Come on in. The water's fine. You know you want to. Just do it.
i attended a sunday meeting today after missing a couple due to a bout of chronic apathy.
out of 74 publishers we had a grand total of 33. wonderful.
for those that attend, how are you finding the numbers?.
Come on in. The water's fine. You know you want to. Just do it.
my wife and i went to see it today at the encouragement of some of our new friends.
we laughed until we cried, and it was so cathartic to sit in a room full of hundreds of people laughing at the ridiculousness of religion.
sure, the subject is mormonism, but it was very poignant and applicable to all religion.
I've seen it twice. Very funny. Anyone who can watch it and still believe in any of the Mormon nonsense is seriously deluding themselves.
I only wish some ex-dubs would make one about the DarkLords.
this morning (12/3/16) on fox and friends ( a news show on the fox network) there was a great news piece.
it featured one of the newscasters and her parents, who happened to be the former governor of utah (jon huntsman).
religion ( the mormon church) has obviously played a large role in their family life.
Additional analysis:
Based on the Pew Research, American Jews overwhelmingly say they are proud to be Jewish and have a strong sense of belonging to the Jewish people, according to a major new survey by the Pew Research Center. But the survey also suggests that Jewish identity is changing in America, where one-in-five Jews (22%) now describe themselves as having no religion.
American Hindus are largely secular. Identifying as either Jewish or Hindu is in large part a cultural identity, as these two religions often place little emphasis on religious beliefs but value the cultural and social aspects of their legacy/tradition/struggle.
So, class, if the secular/atheist/agnostic Jews and Hindus self identified solely based on this rather than their religion, it is likely that the atheist/agnostic groups would have both the highest level of educational attainment and family income.
Geesh, y'all get this stuff for free. My clients pay a lot of $ for this kind of analysis.
this morning (12/3/16) on fox and friends ( a news show on the fox network) there was a great news piece.
it featured one of the newscasters and her parents, who happened to be the former governor of utah (jon huntsman).
religion ( the mormon church) has obviously played a large role in their family life.
Ok, lazy brained and just plan lazy, Prof DJS is once again doing the research for all you slackers and dullards.
Mormons are more likely than other religions to have some college, but they are average when it comes to the % of those with degrees. Nonetheless, some college, based on the data, translates into higher family income and family and individual functionality.
BTW, Hindus are No. 2: My GF is a (secular) Hindu. And an MD. All the Hindus I've met (again, anecdotal but supported by the empirical data) have either advanced college degrees (Hindus along with Jews have the highest level of educational attainment. Class, are we starting to see a correlation?) or own their own businesses.
Mormons rank in the middle of the pack for family income. The Dubs? Last place. From the Pew Research Foundation and from 2014:
this morning (12/3/16) on fox and friends ( a news show on the fox network) there was a great news piece.
it featured one of the newscasters and her parents, who happened to be the former governor of utah (jon huntsman).
religion ( the mormon church) has obviously played a large role in their family life.
The JWs have the lowest average family income of all US religions. Not surprisingly, they also have the lowest level of educational attainment.
There is no reason to think this is different for other countries.
The US Small Business Asminstraton has posted data showing business owners are more likely to be in upper income brackets than those working for others.
Anecdotal evidence is rarely evidence, and in this case it is anything but.
A few prosperous dub business owners does not change the facts. Dubs are taught from birth to bury their ambition, aspirations and goals.
There is both anecdotal and empirical evidence suggesting that template has resulted in financially challenged, socially dysfunctional familes and individuals.
Think - and research - before you approach the keyboard?
As for Mormons, do some homework and report back to Prof DJS.
it's amazing how the expression "the truth" has become such an ingrained term used by witnesses.. "we have 'the truth'".
"is he 'in the truth'?".
most here have found out so many facts about the organisation, and felt the effects of being "gut-punched" as we realised these facts.. so how do you feel about the expression "the truth" now?.
@DL2: "Its a form of mind control, the more they describe it as "the truth" it imprints in their minds and then they believe it. Very sneaky!!"
Ditto. It's one of the things cults do. And political parties. And football coaches. And . ..
The problem most of us seem to have is the 'they' in your excellent comments is clearly the 'we' among way too many in the ex-JW community represented on this site.
In find that deeply disturbing. So should all of us.
is there gods true worshipers on earth today as jesus said there would be?
if they are not jws then who are they?.
who else comes close to being gods true followers today?.
Troll alert. Our resident narcissistic CurrentBrother is back, resurrecting an old OP that sucked as much 2 months ago as it does today. Not getting enough attention there, CB?
it's amazing how the expression "the truth" has become such an ingrained term used by witnesses.. "we have 'the truth'".
"is he 'in the truth'?".
most here have found out so many facts about the organisation, and felt the effects of being "gut-punched" as we realised these facts.. so how do you feel about the expression "the truth" now?.
I think you all already know how I feel about it. Vomiting inducing (ctrwtf). I stopped using it immediately after leaving the hate filled cult in the 90s. I'm at a loss to understand why so many continue to use it. The DarkLords developed their own special language, which is what all cults do, in large part to control and program the rank and file.
I find it difficult to believe that anyone continuing to use phrases such as the truth, "the truth" (What the fukk is up with that? Does posting it as a quotation make it better somehow?), or even ttatt has truly left the DarkTower. And there is a second problem; those using these phrases reinforce others to continue to believe, even if it is on a subconscious level, that the DarkLords may actually be onto something.
I doubt that those using such phrases have truly disengaged their minds and emotions from the End of Times Armageddon nonsense and world events as they occur.
Come on in, hangers on, the water's fine (Oh Brother Where Art Thou). Let it Go (Frozen). Turn it off (Book of Mormon).
Either that or their brain cells aren't fully functioning. But there is a lot of that on this site.
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
With a caveat. If one side of the argument has no specific education, no in depth knowledge and no real experience on an issue then, unless they are citing those who do have such, they should be viewed with suspicion if not ignored.
That's what the Vanity Fair article above points out, and it is what I stress each time the CT whackadoodles start with their nonsense.
The world wide web, with CT sites that have spread like the infection they are, has contributed to the CT mindset and the spread of this sometimes deadly and always de-evolving disease.
Having been a college professor, it rankles me more than a bit to have uneducated dumbasses taking an entrenched stand or an issue for which they know nothing and are too lazy to obtain actual empirical data.
They seek to level or minimize the giants whose shoes they aren't fit to tie - men and women with advanced degrees (you idiots have ANY idea what it takes to get a Master's degree or a PhD???), decades of experience in a specific field and the ethics of Ghandi.
And all these dimwits have is a mouse and their mama's Internet account.
I find that disgusting. Vomit inducing disgusting.
would this be possible simon?
perhaps a link below the members username or avatar to display a list of topics you have in common.
If stalkers can use it I'm screwed.