Captain Gurl,
As expected, I post empirical data from reputable sources that was obtained from dozens/hundreds of colleges and universities and you post a viral rant from a R wing nut job. Like all R Wing CT NutQuackeries your kryptonite is evidence of the empirical variety. As for bona fides, as I've stated many times on this site: if Simon wants to serve as the validator, I will be happy to email to his private email account any documentation you and he requires, including diplomas, names and contact information for the various colleges and universities where I attended or taught to verify. Education is the easiest thing to validate, but you wouldn't know that since you've never been on a college campus other than to harass the coeds.
OTOH, all you have to do to validate that you are a barely educated, dim-witted drone for the Far Right CT NutJob Climate Change Denying Media you adore……. is to keep posting.
Good puppy.