@Wake Me:
I avoid pain killers. No pain. No gain. What doesn't kill you . . . . . And nope, it's love. True love. This time. Not that shallow, narcissistic stuff from the past ;-)))
a year ago i had a rough time and posted this .
it was a controversial topic, some people got offended by my overly boastful tone, others offered help.
i appreciate any kind of opinion and i try to correct the flaws in my personality.
@Wake Me:
I avoid pain killers. No pain. No gain. What doesn't kill you . . . . . And nope, it's love. True love. This time. Not that shallow, narcissistic stuff from the past ;-)))
You started this when you came onto this site with your arrogance, your high school diploma, your boring lame-ass life and your slavish devotion to the Far Right web sites you adore.
Don't bring a knife to a gun fight, sweetie. If you had bona fides we would have learned about them multiple pages ago.
Come on Princess, let it all out.
Breitbart, Faux (Fox) News, Drudge, Savage, et all have the identical MO: They have never met a conspiracy theory they didn't love; They scour the news for ANY instance wherein:
Someone threatened their precious guns; someone threatened their precious jesus; some immigrant did something wrong; some far left college admin/prof said something leftish; due to their obsessions with all things Obama and Clinton they routinely trot out the same lame, tired, debunked stories and accounts from the recent and distant past as though they were newsworthy or valid, and some Muslim acted in any manner than might threaten them.
And they repeat it over and over and over. And you, Princess, lap it up like the trained puppy you are. Rinse and repeat.
Now, let me hear your Obama birther/Muslim/Gay/Murder stories. Let it out, Princess. You know you want to.
I have an MBA, working on a PhD, have been a college prof, traveled the world and know a lot about a lot. What are your bona fides, besides trolling internet sites and being addicted to Rush Limbaugh?
And, btw, thank you so very much for verifying my assertions re: Clinton. But don't hold back, Princess, spill all of it. Let's hear your rant about Obama and the rest of the Far Right Nut Job Whackadoodle Conspiracy Theorists.
I will accept your bow as the contrition and humility we have been waiting for. And, Princess, Einstein, Planck and every other scientist who has ever lived built on the work that came before them, and they were humble enough to acknowledge such.
Other than being the Queen of Portugal, Princess, you have established no bona fides for doing anything other than trolling and parroting.
Good puppy.
a year ago i had a rough time and posted this .
it was a controversial topic, some people got offended by my overly boastful tone, others offered help.
i appreciate any kind of opinion and i try to correct the flaws in my personality.
@Wake Me
Duh. Blame it on the al, al, alcohol, I mean Y chromosome.
Most of my ex GFs have been bi, so I have some warm memories along with the pain. ;))
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
And I suppose your'e going to debunk the hundreds of satellites, millions of professionals, hundreds of astronauts and dozens of weather balloons showing irrefutably that the earth is round. And you can keep saying you aren't a flat earther all you want. No one believes you.
CaptainGirl has shown herself to be a Far Right Wing Conspiracy Theorist Nut Job. She parrots everything that she reads on the Far Right Fake News websites. My bet is she loves Breitbart and The Drudge Report more than pie with ice cream. They both routinely espouse the same anti-science, Marxists are taking over our colleges nonsense.
CG, Rush, Hannity, Michael Savage, Steve Bannon and Matt Drudge would be proud of you. They wind you up, and like an obedient little brain dead drone you visit public spaces and spew their nonsense.
As for the Marxists in college, yes, some are there. About 3% of college profs profess to be Marxists. Drudge would have you believe they run the joints. They do not. For several years I was an adjunct prof at 2 local colleges and vetted to teach at a third. The only reason I'm not still teaching at those colleges is my job often requires extensive travel. I've also hung around a lot of academics during the past decades. At no time have I heard Marxist leaning thoughts from any administrator or prof. That is fake news spread by the Far Right, and you lap it up like the obedient little dog they have trained. I don't doubt that Marxist leaning thoughts are prevalent in a FEW colleges and universities, but the Far Right cherry picking fake news media would have you believe they are everywhere. They are not.
What you will find is that the majority of academics are liberal, typically much more so than the general population. THAT is what rankles the Far Right, and they address the issue like they address all issues, with lies they repeat over and over and over. I will bet you are also a Birther who thinks that Obama is gay, had his gay lovers murdered, is a Muslim, that Clinton had has friends and cohorts murdered to ensure their silence, and every other Far Right lie that they keep repeating regardless of how many times they are debunked, investigated and proven false.
Good puppy.
my brother has been talking about the earth being flat and some big conspiracy going on to make people beieve otherwise.
what are people's thoughts on this?.
10 easy ways to prove to yourself that the earth is round.
a year ago i had a rough time and posted this .
it was a controversial topic, some people got offended by my overly boastful tone, others offered help.
i appreciate any kind of opinion and i try to correct the flaws in my personality.
@scratchme: And I thought you were born that way ;}} Girl parts are my fatal flaw. I keep going back, regardless of the pain that always results, so it has to be genetic!! Or I am cerebrally compromised, which may be the case.
And WakeMeUP. . . . . damn, girl. I think I'm in love.
Scientific achievements do not require you to be amazed by them in order for them to be amazing. We have listed numerous recent incredible achievements and we've not even touched the surface. That you don't know about or understand them does not affect the achievements; it just shows your laziness and ignorance. You've produced nothing in this discussion but a Shania Twain lyric while you have doubled down on stupidity.
You are wasting everyone's time with your immaturity and narcissism. I will leave you to Cofty and the others.