Careful SFPW, you will turn to the dark side....
(Deep voice) SFPW, I am your father!
.... but doesn't even care about the "lowly ones" in the congregation.
i think it's part of human nature to be interested in meeting people from other lands.
in our case, it's the international assemblies.
Careful SFPW, you will turn to the dark side....
(Deep voice) SFPW, I am your father!
just wondering if any here are from bc , canada.
myself i am from the whalley cong in surrey , bc.
havent been there in over 8 yrs,,but wondering if i have any long lost friends here.
Me: went to Surrey Assembly Hall for many years, was a big player in the overhaul/remodel in the mid 90,s.
Was baptized there in the mid 80's. Not in the area anymore tho.
Jack Harper, Tech49
choices are or are not.
witnesses we do not.
of their choices.
Its been a while, probably over 12 years since I had any contact with people in his area. At that time, his girls and stepson were all out. Not surprising, given the heavyhanded tactics of an overbearing yes-man. I could never stand him, looks like he hasnt changed his tune any.
choices are or are not.
witnesses we do not.
of their choices.
I stumbled upon this page, and was intrigued. I too know/knew Mr. Jan Wade before he became "all that". For him to deny knowing anything about doctrinal changes is a complete lie. He was, at the time I knew him, an elder...... and a very pompous ass of one at that. He reveled in thumping on the lesser ones, and terrorizing anyone not "qualified" to be in his presence. His arrogance destroyed his own family......but apparently somewhere along the way he achieved a "pseudo-degree" in the medical field, in between scrubbing toilets and selling janitorial supplies.
Justita Themis, PM me..... we may know each other.
Hang on, am going to go get popcorn................
i have been posting for a few months now and have read the life stories of tech49, confusedandalone, winston smith and other brothers who have held prominent positions in the organization who were dismissed not for any gross sins, but mainly for not keeping their child toeing the line.
they have been "cast aside", nit picked to death, and made to feel unworthy for their years of dedicated service.
even in my case, having my best friends treat me like the plague to jockey for position of recogntion.. is this what the organization is resorting to now?
James Jackson, you are thinking about this from the wrong direction. Allow me to explain....
Firstly, let me say that I understand where you are coming from. Good men, honest, caring, intelligent men are being pushed out of the organization every day.
Those taking the "control" in the congregations are pompous, arrogant, inexperienced, and generally selfish in nature. They hurt people emotionally, sometimes physically. They take advantage of people to further their own interests, to gain power and glory... because that is what they think will bring happiness and satisfaction
I too have seen the 30-something, newly appointed elder, Mr. MyShi*DoesntStink, that badgers and berates those around him, whilst sticking his nose so far up the hind end of the COBE and the CO that no one seems to notice. Seen it. I see too Brother BeenAServantAtBethelandNowIKnowItAll. Has known nothing else, and is suddenly an elder with an attitude, and anyone else in the congregation just barely qualifies to be in his presence...Or the elderly brother, an elder who has never had family, and probably never been married, or at least divorced a long time ago, and is the expert in how to raise children and how to be a marriage mate in this difficult economy. Or the elders that just show up, warm a seat, and cant seem to give anyone the time of day, cause they have so much paperwork to do!
It's painful to watch, because we care for those who are being used up, those who are desirous of love, those who genuinely need to be shepherded, and cared for on a spiritual and emotional level. They are tired, like we were. It sickens me to see those who know the reality of where they are at.... herded, pushed, and guilted into a lifestyle they know deep down is not the way things should be, and deep down they know it is unhealthy for their hearts and minds.
Here's the difference between the masses, and the few.... they dont know what to do. They know nothing else, they are afraid of change, they can't take the wheel.
You see, at some point, it's the rare individual that just stops. Just stops and looks around. Stops and listens to the noise around his head. Only when he or she stops and listens can they truly hear what is going on. Until then, its all just a dull roar.
You see, my friend Mr James Jackson, you have stopped. You are hearing what noises make up the roar around you. You are learning to tune out the static and the screaming and the guilting and the attitudes.... and you feel like YOU are the one in the wrong. Amongst the noise, you heard a bird, you hear a waterfall, you hear the sunrise of a new day.
You are not wrong my friend. The congregations ARE letting go of highly qualified men. Because they are waking up. And when they wake up, they put themselves in a position to BE LET GO, whether its consciously or not, they put themselves in that positon. I know I did, and it sounds like you did too, as have many others.
The conflict you feel comes from the feeling that THEY SHOULDNT HAVE LET ME GO !!! I feel it too, every day.
I spent some time recently with a very good friend, currently serving as a COBE in another nearby congregation. One of the VERY few people I would ever confide my feeling to. Over a few beers, I laid it all out, from A to Z, from beginning to end. I waited anxiously for grand words of wisdom, for the spirit to move the conversation, to feel the hand of a spiritual father. His response was one that caught me completely off guard, and at the same time explained everything, and lent credibility to it all.
