We are going. Not that I want to sit there and hear more GB blather, but I figure that they have a motive and it revolves around deniability.
In the past, they printed a bunch of rubbish in the watchtower rag. Now those words are biting them in the ass.
The Jews had their written law, and an oral law. Whenever the written didn't do the trick, they pulled the oral out of the bag to get what they wanted.
All doomsday cults use date setting as a motivator and among that group the watchtower reigns supreme. Yet, if they print a specific date or even infer one, then the hourglass sands start to slip along to the day of rekoning.
Since the watchtower dictators hace passed the edict that one brother from each hall should "take very good notes" to share with the congregation at large -at a later date-, then they intend for the masses to get the message.
Ahh... but that message will be pre-digested before it hits their stomaches. The elders and their WIVES(and we know how good they keep secrets) will have the opportunity to spread abroad the message having the desired effect long before that.
The meat will have been on the street and they can say "we never said that" down the road.... and still enjoy now the full rewards of date setting. The rank & file will scurry about preparing their publisher record cards for the day Christ returns again-again to see who's been naughty or nice. (Jesus comes down the chimney ...right?)
The org will get bigger and bigger and BIGGER. The GB's ego's will inflate like a zepplin and they "will be like god".
Anyways, I will record the whole damned thing and put it up on the web if it has any worth points. If it is just another boring blah blah blah, then I will get some shuteye.