They seem to be trying to talk themselves up but the fact is any supposed growth is the result of inactives who ran back to the halls a time or two after the 9-11 terrorist attack. That caused a peak month and that peak month's figure was the one and only they use to present as alleged proof of growth. The reality is that the Watchtower Sociey is in decline and that is also a reason why they are trying to attract Spanish speaking persons in New York via TV ads. The real statistics for the U.S. are down and going down. After war breaks out they will climb back up again some but then go down yet again. Misleadership from Ted Jarasz, publicly accused of being a child molestor by Pat Garza from back when he was a District Overseer in Los Angeles are one reason. Also the 10 year liason they had as a Non-Government Organization of the United Nations, and their policy of sending "repentant" child molestors door-to-door ( are becoming more and more known among rank-and-file.
JoinedPosts by romansfourteen1to6
Watchtower's Phoney Growth
by romansfourteen1to6 inthey seem to be trying to talk themselves up but the fact is any supposed growth is the result of inactives who ran back to the halls a time or two after the 9-11 terrorist attack.
that caused a peak month and that peak month's figure was the one and only they use to present as alleged proof of growth.
the reality is that the watchtower sociey is in decline and that is also a reason why they are trying to attract spanish speaking persons in new york via tv ads.
Elder Rumor How Widesprd: IraqWar=WWIII=Armageddon
by romansfourteen1to6 inan inactive friend just spoke to some elders who, not from the platform but one-on-one, said they believe the coming war with iraq will cause world war iii and armageddon.
has anyone else heard this?
it may be that some are using this as a tactic to scare inactives back into the watchtower society along with their needed donations, especially since the pedophile and wts-u.n. scandals.
The question is, is this rumor being spred only by those particular elders or is it more wide-spred? Maybe promoted by District Overseers and those over them? If posters from various areas or nations say they've heard it then we will know.
The Watchtower's Liability Nightmare
by metatron inmany years ago (1970's), there was a small rebellion in bethel,caused by the indifference.
and heartlessness of bethel overseers.
one item that came up back then was the immediate.
The WTS and its associate corporations maintain power over the elders through power to appoint, discipline and occasionally remove, also power to determine the fate of kingdom hall properties. By court definition, their having such power means they also bear the incumbent responsibilities including major lawsuit payouts for pedophilia etc.
Is It Okay To Play Dirty?
by mackey inwhen it can free someone from the org?
the reason i ask is that i want to get my friend out without scaring her away.
after reading steven hassans books i thought about the following.. i could tell her about someone i knew who became a moonie and talk to her about their practices and how they control their members.
It's possible to quietly send an informative email from some other email address to a person or to mail them the information with no return address. Here's a good item. Send it off to sit back and watch. It may take a while to do the job - just depending on the person - but it has succeeded in helping many to exit or decrease support to the WTS:
WATCHTOWER SOCIETY EXPERIENCING CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE: In 2002 Dateline NBC then other sources (AP press, CBC etc) documented that Watchtower Society (WTS) heads over Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) had covered up child molestation, send even convicted pedophiles door-to-door as well as others repentant over child molesting and even murder (also 1 877-WT-ABUSE) The WTS heads said God opposes the UN but in 1991-2001 were a formal UN associate not just to use the UN's library as proved by reading the Nov 22, 1998 Awake magazine closely and seeing the 2nd entry at
Also, 1 Cor 6:1 only says judge "trivial" things as in business, James 2:4-13 calls judging harmful, and Paul says the "majority" (2 Cor 2:6) followed his advice to shun a wrongdoer, meaning a minority chose not to and yet he nowhere condemns them. Yet the WTS has formal Judicial Committes destroying families via numerous formal renderings of disfellowshipment (severe shunning).
Acts 15:20 says abstain from blood but 1 Sam 14:32-5 says Saul's army ate unBLED meat to not starve and no verses show God not forgiving them. Christ says God also forgave David's eating temple holy bread and that "God wants mercy not sacrifice." (Mt 12:7) The WTS's May 22, 1994 Awake magazine tells of 26 JW kids who died without transfusions, and by common sense in massive bleeding as in car wrecks blood expanders won't save lives About 3 JWs die daily earthwide from the unscriptural policy, (Blood On The Altar by David Reed) and most normal identical twins transfuse blood to each other via a shared placenta, a natural affirmation of God's will. Doctors, nurses and the public badly need to find ways to inform JWs of these facts as WTS heads don't fully or rightly inform them.WTS heads say they are still growing but many believe this is also false. Increasingly even members sticking with the WTS are greatly decreasing donations and support for its heads. Others have joined various church groups including non-denoms or become Free Christians, a name for the general movement of exJWs who also often simply use the name Christians and encourage others to also form nonWTS groups meeting in homes with Unity by love rather than forced uniformity of beliefs. Such groups may designate who are local servants but are led overall by Jehovah's Christ and Spirit rather than a single human, have the Bible for Teacher (2 Ti 3:16) rather than magazine articles and imperfect humans.
