Yes, its all true! I have seen it first-hand myself. I was on an assembly program once, and prior to the convention, we had to meet with the CO, so that we could ¨practice¨ all of the parts, and get them to his liking. We had to sit thru this for hours, while one brother after another did his part, and then was critiqued by the CO, and changes were made to fit the CO´s theme, or the points HE wanted to make.
One brother had an interview part, where he had a couple relate some experience. I dont remember the specifics. When they had their first go at it, the CO clearly didnt like it, and thought it needed some ¨work¨, and needed to be more ön point¨. I do remember, very clearly, that the CO had them re-do their ¨experience¨ multiple times. He made them change facts many times, repeat their part, do it again, so that it would ¨fit¨. By the time we had our 3rd practice session, the experience they portrayed at the convention had almost ZERO facts in it, it was all made up fluff. I sat there just amazed. I had seen the evolution of the lie from the beginning. I could tell that several of the brothers weren´t comfortable with the whole process..... but who was going to push back at the CO??? Nobody. All went exactly as ¨planned¨.
I have seen this personally on several occasions. Yep, those experiences you hear are mostly just propaganda BS. Filled and fluffed with lies and deceptions.