I didnt take the time to search or anything..... what is the story with their son, Malcom? What became of him?
JoinedPosts by Tech49
Rutherford's Paradise - Film Footage of Beth Sarim
by RayPublisher ini just added this to my youtube channel, jwstruggle.
i know that we have some resident authorities on the history around jf rutherford and i am anxious to see what they make of it.
(leolaia i'm talking to you lol!).
JW.org passwords
by slimboyfat inwhat are the passwords for on jw.org?
are there different levels of pass?
have the passwords ever been leaked?
Yes, CO's and DO's have their own level of access. Example: They can submit all their congregation visit summaries, recommendations for appointments, etc online, and have direct access to "special" areas that will never be seen by anyone else.
Former Longtime Elder - Reflections
by James Jackson inthe meetings are getting more boring to me.
some of the elders during their parts just talk and talk and talk about uninteresting things.
boring, boring.
James, on the subject of meetings being increasingly boring:
Yep, totally agree. Just look at the KM schedule for the month, each week is virtually the same. 25 min from Jeremiah book, oh yay!, BH part from unqualified MS or older elder that just needs some face time on the platform, Bible reading (2-3 minutes of stumbling around with big names and stuff, seriously, can anyone not READ anymore??), 2 sisters rehearsing an unrealistic RV in the field, and brother wanna-be spouting his personal super-knowledge for the last 5 minutes. Service Meeting: 10 min part on Magazine presentations, 10 min part on What do we Learn (scriptures read and talked about), 10 min part from BE book.
Or a fascimile of the same, every week, RINSE, REPEAT, RINSE, REPEAT.
On the last week of the month, we get LOCAL NEEDS. whoo hoo! Usually 10 minute part about DO MORE DO MORE DO MORE, GIVE MORE, or STOP DRINKING, FORNICATING, GOSSIPPING, etc etc...
Blessings abound! I feel so refreshed!
Former Longtime Elder - Reflections
by James Jackson inthe meetings are getting more boring to me.
some of the elders during their parts just talk and talk and talk about uninteresting things.
boring, boring.
I have noticed this trend for quite some time now. The elders in the various congregations are growing older, and the brothers that should be following in their footsteps to replace them at some point..... just arent there. There are always a few MS in each congregation, but they seem to be young and not real bright. Many are there based on nepotism, or because they are congregation favorites, or recent return-ees from Bethel, or because the CO needs a few recommendations for this visit. Most of them can't teach and have no social skills. The older elders just don't seem to be interested in training them anymore. They are so bogged down with congregation problems and keeping the "rank-and-file" in line with ever-changing "light", they don't have time to raise up proper replacements.
The VERY few new elders I see appointed are pompous, haughty, egotistical jerks. They don't care about their fellow believers, they care about the new "position", their instant "promotion" to importance. One in particular that I can think of, just appointed "by holy spirit", his daddy is the COBE, his wife is an immature twit, flat out refuses to be on the Ministry School, and refuses to let her daughter be on it as well. Yep, prime elder material there. Very few of the new hire elders have families/wives that you would look at as "exemplary", or look to for sage advice. It's sickening. The respect and dignity for the responsibility entailed is just not there. Lots of Holy Spirit at work, for sure.
Like I said, I have seen this trend for a while now, and it is having a very negative effect on the congregations. I suspect that in about 10 years, 20 at most, there will be a HUGE problem, none of the good old "grandfatherly" types that have a real compassion and care for people. The congregations will be run by dictatorial asshats, with their own personal agendas being at the forefront of decisions made.
Wait............ maybe we are already there.......
Jack Harper, Tech49
The BRAIN is awakening! Don't ignore it!
by Tech49 insomething happened recently, and i thought i would share a few comments.
first, lets set the stage..... if anyone is familiar with current events in the pacific northwest, you may have heard of the death of a beautiful young lady, whitney heichel, a short while ago.
in short, whitney was a young sister that was kidnapped and killed by a "congregation" friend.
That's my point exactly..... a manipulated exploitation of a very real event... There is no doubt in my mind that what she says is real and is coming from her heart. However, When a real situation like this is exploited by others, including an organization, to the point of becoming obvious, it arouses the pricking in many sleeping consciousnesses.
