I have been thinking about this comment (see Original Post by Caleb's Airplane).
Mr. Jackson DID in fact answer the question. His brain DOES work. His answer should be very eye-opening and appalling to his faithful followers..Here's why.:
READ THIS SLOWLY........He couldn't say YES.
Why not? Because he doesn't believe it either. He knows it fake, a facade, a mockery, a self-appointed position of oversight. Again, why?
He stumbled. He hesitated, and then chose his words very carefully. In fact, If he felt that he was in fact (or at least a part of) Gods Channel, there would be no hesitation. Right then, at that very moment, he lost all credibility. Why wouldn't he have said a confident "YES, WE DO!" Because he doesn't, .... they don't. To do so is foolish, arrogant, and yes, presumptuous.
In replying with the "that would be presumptuous of us" remark, he is saying that there is no good answer.... to answer YES would openly admit to the world in general that they are terribly haughty, self serving, and condescending.... when in fact, according to their own literature, that is in fact what they admit. According to the Glorious Seven, They are the ONLY TRUE spokesman of God.
If he were to reply NO, WE ARE NOT, he would admit openly that they were full of themselves, and had absolutely no backing from an almighty being, and everything they were spewing forth was absolute rubbish.
It reminds me of the counsel we all received, at some point I am sure. While in Field Service, or elsewhere...If someone asks us..."do you believe you have the only TRUE religion?" ...... You should have ZERO hesitation, if that's what you really believe! If you can't answer honestly, or you hesitate, or have to choose your words carefully, then a self examination is in order.
You, my friends, just got a Get-Out-Of-Jail-FREE card.. If someone,
anyone, asks you that exact question... you know the one....
"Do you believe that the Faithful and Discreet Slave is God's channel here on earth today?"
You can say......
"UM..... That would be very presumptuous of me..."