Yes, mention the words" legally" and "law" and "lawyers" and you should be good to go. Good luck! Let us know the outcome of your letter! And thank you for posting this for others to use in the future.
JoinedPosts by losingit
Letter to BOE re: baptism of my minor children
by Michelle365 inok i posted about a month ago asking for advice on writing a letter to my former congregation regarding my children.
my ex husband still goes to our old hall and although we have joint custody he is raising them to be good little jws on his time.
i understand that in your organization age is not a determining factor in whether or not a person can get baptized, however as the young people ask book points out:
by grumblecakes inhey there everybody,.
gota text froman elder in my cong a little while ago informing me of the "annual meeting meeting" to beheld at out hall on oct 5th....what live via satilite?
I wonder if you could call in to hear it?
Disfellowshiping: Why the Terror?
by Cold Steel inthe more i read about ritual shunning and disfellowshiping in the society, the more i wonder how the governing body and elders have pulled the proverbial wool over the eyes of the congregation.
first, the society doesnt consider itself a church (unlike the ancient christians, who did consider themselves to be part of a church).
yet, like other sectarians, they have their hands out for contributions and exercise immense power over their members.
Hmmmm.... interesting. I forgot about what excommunication means in the Catholic Church. JWs definitely practice excommunication, but since they like to be different and have their own terminology, disfellowshipping it is.
Okay, so is there another video out there (from a "wordly"source) that promotes giving to those in need? Post it here! As a way for lurkers, et al, to supplement this message. :-)
Our Kingdom Ministry has a Bar Code?!!
by VM44 ini just noticed that the august 2012 "our kingdom ministry" has at the bottom of the last page a two dimensional bar code!.
when did that start?.
is the watchtower putting bar codes on its other publications as well?.
Are theykeeping track of who is receiving them too? Wonder if oublishers have bar codes on their cards?
The WT Fart and Crap Society WANT YOU!
by insearchoftruth4 inthey want dumbed out dubs to go warwick and work for nothing, building them a top of line resort so they can make more money and laugh at the fools who work for free... how's that make you feel?
Great subject title! LOL
tell me not to cry...
by losingit inafter more than a month of not attending the meetings, my girls will be returning to the meeting tomorrow.
their father is taking them.
i was so happy because my girls were free from the boredom, drudgery and mind control inflicted upon those that attend.
So many good comments. I'm letting it all sink in. I will be thinking about what everyone has said. I do appreciate all the feedback. It helps me to put things in perspective.
I especially liked the suggestion that Armageddon is just a scary story. I really need to think about that one since, I'll be honest, I'm still afraid of going against him and going against the religion. My oldest, especially, believes so much in what w. taught her that she gets visibly upset and starts crying when she sees I'm going against a teachng. How do I deal wuth the upset while maintaining a level of respect ffor his religion? I don't know how to manage that trick ground. The youngest, I believe, wil be far easierto reach since I ppurposely dropped th e ball on her as a good "jw" mom by not reading any of the WT. children's literature or teaching her how to preach to her little classmates.
For example, my oldest doesn't want to celebrate birthdays. When I asked her what she wiuld like to get for her birthday if she could celebrate, she refused to.answer the question. Funny girl. But, she does want me. to.throw some kind of life celebration party for her since her. younger sister had one earlier this year. You see, she's already. lookng to bend the rules-- find a gap-- so that she can have. fun. And isn't that the typical JW mindset? I want my girls to enjoy their lives without any guilt. They're good little girls! Why would God be upset if tey miss theur meetings but practice good? is he that nitpicky?
I need to get over feeling like a hypocrite bc I'veffinally cme to my senses.
tell me not to cry...
by losingit inafter more than a month of not attending the meetings, my girls will be returning to the meeting tomorrow.
their father is taking them.
i was so happy because my girls were free from the boredom, drudgery and mind control inflicted upon those that attend.
I like that idea jgnat. Heres the problem-- he will take it away from them bc he wants them to listen. You see, I was a good JW mother and I taught my oldest how to take notes as a little little girl. Although he cared less about it when we were all together, now he feels the need to copy my tactics. :-( im making my own bed. If I go, and the sit with me, you bet I will be doing my best to make sure that they are so snug and confy th they fall asleep. Or so entertained that they wont be able to listen at all.
HHollowheart, im so sorry about what you've been through.
tell me not to cry...
by losingit inafter more than a month of not attending the meetings, my girls will be returning to the meeting tomorrow.
their father is taking them.
i was so happy because my girls were free from the boredom, drudgery and mind control inflicted upon those that attend.
I like that idea NJY of documenting what they say.
Whats most interesting to me is that my soon to be ex and I had non-stop conversations where we reasoned through the nonsense that was taught at themeetings. We both agreed that there isno way that Jehovah would destroy all those that are non-JWS. And when i ask him to please reason with our two girls about this teaching, he tells me that he isgoing to teach them what the Bible (the Society) teaches. Then he tells me that he doesn't want to talk religion with me. I politely but firmly disagreed. Since rekigion is a worldview , it shapes ho they see others and what activities they will be involved in, then we must talk about religion and what the girls are being taught.He is ttrying to get reinstated, btw whereas it is pretty clear that I hve abandoned that attempt. I just dont want my girls submitted to this garbage! It's just too much! I guess I will have to listen to the meeting at home so as to chip away at what they heard....
tell me not to cry...
by losingit inafter more than a month of not attending the meetings, my girls will be returning to the meeting tomorrow.
their father is taking them.
i was so happy because my girls were free from the boredom, drudgery and mind control inflicted upon those that attend.
So, I dont know what to do. Tomorrow they go to the meeting. And I am tempted to go because I want to hear the bs they will be hearing to counteract it at home. But I do not want to submit myself to the abuse imposed n disfellowshipped ones. It makes me sick. I can't do it.
AAll I know is that next weekend when they are with me, that we will be having carefree fun free from WT nonsense.