The Rebel,
Well stated and double dittos.
has anyone noticed how many jw's really seem to be rollin in it?
escpecially the elders, and they treat their subordinates like filthy gum on the bottom of their shoe?
just wondering because i too am poorer than poor and have spent a fourth of my life homeless already and i am 22.. another thing to consider is why domost of the population on this planet seem to hate the poor, even though we outnumber the middle class and the rich greatly?
The Rebel,
Well stated and double dittos.
i sometimes did work for a lovely old couple who at times needed repairs done around their home.
my wife and myself spent time with them, having tea and crackers from time to time.
one day the husband and myself got into a conversation and he clearly showed himself to be a holocaust denier.
You shame the use of the word research. The people on this planet closest to and most knowledgeable about the holocaust have laws making it criminal to teach denial, including Germany, which made it law 31 years ago.
has anyone noticed how many jw's really seem to be rollin in it?
escpecially the elders, and they treat their subordinates like filthy gum on the bottom of their shoe?
just wondering because i too am poorer than poor and have spent a fourth of my life homeless already and i am 22.. another thing to consider is why domost of the population on this planet seem to hate the poor, even though we outnumber the middle class and the rich greatly?
Besides the fact that Dog is a manipulative, holocaust denying, conspiracy theorist troll, this OP is simply more of the same. Poor little Dog. Hims can't help hims-self. Hims seems to have time, energy and resources to surf conspiracy theorist web sites and come on this site and try to spread his infection - while playing the victim and expressing his rage against the machine - but not the resources to get his lazy ass back in college or technical school and do something about his plight.
More for your consideration:
Personal accountability and poverty (if I have to explain the linkages between these news articles, poverty and personal accountability then I really can't help you):
News item no. 1: Research Shows Link Between Obesity and 8 Additional Cancers, Aug. 25, 2016
News item no. 2: Infants Dependent on Opioids Rising Faster in Rural Areas, Study Finds, Dec. 12, 2016
Misguided compassion is the very last thing any of these fools need.
has anyone noticed how many jw's really seem to be rollin in it?
escpecially the elders, and they treat their subordinates like filthy gum on the bottom of their shoe?
just wondering because i too am poorer than poor and have spent a fourth of my life homeless already and i am 22.. another thing to consider is why domost of the population on this planet seem to hate the poor, even though we outnumber the middle class and the rich greatly?
The Rebel,
Excellent point. If you have followed my musings you will know that I am 100% opposed to letting people breed and sending them a check, which will let them to continue to breed.
That still does not remove personal accountability from the equation; it simply means the governments are a part of the misplaced compassion. It results in the de-evolution of our species for no other reason than to keep the GDP growing on the one hand and to be fair to governments - to be compassionate to the have-nots.
But all governments are doing, as you rightly stated, is contributing to the have-nots. Whatever in life you subsidize, enable, molly coddle, support, excuse or justify, you will get more of.
Some of you think I'm a bleeding heart liberal; if you knew the depths of my feelings towards enabling the willfully stupid, the lazy and the irresponsible you would think I was somewhere right of the edge of the planet. Once a sufficient amount of resources are thrown at the lazy, the stupid and the irresponsible and it has had no effect, I suggest feeding them to the sharks. Or letting them die under a bridge.
has anyone noticed how many jw's really seem to be rollin in it?
escpecially the elders, and they treat their subordinates like filthy gum on the bottom of their shoe?
just wondering because i too am poorer than poor and have spent a fourth of my life homeless already and i am 22.. another thing to consider is why domost of the population on this planet seem to hate the poor, even though we outnumber the middle class and the rich greatly?
I've posted data the past few months that shows the majority of jobs during the post recession era, circa 2008, have been to college grads, and especially the higher paying jobs. One of the contributing factors to poverty in the US is the sub-standard wages paid by corporations. The middle class has shrunk and lots of hard working people teeter on the brink of poverty, especially when a crisis emerges such as divorce, unemployment, and before Obamacare - health problems.
The deck, to some degree, IS stacked against certain groups of people. Having said that I will revert back to my original argument: If you don't make a lot of $, and if your job situation is such that you don't really have a pot of gold at the end of your employment rainbow, then the responsible thing to do would be to obtain more education and avoid birthing babies in the process.
