I have noticed this trend for quite some time now. The elders in the various congregations are growing older, and the brothers that should be following in their footsteps to replace them at some point..... just arent there. There are always a few MS in each congregation, but they seem to be young and not real bright. Many are there based on nepotism, or because they are congregation favorites, or recent return-ees from Bethel, or because the CO needs a few recommendations for this visit. Most of them can't teach and have no social skills. The older elders just don't seem to be interested in training them anymore. They are so bogged down with congregation problems and keeping the "rank-and-file" in line with ever-changing "light", they don't have time to raise up proper replacements.
The VERY few new elders I see appointed are pompous, haughty, egotistical jerks. They don't care about their fellow believers, they care about the new "position", their instant "promotion" to importance. One in particular that I can think of, just appointed "by holy spirit", his daddy is the COBE, his wife is an immature twit, flat out refuses to be on the Ministry School, and refuses to let her daughter be on it as well. Yep, prime elder material there. Very few of the new hire elders have families/wives that you would look at as "exemplary", or look to for sage advice. It's sickening. The respect and dignity for the responsibility entailed is just not there. Lots of Holy Spirit at work, for sure.
Like I said, I have seen this trend for a while now, and it is having a very negative effect on the congregations. I suspect that in about 10 years, 20 at most, there will be a HUGE problem, none of the good old "grandfatherly" types that have a real compassion and care for people. The congregations will be run by dictatorial asshats, with their own personal agendas being at the forefront of decisions made.
Wait............ maybe we are already there.......
Jack Harper, Tech49