Frank - I like JW reasoning and logic. . . .
I think their teachings about transfusions and the 144,000 are ridiculous, but it's their doctrine.
Do I detect a contradiction between those two statements?
You are not fighting it from the bible because it can't be done, so you resort to fabrication and inflammatory headers and silly cartoons.
And I suppose YOU have been using the Bible! Interesting. "Fabrication" is only in your mind. I haven't fabricated anything, and you know it, though you haven't got the humility or good sense to acknowledge it. And why do you lack the needed humility? Because you are also dishonest, especially with yourself. You won't acknowledge what is true because it will damage your self-centred ego.
The 5 children featured in Awake May 22/94 were scrutinized by judges and panels and found to be capable of making their own decision, and that they were NOT COERCED in any way. And you, in your infinite wisdom, call it "murder".
This shows how little you know what goes on inside their organization. Every JW is most certainly COERCED into refusing blood transfusions. Each and every one of them knows they will be disfellowshiped if they accept a transfusion, and that would mean the end of every friendship they have anywhere in the world. They would rather die than lose the favour of the organization they worship as their god.
If you had proof, the New York Times would probably pay a king's ransom for it.
Give me an example of where the NY Times has ever criticized JWs. You are speaking about something you know nothing about.
I had a lengthy running debate with MacGregor years ago about their gross errors and outright lies, to no avail. I'm tired.
Not all xJWs are in the MacGregor camp. If you were unable to defeat the MacGregor's, you might as well give up. There are thousands of xJWs who don't depend on them or anybody else to tell them about JWs. You haven't got a chance in a million of combatting the barrage of information we could be hurling at you -- information you refuse to accept but which is nonetheless 100% true!
And this, Wayne, is another example of your lying about being a JW. If you are not one of them, why are you spending "years" defending them, even to the extent that the average JW would not go?
You were on this mission a long time and now that I've cornered you and called you on your exaggerations, will you withdraw them, or would that take the pleasure out of life?
Name one "exaggeration." Just because you are incapable of accepting facts doesn't mean those facts are "exaggerations."
I say this - that if there were a breaking story about Witnesses anywhere in the world, the Toronto Star would have it. It's funny that you know things that reporters don't.
Just because you missed seeing the stories doesn't mean they never appeared.