Are the governing body members our church "fathers"... or are they mothers.
JoinedPosts by apocalypse
Who Really Is The Faithful Slave? Really? W-7/15/2013
by apocalypse inwho really is the faithful slave?
i have, for some time, related to my family the underlying reason why the governors at headquarters (pg22p10) say what they say & do what they do.
simply put, they need to make themselves big.
The "SCHOLAR" mentioned in this Sunday's WT Study
by RagingBull injuly 15, 2013. pg.
16, pp.9... steven j. lawson (from book famine in the land: a passionat call for expository preaching).
If the "slave", the 8 dudes on page 26, get appointed over "all" Christ's "belongings" because they published the watchtower rag, then what do the "scholars" whom they quote get?
If the "slave" is so high and mighty, then why do they find it neccessary to quote from "apostate Christendom"?
Who Really Is The Faithful Slave? Really? W-7/15/2013
by apocalypse inwho really is the faithful slave?
i have, for some time, related to my family the underlying reason why the governors at headquarters (pg22p10) say what they say & do what they do.
simply put, they need to make themselves big.
Who Really Is The Faithful Slave? Really? W-7/15/2013
I have, for some time, related to my family the underlying reason why the governors at “headquarters” (pg22p10) say what they say & do what they do. Simply put, they need to make themselves big. They crave bigness as did the Pharisees in Jesus day. As the Pharisees ‘enhanced their outer garments to be seen by men’, for this same reason the governors at headquarters do likewise. It’s the same reason a drug addict craves the drug. When he/she takes the drug, it releases endorphins. When the HQ governors print this stuff, they get the same high. They get that “feeling of well-being”.
But they need more. And more. Ever increasing amounts till they inevitably crash. That is how addiction ends. And so I have explained to my family that the claims by the HQ guv’s would only get more bold with time. And if the guv's can’t say enough good about themselves, it will also do to put everyone else down. They need to see a greater chasm between themselves and the ‘great unwashed’. In so doing, they model the activities of the rest of corporate America. Greed. Lust for power. The high. The addiction.
And so the final part of Matthew 24:45-51 finds fulfillment.
(Matthew 24:48, 49)48 “But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ 49 and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards,
The HQ guv’s have done all the rest. Preached false dates so as to teach ‘the Master is delayed’, once the dates came and passed. And now they beat the “fellow slaves”.
This Watchtower article is ‘the’ defining moment.
First, they nail it down -that THEY and only THEY- are the embodiment of, the fulfillment of “the slave”.
Page 22, pg. 10 “…that slave is made up of a small group of anointed brothers who are directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritual food during Christ’s presence. Throughout the last days, the anointed brothers who make up the faithful slave have served together at headquarters.” (see page 26 photo at bottom)
No room for anyone else. Only them. Their “brothers” in the field are beaten down, NOBODY. The HQ guv’s don’t want to hear anything from the ‘unwashed masses’.
Ah. But in so doing, the HQ guv’s have cut everyone else out of the reward as well!
Is the rest of the 144,000 in there? NO!
The remaining 143, 992 are ‘outsiders’. Only the 8 fellas whose picture is found at the end of all these articles (page 26) get the SUM, whereas the 143,992 get SOME. I wonder if the 144k-8 will notice.
I guess it depends on how brain dead the “anointed” are and whether or not they will catch this tricky ‘spiritual accounting’ in paragraph 19 on page 25.
19 Does the faithful slave receive a greater reward in heaven than the rest of the anointed? No.
…Jesus promised that small group of men that a fine reward awaited them for their faithfulness.
They would share [SOME] his throne of kingly authority. But years later, he indicated that all of the 144,000 will sit on thrones and share [SOME] his rulership. …Similarly, as stated at Matthew 24:47, he promised that a small group of men—the anointed brothers who make up the faithful slave (see photo on page 26) —will be appointed over all [SUM] his belongings. In reality, all of the 144,000 will share [SOME] his vast heavenly authority.
Will the 144k-8 pick up on this gross contradiction? Only “the faithful slave”, says this Watchtower article, the few brothers pictured in the photo at the bottom of page 26, will be appointed over all, that is the SUM of his belongings. Add them “ALL” up and you have the SUM of them. No exceptions!
But, is there anyone else in this “faithful slave” group who will be placed “over all”, the SUM of his belongings? No! So how can the guv’s work so hard to separate themselves from the rest of the 144k as “over all”, but then suggest the reward is the same?
Paul’s words ring true, more so today then ever.
(1 Corinthians 4:6-8)6 Now, brothers, these things I have transferred so as to apply to myself and A·pol′los for YOUR good, that in our case YOU may learn the [rule]: “Do not go beyond the things that are written,” in order that YOU may not be puffed up individually in favor of the one against the other. 7 For who makes you to differ from another? Indeed, what do you have that you did not receive? If, now, you did indeed receive [it], why do you boast as though you did not receive [it]? 8 YOU men already have YOUR fill, do YOU? YOU are rich already, are YOU? YOU have begun ruling as kings without us, have YOU? And I wish indeed that YOU had begun ruling as kings, that we also might rule with YOU as kings.