Not all but some independent Baptists, nondenoms, Free Christians and others as well as JWs believe resurrection will for some be on Earth returned to Edenic paradise but to heaven for the rest. People are finding that nonWTS Bible Study Groups are easily formed when no one has to ask any one certain human or central group for permission to do so. Most such groups have a reading of the Bible itself rather than a magazine about it, a simple meal, sometimes informal Bible discussions or learning games for the kids, acts of kindess for those in need. They are not often found in phonebooks because they usually are small and encourage attenders to soon form their own groups and spark them to do the same.
Regardless of any belief differences, please note that what you are reading can and has saved lives. Active JWs are not allowed to freely read it when it's put in their hands but will do when it is quietly mailed/emailed to them. It was written out of love for not only beloved ones still misled by WTS heads but also to better inform the public, doctors, nurses, attorneys etc. Please make and use copies of this for years ahead. -
Elder Rumor How Widesprd: IraqWar=WWIII=Armageddon
by romansfourteen1to6 inan inactive friend just spoke to some elders who, not from the platform but one-on-one, said they believe the coming war with iraq will cause world war iii and armageddon.
has anyone else heard this?
it may be that some are using this as a tactic to scare inactives back into the watchtower society along with their needed donations, especially since the pedophile and wts-u.n. scandals.
An inactive friend just spoke to some elders who, not from the platform but one-on-one, said they believe the coming war with Iraq will cause World War III and Armageddon. Has anyone else heard this? It may be that some are using this as a tactic to scare inactives back into the Watchtower Society along with their needed donations, especially since the pedophile and WTS-U.N. scandals.
Just saw a 'Ghost' or something....
by Crazy151drinker inok the weirdest thing just happened to my coworker and i. we went to go pickup our breakfast from accross the street.
when we got back to our building we walked over to the elevators and as we turned the corner we saw someone get into the elevator before it closed.
we didnt see the person exactly but we saw their leg or whatever passthrough before the door closed.
It is growing clear that there is something to the belief that some Watchtower Society fanatics have experimented with, perfected and are apparently using a kind of image projection device some have said is plasma based. On another string on this website I think it was Jeffrey Schehm who mentioned that in Bethel they have sometimes projected a so-called demon image of a "little green man" in Bethelites' rooms where literature from another church was located.
New Earth Opinions
by cyrano in.
just wanting some opinions on the scriptures that talk about the 'new heaven and new earth'.
the reason is that jws always refer to that to support their 'two class' of christians doctrine.
Many independent Baptists, all the Seventh Day Adventists etc also believe there is one hope (resurrection) with two possible destinations: heaven, earth. So do many non-denoms and Pentecostals. There's no problem with the idea but rather with "forcing" its acceptance on everyone.
Did any catch Bill bowen on radio?
by Nathan Natas infreeminds had a note that bill bowen was going to appear on the mark fuhrman radio show a day or so ago.
did anyone happen to catch this?
the show originates in spokane wa and is syndicated, but not in my "market," and it isn't broadcast on the internet yet (but will be soon).
Farther down there was a thread about the show.
Bill Bowen talks about CBC Fifth Estate!
by UnDisfellowshipped inthey confronted the elder who served in his investigation who said he would not talk on camera but instead sent a letter that said since mike was 17 when he came to them they did not have to report.
Farkel and some others think Bill attacks Ray by saying what Ray himself says. That's incorrect, Farkel and others.
I'm also sure Ray would, if he had known the misuse that would come of the two witness policy being rigidly applied by Watchtower Society's chief mover Ted Jarasz (himself accused as a child molestor), have clarified that there is a time and place for everything and
(1) a child's word plus (2) the testimony of investigating police or family services officers
can also constitute two witnesses as well as fulfill the Romans 13:1 requirement to respect the law.
This very second "repentant" pedophiles and even murderers are going door to door trying to see every person on the face of the earth for a witness before the end comes. The Bible says the message will be preached earthwide but nowhere says every single door must be banged on, especially not by child molestors and murderers. No wonder we hear of phones being tapped and loud preaching against those who speak out against "Jehovah's" organization.