Side note: I know of another event that took place just recently, in the past few weeks, where a young man, a witness youth, took his own life. Tragic, horrible, and a terrible thing for his family to deal with now. You won't hear about it from the platform, or as an "experience", because the family was quiet, there was no press on it, no multi-level media coverage, small Memorial service at the local KH....... hence no PSA from the brothers, no CO's and DO's coming to the family's aid, no outpouring of support from the "worldwide" brotherhood.... because it wasnt sensational in any fashion. Just a teen, taking his own life, to escape, for whatever reason. Funny, how if it doesnt serve a "greater purpose", no one talks about it. Sad, really just sad.
The BRAIN is awakening! Don't ignore it!
by Tech49 insomething happened recently, and i thought i would share a few comments.
first, lets set the stage..... if anyone is familiar with current events in the pacific northwest, you may have heard of the death of a beautiful young lady, whitney heichel, a short while ago.
in short, whitney was a young sister that was kidnapped and killed by a "congregation" friend.
The point of my post was NOT to focus on Whitney's mom. Her emotional distress is very evident, and justifiably so. I feel for her and her family. They are dealing with a horrible horrible thing. What she and they believe for a future is based on what they have been taught over many years.
The point of my post was to show that to someone, Vic, who does not know them personally, can hear her experience at the DC and sense a certain amount of "acting". Maybe she and I are both wrong. No doubt the mom had her words written out, so that she could even get them out! Very understandable, I think it safe to say that we all would, that in itself brings out a certain amount of "acting", or "reading".
In referencing my other topic about District Convention experiences being trumped up and over-dramatized for effect, I was pointing out that an un-knowing individual may see the same "effect" here as well. No doubt the brothers involved with the part wanted certain "points", and "effects" to be included. The words she spoke were probably not all her own (pure speculation on my part, of course.). Yes, its a gut-wrenching thing to listen to, for the obvious emotional reasons. The emotion was real, and I am sure that anyone listening would feel the same.
The continued point of my topic was this: sometimes there are obvious things that we see or hear that bring red flags up and flashy lights a-flashing! Often, we choose to ignore them. The older I get, the more I am learning to listen to my instincts, to listen to my "gut"...
In an attempt to help Vic to do the same, we see that the brain fights itself, and therein lies the challenge.
The BRAIN is awakening! Don't ignore it!
by Tech49 insomething happened recently, and i thought i would share a few comments.
first, lets set the stage..... if anyone is familiar with current events in the pacific northwest, you may have heard of the death of a beautiful young lady, whitney heichel, a short while ago.
in short, whitney was a young sister that was kidnapped and killed by a "congregation" friend.
Something happened recently, and I thought I would share a few comments. First, lets set the stage....
If anyone is familiar with current events in the Pacific Northwest, you may have heard of the death of a beautiful young lady, Whitney Heichel, a short while ago. In short, Whitney was a young sister that was kidnapped and killed by a "congregation" friend. If you havent heard of it, a quick search of her name will bring you up to speed.
These events and the subsequent outpouring of love to her family from the entire world have been wonderful, and heart-wrenching. Our hearts go out to her and her family and her husband.
Just recently, her mom was interviewed briefly at the District Convention in Portland.
To emphasize, I am in no way belittling or finding fault with the family, or the mom, in any way whatsoever.
Listen to her comments, and then we can continue (copy/paste this link, maybe someone can make it live): www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vDVfgdn-CA
Again, I have the utmost sympathy and respect for the family and for the situation at hand, and don't mean to demean them in any way.
My wife, Victoria, heard this for the first time the other nite, and asked me to listen to it. I did, but kept my comments to myself, recognizing a chance to help her to reason on something (I want her to start thinking about the reality that she has ignored as long as I have). I asked her what she thought (this was in light of what we had discussed about other DC experience being over-dramatized or just plain made-up, see my other post).
Jack: so... what do you think?
Vic: um.......hmmm...
Jack: what do you mean by that?
Vic: I'm not sure............ hmmmmmm....
Now at this point, I could tell she didnt want to discuss it. Her mind was in a state of confusion. So I dropped it until later, as we were getting ready for bed, kids were out of the room...
Jack: so, what did you think of that interview?
Vic: something just wasn't right....
Jack: what do you mean?
Vic: it sounded......odd.....(her brain was fighting it)........like.........I am not sure.....
Jack: you mean....(let me help out, I will state the obvious)....... dramatized?
Vic: exactly! Like it was........
Jack: made up?
Vic: well, yes! Unrealistic. It just didnt feel right. Like it was scripted. But that can't be right, could it? Would they "make up", or dramatize that experience on purpose? To take advantage of people's emotions?
Jack: Well, I dont know the situation, but what does your gut tell you?