Yes, the 8 governors at HQ are going to have a higher reward than even the Apostles of Christ. And why? Because they publish this rag filled with rubbish.
One final quote from paragraph 19, omitting the fluff in between to bring the contradiction to bear.
19 Does the faithful slave receive a greater reward in heaven than the rest of the anointed? No. … he promised that a small group of men—the anointed brothers who make up the faithful slave—will be appointed over all his belongings. In reality, all of the 144,000 will share his vast heavenly authority.
One simple question bears out the hypocrisy? If there was no diffeence in the reward given the slave, from that which all annointed will recieve, then what was Christ talking about when he said 'all my belongings'?
This WT book allows one raised as a JW to do a critical review of the religion and elders can't go against it.
by EndofMysteries ini love this gem, it was taken off the website, it seems only material after 1990 is up now, but it's here, .
page 6, "the need to search for the truth".
says this....and i couldn't agree with it more!
Do Catholics "look into it" to discover the "truth" about their religious upbringing?
Sure! They have questions. So, they go to the preist and he answers them. Fixed!
Now they can stay Catholic.
What are you suggesting brother, that Catholics should listen to an outsider talk about their religion? Oh dear! That would be apostacy. They can't do that, now can they? We wouldn't be advocating a double standard, would we?
No, Catholics should liten to their religious hierarchy. We will lsiten to ours. That's how we "look into it".
by The Searcher inin the very first paragraph, matthew 13:38 is to be read - "the field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one..".
jesus speaks of only two groups, so if you accept the wtbts "anointed" doctrine, then if you haven't got the "heavenly hope", then you've got no hope!.
simply put, there aren't any 'other sheep' members of jesus' "one flock" mentioned, unless of course theyare also "sons of the kingdom", but of course, that would be ridiculous!!.
Trying to figure out what I might say at today's Witchtower study. So much to choose from, but I think I'm going to try to use the charts. Point out somehow how the "slave" is appointed at death. Draw the two charts together. Well, even if I can't get a word in at the study, I am still going to use this over and over and over to disturb the dubbers. Such hypocrisy and contradiction cannot be let go by the wayside.
by The Searcher inin the very first paragraph, matthew 13:38 is to be read - "the field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one..".
jesus speaks of only two groups, so if you accept the wtbts "anointed" doctrine, then if you haven't got the "heavenly hope", then you've got no hope!.
simply put, there aren't any 'other sheep' members of jesus' "one flock" mentioned, unless of course theyare also "sons of the kingdom", but of course, that would be ridiculous!!.
A sister asked me last Sunday what I thought about the Watchtower study. I gave her an earful. I explained that I have known this information for over 15 years. I bet she wasn't expecting that.
At dinner with a witness couple this week found the topic arise. So we discussed it. Again, they were not counting on what they heard.
Also this week, a sister, on the edge already, asked my wife about it. She heard some good points.
And tonight, another sister called my wife, and yup, she was confused about the whole thing. Specifically she said the charts were a nightmare. So another sister got to hear 'the word of truth'...
Now, Watchtower doesn't want anybody to talk about anything. Like Hitler did. Was Hitler successful? I think not.
Does Watchtower really think it can controll all the conversations everywhere? They are stinkin' daft.
To anyone out there who still goes to the hall or talks to witnesses, if you can highlight one simple thing to grind them.
Point out on the charts that the 'slave' get's its 'appointment' just before death.
It's right there in the charts. See my post above.
If you have time, add that they are 'appointed' over the preaching work only then, immediately before death. (see the Org. book)
So, once the preaching work is done, just before Armageddon, they get to take the lead in it! LOL... and DIE!
by The Searcher inin the very first paragraph, matthew 13:38 is to be read - "the field is the world; as for the fine seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one..".
jesus speaks of only two groups, so if you accept the wtbts "anointed" doctrine, then if you haven't got the "heavenly hope", then you've got no hope!.
simply put, there aren't any 'other sheep' members of jesus' "one flock" mentioned, unless of course theyare also "sons of the kingdom", but of course, that would be ridiculous!!.
The biggest flopper in the Watchtower's new doctrine is revealed in the two separate charts. The blunder is easily pointed out to fellow dubs and a simple comment this Sunday could throw the entire congregation into a tizzy.
If you examine the chart from the first study (last week) on page 4,5 you will see that just prior to Armageddon there is a caption... "Jesus will appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings."
Moving to this coming Sunday's study, examination of the chart on page 10,11 shows that just prior to Armageddon the caption reads "SHINING BRIGHTLY ;Shortly before Armageddon, the remaining faithful annointed ones are gathered to the heavens.
So, the "slave" is appointed just prior to going to heaven. First, how is it that the "slave" is going to heaven? Will he ascend on a cloud in a 'rapture'.
