One of the things I didn't understand either as a witness once I really started reading my bible on a regular basis. Just didn't make sense to me that he was crowned as king later when the texts you cited show he was already king. Thank you for reminding me of one of the questions I had while still in .
JoinedPosts by losingit
Jesus Christ is King even before 1914 so Why the Need to...
by ProfCNJ ingood morning folks!
i have believed in the 1914 jw core teaching for more than 20 years.
but now, after seeing much about this date, i find it uncomfortable and odd to believe it unquestionably, much less defend it against opposing thoughts.
Hubby's going to the big meeting instead of celebrating our anniversary
by KariOtt inmy hubby just informed me that he wants to attend the "big" meeting saturday instead of celebrating our anniversary.
seems i was right when i accused him that the cult means more to him than i do.
KarriOtt -- stop being a cry baby and deal with yours. Respect your husband . Give him a chance to prove himself before you dog him out to everyone here. Grow up and be a partner.
Hubby's going to the big meeting instead of celebrating our anniversary
by KariOtt inmy hubby just informed me that he wants to attend the "big" meeting saturday instead of celebrating our anniversary.
seems i was right when i accused him that the cult means more to him than i do.
And she can't be crying ASSHOLE when *he's trying*. It'd be different if he didn't make the plans. That would've been him being the ultimate jerk. But guess what? He made the plans! calling your spouse an ASSHOLE before they have a chance to fix the situation is just MESSED UP. She called foul before the foul was committed. Whatever, not feeling her position at all.
Hubby's going to the big meeting instead of celebrating our anniversary
by KariOtt inmy hubby just informed me that he wants to attend the "big" meeting saturday instead of celebrating our anniversary.
seems i was right when i accused him that the cult means more to him than i do.
I'm actually pretty relaxed, had a nice Stella and a deliciously hot Reuben sandwich for dinner. In my pjs and enjoying the night.
Look, my point of view is my point of view. Like I said earlier, I understand being hurt. Oh I get it. My troubles are not clouding my outlook, they are CLARIFYING it. If she's claiming that she likes to be the submissive wife, then patience is called for. Patience and long suffering. Im coming from a very similar situation as hers. She also said that she had known him for years before they met and that she knew who she was marrying with all of his cheating history. I have a hard time feeling sympathy for a woman who wants to be submissiveand knew the deal about jws, even if he chabged the rules 6years in. Call me a jerk. Call me whatever. She cant be crying ASSHOLE when she wants to be submissive. Doesn't work that way. Nope.
And while I was writing, i was sipping on my hot tea.
NEWBIES are leaving like crazy! Be very afraid WT
by clarity in# 3 newbie post.
first of all, the newbies have set a record here!.
have you ever seen a 4pg post where 21 new members reply!
Happy to be here
Hubby's going to the big meeting instead of celebrating our anniversary
by KariOtt inmy hubby just informed me that he wants to attend the "big" meeting saturday instead of celebrating our anniversary.
seems i was right when i accused him that the cult means more to him than i do.
Well, if that's the case jgnat, then I guess I'm being harsh. I personally didn't like the fact that she called a--hole when she could've asked for another time to celebrate. I understand feeling hurt. I really do. I've been through a lot of craziness these past 2years with my own soon to be ex. But when you're still married and trying to stay married... and he makes plans like that.... well, even with his cult persona, the man is trying. i just think she needs to take a step back and evaluate what she's trying to accomplish in her life and marriage. Hopefully calling your husband an asshole, one that tries --makes an effort, is not what she's working towards.
breakup guilt
by fresh prince of ohio ini recently broke up with my girlfriend of four years.. she is 40 years old, with health problems, financial problems, little family/friend support, and facing an uncertain future.
i gave her some money.. the guilt i am experiencing right now is absolutely anguishing.
she had very, very high hopes about our relationship and loved me very deeply.
Fresh Prince-- are you trying to be a gentleman? :-) :-) I do admire your heart and intention. Geezzzz I'd love to have a guy take care of me now so that I could take it easy instead of grinding it out in the world. But I'd want that man to love me, feel passion for me, be my partner in crime. Could you offer that too? I don't know if I could just settle for companionship? What about you? What about her? Just a thought, no judgment here at all. :-) :-)
Hubby's going to the big meeting instead of celebrating our anniversary
by KariOtt inmy hubby just informed me that he wants to attend the "big" meeting saturday instead of celebrating our anniversary.
seems i was right when i accused him that the cult means more to him than i do.
Jake... I'll tell you what my problem is. I came from her mentality where being a submissive wife was the ideal I lived by. The man may suck in that he made other plans for their anniversary night-- but did she not know the man she married?Really? He was supposed to miss a meeting for her when it was clear from the get-go that he's a jw? She has to work with what she's got. And that means making other arrangements for their anniversary on a day or weekend other than their anniversary. This is the life she chose. He did not hide who he was. Then she wants to complain, get a sympathy party, THEN suggest to hubby another night? He got up quick to please her. Found a nice spot apparently. Give me a break. Could've saved everybody's breath on this forum by asking to celebrate on another night. She knew who she married. Just dumb.
Hubby's going to the big meeting instead of celebrating our anniversary
by KariOtt inmy hubby just informed me that he wants to attend the "big" meeting saturday instead of celebrating our anniversary.
seems i was right when i accused him that the cult means more to him than i do.
All of this drama when you could have asked him to do that from the beginning, instead of calling him an asshole.
Rockville Jehovahs Witnesses at Odds With Neighbors Over Expansion
by WinstonSmith invideo --->
rockville, md.
(wjla) - a rockville church is at odds with its neighbors.
I know those people, the elders they interviewed, and the site they are talking about. Rockville is a well-to-do area in MD. The KH does not need expansion. They have a fully functional basement with a kitchen. Why are they adding another hall? That much growth in the congregation?