"Jack,I understand completely.... I just want to move far away, just me and the wife. Mexico maybe. The coast. I want to wear bermuda shorts, and fish in the ocean. Every day, every single day. And nothing else. I am sick and tired of all the politics, the backstabbing, the complaining, the drudgery of it all. We already have a plan in place, and will be there within 2-3 years, we haven't told anyone, but its where we will be....... wanna come visit?"
I was aghast, yet strangely vindicated. He was awake, he too could hear the sunrise of a new day.
James Jackson, do not look behind you. Look forward. Yep. They let you go. They shouldn't have. Doesnt make sense, dont try and make it make sense.
Too bad for them. Too bad for them......
Peace be with you and yours,
Jack Harper, Tech49
so....... captain obvious asks........where are the placement bibles then?.
we have the newly massaged, repainted, sister-proof nwt (with its errors .
but the larger question remains..... if this is an organization that is here to spread the good news from the holy scriptures, why is it that all the rolly carts and literature counters are chock full of bible teach books, but not one bible can be found?.
So....... Captain Obvious asks........where are the placement bibles then?
We have the newly massaged, repainted, sister-proof NWT (with its errors ) to use at all meetings, and when out in the field service.
But the larger question remains..... if this is an organization that is here to spread the Good News from the HOLY SCRIPTURES, why is it that all the rolly carts and literature counters are chock full of BIBLE TEACH books, but not one bible can be found?
THERE still ARE NO BIBLES to place in the field, or to give to interested ones! Did Holy Spirit forget about that one?
My Dear householder: You want your own copy of the Bible, sorry, don't have one. If, by some miracle of miracles, I do happen to find an old black or red one, I can't give it to you..... its OLD LIGHT.
Yes, they said that the Silver Sword will be available after the first of the year.... but what about placement copies meanwhile?
Guess we will just keep giving out 16-page coloring books and Bible-substitutes (Bible Teach book). You don't really need a bible, do you? Or you can go to the website and download one!
Doh. Facepalm....
Cheers, Tech49
lol, just received this email:.
you of weak minds that have chosen to leave the truth!
Well, to be honest, I hate them too.
So if anyone sees any of the devil's kids runnin around here, help a brotha out!
# 3 newbie post.
first of all, the newbies have set a record here!.
have you ever seen a 4pg post where 21 new members reply!
I would like to submit an observation:
I follow most posts almost daily, and have noticed something. Of all the new ones, and old ones alike that have been on this forum for Who-Knows-How-Long, I have always seen (with very few exceptions) a very logical, coherant group. The thinking ability, and the focus to put their feelings, sufferings, and advice out there for all to see, are top-notch. Complete, conscise, formulated sentences are the norm. Their thoughts and words actually make sense! Many of the newest of the new, within the last year for example, are a very bright bunch, and the LOGIC of it all (or lack of logic) is what they are seeing that is making them think outside the WT box.
As a stark contrast, I see some "witnesses" that leave comments on different sites, and they sound batshi* crazy! Even "witness" FB pages are nutso! They cant form a sentence to save their lives, and come across like the raving lunatic culties that they are! Its truly embarrassing.
So anyways, I think there is a definite "type", or "class" if you will, of people that we see "coming out of the woodwork", stepping back and leaving the congregations more and more saturated with loons.
Carry on.
i wonder if the supplying companies for kingdomhall chairs, materials, etc, happen to be owned by ones with ties to the jws?
they'd be making millions!
like the us government, politicans can't just take tax money, but if they own companies that tax money goes to, then that's how you discover the true motives.
I know that in the area where I live on the West Coast, most, if not all of the "vendors" for the RBC items are "brothers". Not directly WT owned companies, mind you.
For example: Chairs (if needed) are usually outsourced, but specifically upholstery work done by a JW owned company. Decorations, done by a JW firm. Woodwork (podium/lecturn, bulletin board), JW oufit. Bathroom fittings (toilets, urinals, sinks, dividers, water fountains, towel and soap dispensers, etc etc) provided by a JW business. Catering/food service, JW firm.
I worked for the RBC in accounting, and have seen the invoices from the JW firms for these products and supplies. Obviously installation labor is provided free of charge, but the JW Firms that provide the items still get paid handsomely to either provide them, or make them (like the podiums, info boards, cabinets, etc). The prices they are charging back to the RBC, and ultimately the congregation, are NOT bargain prices. Typically, they are equal to or greater than normal everyday pricing points. I was a little flabbergasted at what some of the "brothers" were charging for stupid stuff like "wall decor", and "bathroom cabinets". NONE OF THEM do it for cost. ALL OF THEM tack on a nice tidy percentage for profit.
There is no "bidding" process, or contracts issued, like a typical, normal commercial entity. It goes purely off the Good-Ole-Boy system. Its all in who you know.
Kind of like the used/turned in Circuit Oveers auto sales business that charges above KBB prices. Nice way to take advantage of one another.
Reminds me of government spending... Other People's Money.