- Teaching that true Christianity is an organization instead of a way of life
- Centralizing authority in an organization instead of letting Christ be the head of each Christian
- Claiming salvation is dependent upon belonging to the JW denomination
- Teaching that the early Christians were led by a governing body
- Interpreting Jewish restoration prophecies as fulfilled in "the anointed remnant"
- Teaching that Jesus appointed the "anointed remnant" as his true church in 1919
- Viewing the so-called "anointed" class (actually, the governing body) as God's channel and prophet
- Placing WT literature above the Bible
- Claiming that the "faithful and discreet slave" is the "anointed" class rather than each individual Christian who shows himself or herself to be responsible and obedient to Christ
- Class distinctions such as "governing body," "anointed remnant" and "great crowd"
- Class distinctions such as publishers, auxiliary pioneers, regular pioneers, special pioneers, circuit overseers, district overseers, Bethelites, Governing Body, etc.
- Teaching that the Scriptures are directly addressed only to "the remnant of anointed ones"
- Creating a climate of fear by authoritarianism
- Keeping meeting attendance and field service records as a gauge of an individual's spirituality
- Controlling what individual JWs may read of Bible-related publications that are not produced by the WT Society
- Claiming that spiritual food comes from the "anointed" class whereas nearly all the writers of WT publications are members of the "other sheep" class
- Teaching that Jesus is not the mediator between God and the "great crowd" of Revelation 7
- Teaching that only the "anointed" must be born again
- Teaching that the "great crowd" are not begotten or anointed by the Holy Spirit
- Teaching that the "great crowd" are not members of the bride of Christ
- Teaching that the "great crowd" are God's grandchildren and not his sons and daughters
- Inviting only the "anointed" to partake at the memorial
- Teaching that only "anointed" JWs will receive immortality in the resurrection
- Teaching that the resurrection of the "anointed" precedes the resurrection of the "other sheep" and that it has already begun
- Teaching that Abraham and the faithful men and women of old are not among the holy ones who will rule with Christ in his Kingdom
- Falsifying the fact that Charles Russell predicted for 1914 the end of the world, not Christ's return
- Lying about a so-called "increase" in earthquakes, warfare, famines, persecution, etc., since 1914
- Teaching that Jesus returned in 1914 and is "invisibly present" since then
- Organizationally requiring no blood transfusions instead of letting it be a matter of conscience
- Teaching that it's wrong to celebrate birthdays and all holidays
- Forbidding attendance and participation at other churches
- Defining apostasy as against an organization instead of against God
- Being quick to disfellowship instead of making efforts to restore persons who have done something wrong
- Teaching that the "congregation" of Matthew 18:17 is the body of elders
- Holding heresy trials and disciplinary hearings in secrecy from the rest of the congregation
- Conducting heresy trials of members who have doubts or who think differently upon the Scriptures
- Withholding information that would be helpful to persons who have been accused of wrongdoing
- Prohibiting fellowship with disassociated persons
- Covering over and hiding damaging facts about the JW organization
- Denying that the JW organization is part of Babylon the Great
Posts by fjtoth
What Most Needs to be Changed
by jst2laws ini have often reflected on and commented on the issues of what i believe the most devastating watchtower policies:
1 unscriptural and incomprehensible blood policy
2 child molester protection policy
Should the US & Canada use the same currency?
by JH insince a few years, the euro has been introduced in europe.
many countries share the same currency.. would it be a good idea if everyone in north america would use the american dollar just like everyone uses the euro in europe?
would this be financially beneficial, or would this be a first step in canada becoming a part of the us?
Our Queen Mother Mouthy on Canada's Newest Currency!!!
Canada: who's from there?
by RAYZORBLADE inwell, since the info by our photos/usernames is not available yet (profile info), i figured, why not give it another go.
the aussies had a go of it, time for the canucks to toss some maple syrup into the forum.
who on this forum is from canada?
Visit my Canadian (Erin, Ontario) website at http://formerjw.homestead.com.
Picture of where you live
by RAYZORBLADE infor some of us on this forum, we're so far away from one another.
out of curiosity, do any of you have any photos of where you are from, or the communities that you live in?
here's one of toronto.
Erin, Ontario, Canada
To MOUTHY: On-line Grandmother Appreciation Weekend
by RAYZORBLADE inok...i think it's long overdue, don't you agree?
our beloved on-line grandmother (adopted by some of us) deserves a little on-line appreciation.
mouthy: (grace) this thread will be one dedicated to you.
Thanks for being there for so many of us here in Ontario as we were making our break from the WT prisonhouse! The meetings, conferences, meals and other events you and your close friends put together for us will never be forgotten. We also treasure our memories of your dear daughter Melanie who did what she could to help us along. Sometimes the road was bumpy, and some of us have regrets for the lack of appreciation we sometimes showed, but happily we arrived at our destination of freedom because you and your friends stuck with us.
Hugs to ya!
Are You Or Aren't You Still a Witness?
by minimus ini am technically still a jw but not a believer.
No. I've been out for 9 years, and I'm very comfortable about it. One would think that the JWs are comfortable too. But yesterday I had another experience that illustrates they're not. We who are out must be viewed as terrifying monsters who could bring on them a curse simply by our saying a greeting to them.
Yesterday, I was shoveling snow in front of a store near the Canadian Bethel. I wasn't aware when I started that a longtime JW friend was shopping inside. And she didn't know that it was me out front. As she was opening the door to leave, she recognized me. All of a sudden, a look of shock came over her face, and she went back inside. Through the door's glass window, I could see her just standing there as she waited for me to leave. She stood there for a long time until I seemed to disappear. Actually I was at the side of the building and shoveling near where her car was parked. As she made a mad dash to her car, she almost knocked me over. With a smile I said, "Good morning!" and honestly, I could see her lips quiver due to her fright. Poor thing!
Damning Quote - Clive Thomas - WTS (Canada)
by Scully inthis appeared in the february 7, 2003 issue of the regina leader-post.
thought you would all enjoy it as much as i did.. .
love, scully
The article or similar, without the squib, can be read on the internet in the following and probably other places:
ABC News:
http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/ap20030213_1207.htmlHerald Tribune (Sarasota, Florida):
http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20030213&Category=APA&ArtNo=302130853&Ref=ARNewsday (Long Island, New York):
http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20030213&Category=APA&ArtNo=302130853&Ref=ARToronto Sun:
http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Law/2003/02/06/21629-cp.html -
Damning Quote - Clive Thomas - WTS (Canada)
by Scully inthis appeared in the february 7, 2003 issue of the regina leader-post.
thought you would all enjoy it as much as i did.. .
love, scully
I just wish those monster "Former Witnesses Lee Marsh and Grace Gough" mentioned in the article would quit picking on the poor lil' ol' WT Society. Imagine! Squealing to droves of politicians and other authorities! Have they no shame?
You're Canadian When
by WildTurkey inyou're canadian when
signs showing you might be from canada... .
you're not offended by the term "homo milk".
If the 13 colonies hadn't engaged in a revolution, there never would have been a U.S.A. All of English North America belonged to Britain. The revolution took the colonies away from the British Empire and left what became known as Canada. True, the 13 colonies were not then called Canada, but neither were the territories now known as B.C., Alberta, Sask., etc.
Toronto & Surrounding?
by purplehaze in.
looking for some jw contacts in the toronto and surrounding area.
let me know if that's you!
In Erin, about 45 minutes northwest of downtown Toronto.