I don't really think about God anymore - locked it away in a mental box. But when I left the JW cult I searched for a belief that comforted me spiritually and I found Wayne Jacobsen's words comforting and have read a few of his books.
"What if it were true that you delight God’s heart even more today than I delight in my grandkids? What would it change in you if you truly believed it. Somehow God finds us humans quite endearing, even when we are lost in the pain and brokenness of a fallen world. He delights in you even in the midst of your doubts, fears, temptations, and failures. He does not see us as the summation of our brokenness, but as the person he made you to be that is being swallowed by those other things.
He delights in you, not in what you do! And he knows that the more you enjoy him, the more you’ll find freedom from the things that twist you. Transformation grows out of our knowing that God enjoys us and that we can enjoy him as a gracious Father."
Jacobsen does expound on this a lot more in one of his books. If there was a god then I imagined He would be like this and not such a demanding person that the Watchtower is making him out to be. Watchtower is cruel and devil-like in their actions and seek to tear people down emotionally and not build them up. They don't represent God at all.