CaptainGirl has shown herself to be a Far Right Wing Conspiracy Theorist Nut Job. She parrots everything that she reads on the Far Right Fake News websites. My bet is she loves Breitbart and The Drudge Report more than pie with ice cream. They both routinely espouse the same anti-science, Marxists are taking over our colleges nonsense.
CG, Rush, Hannity, Michael Savage, Steve Bannon and Matt Drudge would be proud of you. They wind you up, and like an obedient little brain dead drone you visit public spaces and spew their nonsense.
As for the Marxists in college, yes, some are there. About 3% of college profs profess to be Marxists. Drudge would have you believe they run the joints. They do not. For several years I was an adjunct prof at 2 local colleges and vetted to teach at a third. The only reason I'm not still teaching at those colleges is my job often requires extensive travel. I've also hung around a lot of academics during the past decades. At no time have I heard Marxist leaning thoughts from any administrator or prof. That is fake news spread by the Far Right, and you lap it up like the obedient little dog they have trained. I don't doubt that Marxist leaning thoughts are prevalent in a FEW colleges and universities, but the Far Right cherry picking fake news media would have you believe they are everywhere. They are not.
What you will find is that the majority of academics are liberal, typically much more so than the general population. THAT is what rankles the Far Right, and they address the issue like they address all issues, with lies they repeat over and over and over. I will bet you are also a Birther who thinks that Obama is gay, had his gay lovers murdered, is a Muslim, that Clinton had has friends and cohorts murdered to ensure their silence, and every other Far Right lie that they keep repeating regardless of how many times they are debunked, investigated and proven false.
Good puppy.