I picked up this choice writing whick I would like to share with you Canadians.
And now that another Rememberance Day has passed, most of my idle moments will be spent contemplating Canada's place in world affairs, in particular our response to the United States current involvement in the Iraqi/Afghan turmoil.
It doesn't take a political scientist to figure out that the platform for launching WW3 is the middle east. Nor does it take any exceptional intelligence to realize that there's no turning back or, more specifically, turning a blind eye on where Canada's alliance must lie. There's no room for neutrality in the impending war.
As a first generation Canadian who served three-and-a-half years at sea during WW2, I want to express my personal views on where I think my country's loyalties belong.
To begin with, I firmly believe that you can't make deals with those who justify their violence on their religious beliefs. Tolerance is a virtue, but there are limits. My limit was reached when religious fanatacism, in the name of God, motivated fanatics to strap bombs on children and chopping the heads off non-combatants (or anybody's head for that matter) all the while screaming "God Is Great !!!"
I see no difference between Hitler's rationale in the planned extermination of millions of people and this Islamic rationale in exterminating anyone who doesn't share their belief ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD. And it's only the beginning.
True Muslims insist that this is not Islamic law at work. I can accept this, but then, what are the true Muslims doing about this aberration of their religion? This extremism guised in religious fundamentalism has gone way beyond civilized behaviour. So far, the attack on the world trade centre is the only grim reminder that we are targets here in our well insulated society.
How many of you who read this are familiar, even vaguely, with the measures taken by Britain and France to appease the militaristic menace that Germany didn't bother to hide in the early thirties and the inevitable outcome ,WW2.
Let me divert for a moment.
Each morning I awake in my cosy, clean warm bed. I rise to a comfortable well furnished apartment that's heated by energy long taken for granted. I go to my refridgerator and take out fresh milk, eggs, and any one of a selection of breakfast goodies. I make coffee in a modern coffee maker. I turn on a radio or TV for early morning news giving out constant reminders of the mayhem and destruction in other parts of the world. News of the starving millions in Africa. I go grocery shopping later in the day in modern fully stocked food markets. If I wanted to, I could have a car to drive there and back (and bitch about the price of gas) refined from petroleum from other parts of the world. I live in an environment that has well equipped hospitals and schools and hundreds of stores to buy the luxuries always in stock, as far as my income can afford and bitch about not being able to get things I can't afford.
If I want to I can plan a holiday in some part of the country I have never seen. I can celebrate Christmas, New Year's, Easter, Halloween, Valentine's day or any holiday of other ethnic communities. I have a computer that allows me to communicate with whoever whenever I want.. At the end of the day I can enjoy the luxury of reading whatever I want (and turning off the TV when the Ads have sickened me).
I could go on and on but I'm sure the reader can see what I'm getting at. The bottom line is that I will not blame George W. Bush for whatever threat there is to my lifestyle. He's just another capitalist like me only he's got more. I wouldn't want his job for any amount of money or a more plentiful lifestyle. If the anti Bush multitudes don't open their collective eyes pretty soon the 5 years of death, destruction and misery of WW2 will fade in comparison to the impending conflict that has already started.
Bob Sauberli :A Canadian