a charitable and/or a not-for-profit organization. The NSS may recognize other SAR organizations that may not be registered as a charitable and/or a not-for-profit organization. | Provincial/Territorial Government: Department/agency delegated with the responsibility of managing SAR by the provincial or territorial government. Provincial/territorial governments and their representatives may consult with stakeholders prior to submitting the Provincial/Territorial SAR Program Plan. For more details please consult the Provincial/Territorial SAR Program Plan Instruction sheet for more information on how to prepare a provincial/territorial application (See Section 5). |
Canadian University and Colleges: Recognized Canadian post-secondary institution. | |
Canadian citizens, residents and landed immigrants: A permanent resident within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. | |
Private, for-profit Canadian organization: A Canadian owned and controlled enterprise. | |
Federal Department/Agency: A Government of Canada department or agency with SAR responsibility. |
Clearly something is cooking.
If you have any questions, please contact the NSS at 1-800-727-9414 or e-mail[email protected].
Let's barrage these people like we did the United Nations.
in the 15 october 1995 watchtower the society brought out 'new light' that although christ sat down as king in 1914, but he did not sit down on his 'glorious throne' mentioned at matt 25: 31 in that year.
i cant understand why the society bothered to make this change in 1995?
this change was in some ways more damaging to them than the generation change, because the society essentially sawed off the branch they were sitting on by announcing this 1995 new light.
The Watchtower has played a shell game, and the vast majority of dubs are far too numb to see it.
To keep the spin on this teaching, Watchtower has had to move the coconuts very often.
Take for example Mt. 24:45-46. The supposed answer to the slave question in verse 45 is found in verse 46, "on arriving" he appoints the slave. Here the WT uses their famous word "arriving" to point the reader back to 1914-1918. Yet, when you carefully examine the verse, right from the NWT reference edition, there is an asterisk on the word "arriving*" which takes you to the bottom of the page. The reference says "46* Lit., "having come." Gr., el-thon'.
In other words. the Literal translation from the Greek is "having come" which puts the fulfilment of verse 46 squarely in the future as fully in context with the verses before and after. Verse 42 says "Keep on the watch... your Lord is COMING." Verse 44 says "... the son of man is COMING" Verse 46 says "...on having COME he finds him doing so" and verse 50 says "...the master of that slave will COME on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know..." which takes us back to verse 36 "Concerning that day and hour NOBODY KNOWS..."
But dubs are too numb to see it.
i am an "active" jw.
i serve.
give talks.
I read the last post and was sitting here pondering what it would be like to have helpers within my own congregation.
i am an "active" jw.
i serve.
give talks.
Thanks. I always thought of myself as a Saint.