Terry! I LOVE this post :-)
JoinedPosts by losingit
5,460 ( FIFTY FOUR SIXTY ) Five thousand four hundred sixty!
by Terry ini received the bootprint of jehovah on my ass 35 years ago.. i've missed a lot of meetings since that time.
well, i can't say i've emotionally "missed" them!.
while writing my book i had cause to reflect on what my life might have been had i not walked out of a kingdom hall for the last time in 1978.. what if i had gone on attending meetings?.
5,460 ( FIFTY FOUR SIXTY ) Five thousand four hundred sixty!
by Terry ini received the bootprint of jehovah on my ass 35 years ago.. i've missed a lot of meetings since that time.
well, i can't say i've emotionally "missed" them!.
while writing my book i had cause to reflect on what my life might have been had i not walked out of a kingdom hall for the last time in 1978.. what if i had gone on attending meetings?.
Yan-- so you still wasted an infinity?
New Understanding of this Generation
by pronomono inanother tidbit of information about this generation from the 1/15/2014 study edition under "let your kingdom come - but when?".
they've changed it again.. this generation will not pass away14-16.
what is a third reason for believing that gods kingdom will come soon?.
Lol they changed it again! Will anyone in the congregations notice? Only those thinkng Witnesses in the non-English congregations will. You see, they dont have a dull gray bible to distract them....
just a frustrating day... let's hear good news on your end!
by losingit incheer me up, please.
obstacles placed by those who are supposed to advocate for me.
Thanks jgnat! Lots of stuff for a chuckle, giggle, and all out laugh!
just a frustrating day... let's hear good news on your end!
by losingit incheer me up, please.
obstacles placed by those who are supposed to advocate for me.
So happy for you Iownmylife! That is certainly VERY good news :-)
How Many Here Are On Facebook & How Often Do You Frequent The Site?
by minimus ini'm on it every couple of days and it's usually to see pics of my grandkids or to get the 411 onwhat's going on..
Im on it every other day now. And every time I'm on, I delete another jw from my list of friends. Goal is to remove every single jdub. Taking my time bc I'm still attached to the idea of their friendship. Letting go at my pace...
just a frustrating day... let's hear good news on your end!
by losingit incheer me up, please.
obstacles placed by those who are supposed to advocate for me.
Cheer me up, please. Obstacles placed by those who are supposed to advocate for me. Frustrated!
Share some good news that'll cheer us all up!
They are all SCREWED
by Terry injehovah's witnesses acquire peculiar ideas.. those peculiar ideas give rise to warped views.. the more warped a jw's outlook becomes the more the association with others whose thinking has twisted will conform and radicalize them.. .
consider this simple statement of scripture, first.. 1 timothy 5:8revised standard version (rsv).
8 if any one does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his own family, he has disowned the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.. .
Oh Terry, I feel for that couple... thank God I'm out!
Did you ever REALLY believe anything special happened at Cedar Point Ohio in 1922?
by Sapphy inbut the understanding is affirmed in the revelation climax book, albeit with less detail.
the events are as follows (& i'm keeping the quotes really short) :.
1st angel - "it all began during the bible students cedar point convention in september 1922. there gods people enthusiastically adopted a resolution entitled "a challenge.
I never believed it. I thought it was utter trash and nonsense to make these claims about insignificant events that only ppl in jdub world know about. I told my husband at the time. He had nothing to say. I only studied the Revelation book once, thank goodness . Very presumptuous, very arrogant, and just straigh. Up lies! I didnt have this sam efervor about it, but it was just one more chink in the chain, that extra drop that fills up the bucket of doubt. WT is a ridiculous , self important religion!
"Growing to perfection"
by DS211 inok i know ive been starting threads like a maniac but heres one.
where in the heck d they get the "when we survive armageddon we will probably have to start rebuilding while we resurrect ones, teach them, plant food, clean the planet, and grow to perfection"????
doesnt the scripture say that we die corrupted but raised an incorruptible body?
I think the idea comes from when Jesus restored eyesight to the blind man. He didn't do it all at once. It was done in stages. So the reasoning is that since Jesus restored this blind man's eyes in stages, that is how our perfection will be restored. I think...