It has always struck me that WT is so very short-sighted in
many things. Often, they are very
RE-active, and not so much PRO-active in their reasoning and the way they plan
for the future.
Just thinking today, and have kicked this one around for a while now.
Is the Watchtower organization truly sustainable? Is a new monetary structure on the horizon? Here is why I ask this, and welcome all of your thoughts....
FACT: Cash donations coming from the congregations are meager at
FACT: With every month that goes by, more and more KH’s are sold,
with none being built.
FACT: The growth of the
organization has slowed or halted, and sometimes gone in revers, in most 1st world countries.
FACT: Multi-million dollar lawsuits and subsequent pay-offs are occurring almost weekly.
As was mentioned by Stephen Lett not long ago, the
organization’s expenses are exceeding their income. Probably far more than they are letting on. Is it sustainable?
In order to keep and maintain the carnivorous
budget requirements, including the construction and continued maintenance of a
multi-million dollar corporate headquarters in addition to other facilities, the cash has to keep flowing in at an unprecedented rate. Hence the perceived "need" to consolidate and sell off properties. But that too, by its very nature, is not sustainable.
Doesn’t it make sense that within a
reasonable amount of time, at some point, all the “extra” and “superfluous”
Kingdom Halls will have been sold off.? Even as they are selling properties, the total brought in cant really be that much, given what they are giving up. It takes quite a few KH buildings to make up for legal expenses and
payoffs of lawsuits. Example: Lets say a KH property can be sold for $500,000 USD. Those funds can get eaten up pretty fast when you start talking lawsuits, outside legal fees, payoffs, etc. But the bigger thing to consider is that is a one-time cash grab. That particular building is now GONE, forever. You cant make money off of it again. However, another lawsuit can pop up in place of the other one... TOMORROW!
And so ok, what if they have a bunch of cash tied into stocks. Right now, things are moving along well, and maybe they are making money. But what happens when, not if, but WHEN, the stock market or housing market takes a nosedive like it did 12 years ago?
From a business model perspective, the whole mess is unsustainable and severely lopsided in its construction. Realistically, its like a bad gambling debt that just cant be dug out from. I'm sure there are plenty of other analogies that illustrate the point, but I think you can understand the issue.
I guess the other aspect of all of this is that the sheeple in general are completely oblivious, its almost as if they don't WANT to see the crash coming.
What say you?