After lunch, we head out with our tour guide, really not much else to see. Make a trip downstairs, see young folks dutifully pounding out their day in the laundry area. A few ladies in the barber/beauty shop, and then the commissary/store. In the store, no candy bars or pop allowed. One bethelite litterally jumped with glee when he saw ICE CREAM in the freezer! You purchase items on an honor system, punching in your "code" and the amount of your purchase into the computer next to the door, which is ultimately taken out of your monthly allowance. Was a nice little "store", but prices on the items were about the same as the grocery store. Would have thought things would be cheap or almost free...
Oh, and our tour guide pointed to the field across the street. Now that's where all the young folks play soccer, football, baseball in the spring and summer. Why, they even have TEAMS! and it gets quite competitive! WHAT !!??? Say it isnt so!! Competition???? The questions are just spinning in my head, but I am polite and continue my tour.... i dont need to pester this guy and make his day any more miserable. We end up in the CLOCK TOWER. Anyone who has been there knows what it is and where it is. OK..... so its a tower at the top of the stairwell, with windows all around, with room for about 20 people standing shoulder to shoulder.... its got a good view of the complex. For our guide, this is like a crowning achievement of the day! "This is where we JUST LOVE to gather and sing Kingdom Songs, because the accoustics are sooooo COOOOL !!!" Oh brother.
The residence buildings are off in the distance, but are off limits to visitors. Bummer. The buildings up the hill are where they make the videos and do alot of scene-photography, again off limits. Double Bummer.
Well, time to go then, we have seen about all we can at this point. Really kind of dissappointed at how much you ARENT allowed to see. We part ways with our gracious tour guide; I can tell he is anxious to get back to better things.
At this point, it is still the lunch hour/time/break, so people are milling about, or heading to their dorms, or out into the "world" for whatever. On the way out, we walk towards the lobby, and there is a large common area where a piano resides. When we entered earlier in the day, the piano was quiet, and the room was empty and silent. Now however, there is a group of about 10 people gathered around the piano, and someone is plunking out KH songs. They are all singing LISTEN OBEY AND BE BLESSED. They sounded HORRIBLE !
I literally stopped and stared, I think my mouth was open. Mind you, I am not easily disturbed at oddities and funkiness. However, at this I was struck, frozen. Time stood still. Everything else suddenly became unimportant and ceased to exist. I was mesmerized by the CULTISH feel of it all. It was the most odd, weird feeling I have had in a long time. It was like watching a movie. Like something you would read about in the wierdest of the wierd. And then I knew why.......... it was worship. Worship that was not normal. Freaky, cultish, worship. Like zombies on autopilot. Crazy wierd is all I can say. I shook off the shiver that ran up my spine, and we were out of there....