What is it now? 5+ years I have been here off and on? Yeah, something like that.
Interesting stuff happens; predictably, over-and-over-and-over-and-over again. Geez...some things just never change.
Moderating. Done it! Hated it! I don't know how the folks that toil here as moderators, stomach it. Sheesh!!
There's tons I've missed over the years. Coming back, there's many new people. Of course, they haven't a clue who I am or anything about me....and uh-huh, let alone care. Fine and dandy.
Five years later, I can still see that some folks, no matter how much you explain things out until you've enunciated every exact punctuation mark, semi colon and tilda: will not make an effort to 'get it' and stomp their feet and cry foul, no matter what. Tantrums?
Hmm? I know my nephews attend Day Care. My brother and his wife pay for this; how many of us have contributed financially here? Exactly. (Few have, me included)
Yet, people will push the envelope; argue for the sake of arguing; endless battle of semantics; for free....don't forget one of the essential aspects of this forum.
Adult Day Care. It's cheaper, because it's free.
Simon is not a racist; Simon is not a homophobic. But I can see sometimes why he isn't on the Comedy Network. Good try though. I get his wit and irony and sarcasm. He is British afterall.
Don't post much these days, but just wanted to add my wee bit.
Time out everyone - I'm headed back to my corner.