If you don't control yourself someone else will. Whether by machiavellian intent or just because that's the way capitalistic markets work some times, our economy is not being kind to the middle class. One can either whine, piss, bitch and moan about it - and vote for and hope the Donald will fix it for you (yeah, right) or one can take ownership of the situation and do something about it. The coal miners in W VA and the blue collar manufacturing workers have, to a disproportionate degree, refused to do anything about it other than whine.
We want our high paying blue collar and coal jobs and we want them now.
Sorry, fools, but that's not how an economy works. Google Adam Smith.
Having said that, corporations that do not pay living wages are subsidized by the US gov., through earned income credits, low or no taxes on low wage earners, subsidized housing and food, etc. It is a broken system for certain, but flailing around as though you have no choices and everyone is out to get you will ensure that you remain exactly where your poor fat ass is right now.
has anyone noticed how many jw's really seem to be rollin in it?
escpecially the elders, and they treat their subordinates like filthy gum on the bottom of their shoe?
just wondering because i too am poorer than poor and have spent a fourth of my life homeless already and i am 22.. another thing to consider is why domost of the population on this planet seem to hate the poor, even though we outnumber the middle class and the rich greatly?
In the US, poverty rates by one group, families headed by a single mother, contributes greatly to the issue. The cost of child care coupled with lost educational opportunities resulting in lower wage jobs make up the root cause.
However, among racial and ethnic groups, African Americans had the highest poverty rate, 27.4 percent, followed by Hispanics at 26.6 percent and whites at 9.9 percent. 45.8 percent of young black children (under age 6) live in poverty, compared to 14.5 percent of white children.
Approximately 70% of black children are born into families without a father.
So once again, let's not waste a lot of unnecessary emotions about one contributing factor to poverty that could almost be eradicated within a generation.
By responsible, accountable behavior. Don't get knocked up when you are a teen or young woman without an education, a good job and a stable environment in which to raise children and certainly don't get knocked up by a loser that has no job, no stability, no ambition coupled with a substance abuse problem.
It's that fucking simple. Once again, personal accountability is the strongest force in the universe.
Do you really want me to continue?
turkey and now berlin, the abrahamic mind virus strikes again... actually there is no confirmation the truck attack was islam, but... it's probably islam.
at least in europe, they call terrorist attacks just that, unlike here in america, we have become so crazy we have clear terrorist attacks, some over a year old now that they still question the motive ala san bernadino.. religion .
Musings from an analyst (me):
CNN was absolutely correct to report it in the manner in which it was reported. To label it a terrorist attack, or even a presumed terrorist attack, before the local experts called it as such would have been irresponsible.
This morning's CNN headlines calls it a "presumed terrorist attack," because that is what the local experts are calling it. Again. CNN is absolutely correct in this.
Having said that, I will be glad to again have a prez who will call it what it is (but please The Donald, at least wait until the experts/investigation point it out and quit acting like a 4 year old), which is Islamic terrorism. Obama has many good qualities; refusing to call Islamic terrorism, Islamic terrorism is not one of them. It nauseates me to think that Obama is actually accomplishing anything, other than enabling the Islamists, by refusing to call it exactly what it is.
has anyone noticed how many jw's really seem to be rollin in it?
escpecially the elders, and they treat their subordinates like filthy gum on the bottom of their shoe?
just wondering because i too am poorer than poor and have spent a fourth of my life homeless already and i am 22.. another thing to consider is why domost of the population on this planet seem to hate the poor, even though we outnumber the middle class and the rich greatly?
Dog, the dubs have the lowest average family income of all US religions. Cherry picking a few well to do members does not change the fact that they are the least educated and the least financially positioned of all religions.
I'm not aware that poor people are hated as a group. Please provide empirical data to support your assertions.
The behaviors that often lead to being poor, however, are hated, which are laziness, lack of self control, lack of ambition, willful stupidity and a tendency to blame shift their failures onto others and play the perpetual victim..
Some even invent or embrace conspiracy theories to justify their self imposed condition. It's the Jews, or the well to do or the immigrants, rather than their own laziness and poor decision making.
When in reality it is the man in the mirror.
Like you.
yesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Lou bo 2,
Good luck. We may see this OP stretch another few thousand posts. I'm getting popcorn. But you would probably, I mean definitely, have a better chance of re-converting slimboyfat. To anything.
He's re-joined the dubs, joined the Mormons, the Church of Scotland, the Girl Scouts and the London Philosophy Club.
All within the past 2 years.
Just kidding, SBF. Merry Christmas.
yesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Lou Bo 2,
Tugging on Superman's cape again, I see. How has that worked for you?