Oh Scully! Do you realize how addictive this is???? Its gotta be DEMONIC because its so much fun! I got 360. Gonna play again and again....and again.....splat cow.
JoinedPosts by Warrigal
Online Game: Fling The Cow
by Scully in.
fyi, my score was so bad (lol) the farmer mumbled..... "city folks...." lol.
love, scully
Kelpie is Ok, Cant say the same for over 2500 ppl.
by kelpie inwell i have just lived through one of the worst weekends of my life.
something i never want to happen again.. let see if i can tell this and make some sense.. (sorry emotions are still running high).
we found out we got a house in the north side of canberra so saturday morning we spent moving furniture etc up there.
Hi Kelpie; I saw video clips of the devastation on TV. So very sorry to hear that you were in the midst of it all. Glad you and family are OK. With you all in spirit. Warrigal
Please explain 537 in layman's terms...
by confuzcious inhey guys,.
i'm doing research on 607 and i understand how historical chronology differs and how the wt really missed it by 20 years.. but it seems the anchor year has something to do with 537 and 70 years of desolation.
counting back, 70 years would be 607.. so i've been told that that is how the "bible's chronology" verifies 607.. does anyone explain what this is all about?.
Thanks from me too, AlanF. I was never very good at the mathematical aspect of explaining JW beliefs. One thing that helped me was researching secular history especially Jewish history. They say the fall of Jerusalem occured in 586bc and I believe them because even though the records of their chronological history were lost in the destruction of Jerusalem's temple in 70 ce; some people remembered and rewrote what was lost. Warrigal
Any Mountainboarders out there??
by Sirona inhi mountainboarders, .
i have a question for you.
basically, i have a crazy boyfriend who would just love to throw himself down a mountain.
Hi Sirona; Perhaps if you explain what a mountainboard is......is this something that looks like a skateboard with wheels that you go down mountainsides.....think I saw one in a commercial. I've done mountainbiking but have never heard of a mountainboard. Warrigal
What's Your Sign?
by minimus inas witnesses, we were admonished to never look at horoscopes because they are demonic.
many jw's that i knew of would not even look at a fortune cookie because they could be "demonized".
i read my gemini everyday.
Whee....And I thought I was born under the sign that said "Hospital" Actually hubby is an Aries and I'm a Capricorn. The dog's a Sagittarius Go figure!
Calling All Artists - Both Good and Crappy!
by Stephanus ini fall into the latter category, i'm afraid.
below are the photo i worked from (taken on last year's cruise) and the watercolour i produced from it:.
post your scanned art in this thread!
Hi Nilfun; I've enjoyed painting boulders in watercolor....those honkin' big rocks alongside creeks and rivers. (No, I don't spray them with grafitti!) To get the planes and angles in watercolor I use a cut up credit card to wipe across the wet surface of the stone and then I can come in when its dry and use a dry brush technique to create texture. The card has several angles from full width to a sharp point. Good for laying in cracks in the stone. I've also sharpened the handle of the paintbrush to use for grasses and twigs in the pictures.
Its important to do tests of the paints to determine which ones are permanent (anything with Thalo in the name) and those that are 'fugitive colors'. These are the ones that can easily be wiped off with a dampened sponge. When painting the creek or river I sometimes use a bit of rubbing alcohol to change the flow and swirl of the water. The hardest part for me is to paint the rocks on the bottom of the creek as their shadows and highlights have to appear to be beneath the waters surface.
Just seeing some of Stephanus's works makes me want to go grab the old palatte box and head for the canyons! You are all so talented. Warrigal
Calling All Artists - Both Good and Crappy!
by Stephanus ini fall into the latter category, i'm afraid.
below are the photo i worked from (taken on last year's cruise) and the watercolour i produced from it:.
post your scanned art in this thread!
Hi Stephanus! You do some excellent work and watercolors are my favorite medium tho I haven't been able to work with them in a while. I had the opportunity to take classes with Frank Rose and he is known here as a premiere realist watercolor painter
Some things he taught were; Work light into dark. Don't be afraid to use dark backgrounds and dark skies. You can always lighten the cloud areas with a damp sponge. Use 'frisket' lightly or not at all...most things in nature don't have a hard, sharp edge. Its good for close-up tree leaves or branches in the foreground. Be bold! If that doesn't work you can always rinse the whole thing under the faucet and start again.
In the foreground, a bit of salt sprinkled into the sand (musn't overdo) will give a nice texture when the wash is wet. Experiment with different areas and different levels of moisture in the paper.
Keep that hairdryer handy to quickly dry wash areas so that you can go in quickly with another color. Work in layers you can always lift off what you don't want. Dip an old toothbrush in paint and spatter judiciously for sand texture. Use lots of shadows. Enjoy!!!
Society's damage limitation article.
by dmouse introubled by reports of the very problems that were supposed to be only the mark of false religions peadophilia (and hiding it) and hypocrisy (supporting the un) many honest hearted jws, it seems, have slowed down their meeting attendance and field ministry.
what has the society done to calm these very real worries concerning actual, not imagined, problems.. .
Right on Scully! With their well-oiled legal department they'd have a field day in court if all the stories against them were false. Obviously they can't bring suit against the reports of child abuse and their involvement with the UN so they lie to their faithful, blinded readers and intimidate them into not asking questions.
I was curious about whether or not the WTS would sue Dateline after the report was televised and there was not a word about the WTS bringing suit for slander and libel.
Name Something NEGATIVE About Being A Witness
by minimus infolks.
we did the positive spin about being a witness.
now let's see if we can come up with anything negative about being a jehovah's witness....now, put your thinking caps on!
People judging you by your service record
Having the elders call at your home whenever they feel like without phoning first.
Elders wives who walk in looking like grim death and paste on a phony smile at the Kingdom Hall.
Pioneers who think you're lower than dirt.
Just of a few of the many things that make me grateful for life outside the JWs
Making it "through" to the other side...
by Dawn ini've been away for some time - lots of work and family stuff keeping me busy.
i was reading through a lot of the posts this evening catching up and there are so many new people here!
so to all of you who are just now searching for an answer, to those that are scared of leaving, or scared that you've been df'd, or scared of armageddon - i want to let you know what it's like on the other side - when you've finally made it through all the fear, the guilt, the sorrow, and have healed.. there is a feeling of freedom now that i can not explain to anyone still in - in fact, even people who were not once jw's don't understand because they don't know what it was like to be in "chains".
Good Evening Dawn! You put my feelings into words as I would like to express them. I too feel a warmer relationship with God without all the petty rules and regulations that stifled my love for him.
Thanks for posting that. Warrigal