I recently sent a message to the editor of our local newspaper and the crux of the letter was about the Russian Ban on the JWs. My basic question was "we should be defining the word religion or religious organization" before any legislation is passed to "Ban".
As I see it the ban on the Watchtower and the Jehovahs Witnesses is not religion but a ban on effects that the organization's doctrines has on the members. In your outburst you failed to mention that the practices of the JW cult are the issue. Shunning members for exercising their freedom to reject their teachings and allowing innocent children to die because of these doctrines is the issue. Any "religious group" that follows these habits should be cause for governments to start defining religion and reject those that do not reenforce the family unit. Damaging the family unit through the practices of shunning and banning blood transfusions is cause for a government or people as a whole to not accept the Jehovahs Witnesses as a religion under the constitution. That should apply here in the good old USA.