**** Here's where the conversation took a wild turn! Here is an example of Cognitive Dissonance in full effect!****
Vic: I know what I hear, I can tell it just isn't real! But the brothers would never do that would they? I just can't think that they would! That's not honest! I don't want to talk about it anymore, I don't want to think that way!
Jack: Dear Vic, learn to listen to what your brain and heart is telling you, don't ignore it.
....end of conversation...
Here's my point to this little exercise. Your brain is trained, your conscience is formed, and your heart is actively telling you what is right and what is true. You just choose to ignore it. Your mind is fighting to wake up. Listen to it.
Your comments are welcome, but please do not disparage this sister or her family in any way. She too is captive of a concept. It's not her fault. I ask only that you comment on the process involved.
Jack Harper, Tech49
At the DMV and what do I see?
by whathehadas inthe jw's are taking it a little too far.
people have to wait in line and be tortured by the sight of this.. .
The July KM has an article that will be studied by the congregations the week of July 22, ...titled NEW INITIATIVES FOR PUBLIC WITNESSING.
Part of the article says.... " those involved in special metropolitan public witnessing usually wait for someone to come to the table or mobile display. When someone approaches, he is invited to take any literature that interests him. The pioneers (italics mine) gladly answer from the scriptures any questions he may have. If he takes literature, the pioneers do not mention the donation arrangement. But if he inquires about how our work is funded, they may explain that donations can be sent to the address listed in the literature." (italics mine)
Because we can't trust these lowly pioneers with our money, can't have them skimming for lunch...so send it direct via credit/debit card!
You will see more and more of these little "booths" set up. Each congregation has recieved a letter and instructions to start implementing this in EACH territory, whether it is city, rural, or little town out in the middle of nowhere.
Included in the letter are instructions on how to obtain downloadable items that can be used at the print shop to make bill-boards, table-backs, displays, etc. at your own expense of course.
Also are instructions on how to put together the rolly-carts and use them... Some of the big cities are already using them, but you will see more and more very soon. Again, EACH TERRITORY will have them in some fashion, so you will likely see many more of them in your travels.
While there are no specific instructions about WHO gets to man these booths and carts, I am sure that some will use them as an opportunity to show favoritism, allowing only the "finest" of brothers to man them. The article references "pioneers"....
30-hour pioneering and sitting in a booth! What more can you ask for!!???
Whoop woop !
Tech49 on DC: Experiences are not truthful
by Tech49 ini was sent a link to a homemade video from our summer district convention, not the one i attended, but the next weekend.
it was a video of a local brother, relating his "experience" of "trusting in jehovah", and how he was blessed.. it was just about 1 short minute long.
ms harper showed it to me first, she wanted to get my comment on it before she said a word.. background: we both know this brother, he is about our age, so we know the "real" story.. anyways, his story goes like this: this experience goes back about 10 years (jeez, we must be really searching for the experiences now!).
Mum, I don't think that is the case, unless there is a LACK of good experiences to go around, so maybe they are "shared". I know at our Convention, the experiences were different for that particular part that I mentioned at the outset. I guess the whole point is the same though..... there is little regard to the truthfullness and validity of the actual experience itself... if it "fits" the part, or can be twisted, manipulated, cut and pasted into the part, it doesn't matter if it is real or make-believe.
That's what I can't get behind, falsifying "experiences" to make a "point".
Reminds me of another time when I had a part on the Circuit Assembly, and we had to practice in front of the CO and the DO prior to the assembly. So we had to sit thru several parts, as others were practicing for them too. Even then, I remember noticing that they often asked the brothers doing the parts to "embellish" a little to make it more exciting. I remember sitting there, thinking... "how is that right?"..... But who are we to question the CO and the DO, along with the big whigs of the circuit?? Certainly not little ol' me..... I was just privileged to have a part, right?
Anyways, now I can't look the same at the "experiences" I hear......... what you hear is 90% made up.
Dishonesty is NOT the quality found in true Christians, I dont care where you are from.
COC Request
by Tech49 indoes anyone have crisis of conscience in a digital format, or pdf?
any other books that would be worth my time?
the one by steve h ?.
Jgnat, Simon, My intent was NOT to create any issues here. I merely requested a copy of COC, if anyone had it handy in their digital library. I know there are copies around, I would be happy to pay for it, but I did not want an actual hard copy floating around the house at this point!
Thank you Comatose for providing an online link. Lets remember the reason we are all on this journey....
Jack Harper, Tech49