This was the first thing that caught my eye:
"While Christians may take reasonable steps to ensure their personal
security, they do so within the framework of Bible principles. These advise
against the use of carnal weapons, such as handguns, rifles, or other firearms,
for protection against other humans."
What? Um, excuse me.... but that is a stretch isnt it? Where does it say that? What scripture are we referring to? Oh, that's right, there isnt one...
A Christian might
decide to own a firearm (such as a rifle or a shotgun) for hunting animals for
food or for protection against wild animals. When not in use, though, such
weapons are best kept unloaded, perhaps even disassembled, and safely locked
.... where it will do no one any good if needed, as it is in pieces in a box in the garage....thanks for the GREAT advice T'Mo.... you all stay in your lockable bunker with food service and laundry, and watch the real world out your lakefront window.
"When Jesus told his followers to equip themselves with swords on the
final night of his life on earth, he did not have protection in mind. (Luke 22:36, 38) Rather, Jesus had them
bring a sword for an object lesson to teach them not to resort to
violence, even when confronted by an armed crowd. (Luke 22:52)"
!! Just plain BS! Says who?? Are we just making this crap up as we go along, to
fit the general agenda??? C'mon.... People carried swords for
protection! There was no "object lesson"!
Thus, if a mild tongue fails to stop an armed robber, wise Christians heed the
principle embodied in Jesus’ words: “Do not resist the one who is wicked.” It
may even require that we give up our inner and outer garments, so to speak.
Oh MY GOD! A MILD tongue???? "Please kind sir, can you stop beating and raping my wife and daughter, no really, please. For real, pretty please. This is not proper. I just wont stand for it! Stop now! "sigh" No? Ok, well.... ok, I will just wait until you are done..... All done? Can I read you a scripture? How about a quick video, I think we have time.....Ok, now go in peace, be blessed. And here, take my jacket and my car and my wallet...." ...."at least I'm a TRUE Christian"...
Screw that! The dude is getting as good of a thrashing as I can muster! Or worse!
"How a Christian chooses to protect himself, his family, or his
possessions is, of course, largely a personal matter, as is his choice of
WTF??!! But dont you dare actually protect yourself, or be PREPARED to protect yourself, because then you showing to everyone that you arent a TRUE CHRISTIAN! on the contrary...Its ENTIRELY a PERSONAL matter, and none of your GoshDarn business!
"Out of regard for those principles, spiritually mature Christians choose not
to keep a firearm for protection against other humans. They know that true
and lasting security comes to those who demonstrate trust in God by living in
harmony with Bible principles."
So you and you and you and YOU are NOT spiritually mature Christians. Because we say so. Demonstrate your trust in a God who wont do diddly squat if your family or you yourself are in danger. Live in harmony with Bible principles..... and be dead/maimed/raped/etc.
In conclusion... these guys that live in their little granite castle on the lake in Upstate New York are just getting more and more ridiculous by the minute. As LongHairGirl pointed out, any little glimmer of personality or self-reliance is a direct affront to these buffoons and their ego-maniacal way of life. I am continually amazed at how much they want to control EVERY SINGLE aspect of their follower's lives. I am even more amazed at how much their followers LET their lives be controlled! CULT 101, for sure. I think that the longer they print crap like this, and hateful messes like the shunning video, the more REAL thinking people they will continue to lose.
Morons. Just morons.