On how the "slave" gets to heaven we don't have to go far. The Theocratic school for WEEK STARTING JULY 15
No. 2: (talk by sister)
Will Christ Appear Visibly on a Cloud and Then Take Away Faithful Christians Into the Heavens While the World Looks On?
— rs p. 313 1-3 (5 min.) *** rs p. 313-p. 315 Rapture ***
Will Christ appear visibly on a cloud and then take away faithful Christians into the heavens while the world looks on?
1 Cor. 15:50, RS: “I tell you this, brethren: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.”
Will faithful Christians perhaps be taken to heaven secretly, simply disappearing from the earth without dying?
Rom. 6:3-5, RS: “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? . . . For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.” (What occurred in the case of Jesus set the pattern. His disciples as well as others knew he had died. He was not restored to heavenly life until after his death and resurrection.)
1 Cor. 15:35, 36, 44, RS: “Some one will ask, ‘How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?’ You foolish man! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body.” (So death comes before one receives that spiritual body, does it not?)
Verse 15 explains that they are faithful ones “who are left until the coming of the Lord,” that is, they are still living at the time of Christ’s coming. Will they ever die? According to Romans 6:3-5 and 1 Corinthians 15:35, 36, 44 (quoted on pages 314, 315), they must die before they can gain heavenly life. But there is no need for them to remain in the death state awaiting Christ’s return. They will instantly be “caught up,” “in the twinkling of an eye,” to be with the Lord.—1 Cor. 15:51, 52, RS; also Revelation 14:13.
Comment for Sunday: "This is very exciting here to see that the "slave" is appointed over all Christ's belongings and then dies."
It's interesting to note what page's 15,16 of the Organization book says. That's chapter 3, the holy grail of Watchtowerdom. It say's "That slave would be entrusted with oversight of Kingdom interests on Earth..." "What, then, are the "belongings"? These are the spiritual assets on earth... Included are facilities... also embrace the commision to preach..."
So, why the hell would Jesus appoint them over everything on earth just before they drop dead?
If you were to protest an Assembly what would you put on your placard ?
by Finkelstein insince this topic of protesting assemblies recently came up, i was wondering .
what would be the some of the most proficient and perhaps strongest message.
to place on a placard to show as the people arrived at the venue.
" Show the direct contradictions in recent literature..."
....In my opinion, a waste of time. They are not listening. The Jews in Jesus' day were not listening either. So, send in the Romans!
What get's JW's to sit up and take notice, is when everybody else is listening. THAT is hard to ignore.
So, when the dubbers see John Q. Public reading "the worldwide slaughter" of all non-JWs, and how "only JW's will survive" etc, then John Q. Public stares down the dubs, and dubbies crawl into their shell.
What's that dubbers... you want out of your hole? Maybe it's time to read.
If you were to protest an Assembly what would you put on your placard ?
by Finkelstein insince this topic of protesting assemblies recently came up, i was wondering .
what would be the some of the most proficient and perhaps strongest message.
to place on a placard to show as the people arrived at the venue.
Now you're talkin'.... JW's are conditioned. There's only so much you can do with them. But.... if you embarass them in public, using their own bullsHip propaganda, then you've got something.
Fight fire with fire. Use Watchtower against them. There's so many embarassing things that JW's don't -on an individual basis- want the public, especially their neighbors, to see.
If you were to protest an Assembly what would you put on your placard ?
by Finkelstein insince this topic of protesting assemblies recently came up, i was wondering .
what would be the some of the most proficient and perhaps strongest message.
to place on a placard to show as the people arrived at the venue.
What would I put up on placards? Simple. Watchtower. Yep. Gobs and gobs of it. Starting with "...only Jehovah's Witnesses will be saved", "....your children will also die" ".... wholsale slaughter of the wicked".... There's so many good Watchtower quotes to chose from.
The key to affecting the JW's is not to try to pump into their tiny minds some facet of the REAL TRUTH. Nope. That's wasted effort. What one needs to do is to help the public at large see what is under the whitewash. I say, walk into the funural home during the ceremony and "key the casket". Let the grieving see the real thing. White paint gone, and dead men's bones revealed.
The passing dubs will be so nervous you can't imagine. I've seen this prove effective on a level you've not known. They talked about it in the Kingdom Hall even though they were warned not to. Then brothers talked about it from the platform, both at the Kingdom Hall and also at conventions. They can't help but to talk.
OUT THEM! Out them but good. See how much they are willing to defend the mighty WIZARDS OF ORG. Watch instead how ashamed they become when the PUBLIC is reading the placards. Oh yeah... and throw in a JW Facts poster just in case one of the poor battered sheep wakes up when this slams them but good.
Jesus said, let the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit. So, my approach is to dig as many Watchtower pits as I can. Mayby they will wake up when they hit the dirt at the pit's bottom. If not, then let them wallow in the mud down there till they starve.