Such as? I can't effing believe you typed that into your keyboard Simon. You're losing touch with reality.
Obama is a Muslim. Obama is Gay. Birther conspiracies. The Clinton connection to pedophilia and the pizzeria. Et al.
Radio host Sean Hannity on Tuesday embraced a piece of fake news about President Obama deleting endorsements of Hillary Clinton from his Twitter account.
An empirical view from Stanford U:
"For example, during the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump and various online media outlets reopened speculation that Bill Clinton aide Vince Foster had been murdered, whereas the five investigations into his death had concluded that it was a suicide (Kessler 2016). Four official investigations were completed between 1993 and 1995, all of which concluded that his death was a suicide (Kessler 2016). In 1997, independent counsel Kenneth Starr released a fifth report on the matter, concluding that “In sum, based on all of the available evidence, which is considerable, the [Office of Independent Counsel] agrees with the conclusion reached by every official entity that has examined the issue: Mr. Foster committed suicide” (Kessler 2016). Figure 7 illustrates how divergent conclusions on factual issues predates the social media era: as of 1995, 20 percent of Americans reported believing that Foster had been murdered."
There are dozens, if not hundreds more. And you well know it.