All religion is bollocks, especially jehovahs witness which is the most fucked up religion i have ever encountered (and believe me i have encountered many on my travels), you should all lighten up and get your dicks sucked by 16yr olds-
Please may I apologise for my somewhat uncouth friend, he is from Hull after all. However, I would like to say how much I think that religion, in any shape, form or size is inherently backward and is the cause and the excuse of an awful lot of this, as you would doubtlessly say, 'evil world'. Personally, a society based on the advancement of the sphere of human knowledge & understanding, coupled with a love for ones fellow man, regardless of race, sexual orientation (blow jobs and all- that means oral sex to those of you unfortunate enough to not have experienced this wonderful gift to humanity, why do you think we have mouths?!) etc would create a world that would be the closest to the mythical 'Utopia' that you are striving for- AND RETROGRESSIVE RELIGIONS SUCH AS THIS WOULD FORM NO, GET THAT, NO PART OF THIS.....!!
Oh, and while you're at it (sexual innuendo completely intended), have a pint, have a smoke, have a laugh, and have someone elses blood. You never know, it may just save your pointless little life..
Tara, bye bye bye bye bye bye bye..
The Voice Of Sanity And Reason In A "Religion" Of Lies And Deception (read 1984, it's a very good book, but you'd probably think it was blasphemous. How sad..)