Ugh! This instantly brought to mind the congregation I grew up in.
I had a neighbor who was convicted of molesting his granddaughters and some of their friends (he almost got my sister and I, but that is another story) He went to jail for a little over a year, I think. His wife had studied off and on over the years and, while he was in jail, began to study regularly. He started studying before he got out, and not too long after, he was baptized. So there he was, at the KH. We always sat as far away as possible, but I was admonished not to be rude to him, as he "had repented" and of course we couldn't say anything to anyone, that would be slander. I would get sick to my stomach just seeing him walk in... then he started giving talks on in the TMS, it took everything I had not to walk out everytime he commented, let alone during a five minute talk. I was only a teen at the time, or I might have had more guts.
My mom asked the brothers about him, and they said that since all that happened before he found the truth, there wasn't anything they could do, and that we weren't to start any rumors... gag, puke, choke.
I'm glad we were able to move to another congregation, as far as I know he is still there.
I hope you don't have to put up with this perv for long, hopefully he will go to jail soon.