I just wanted to distance my stance from the assanine comments of demar. Jesus existed, but that does not in any way prove the Christian faith. Your homophobic, sexist comments are despicable.
jesus was gay - says academic
jesus was gay and so were at least three of his 12 disciples, according to an australian academic.. .
dr rollan mccleary said jesus's astrological chart, clues in the scriptures and biblical translations, all played a part in his conclusions.. in a forthcoming book, he attempts to present st john's gospel in a new light to back up his claims, reports the herald sun.. dr rollan mccleary, a university of queensland phd graduate who now lives in melbourne, has just been awarded his doctorate for a thesis on gay spirituality.. an anglican and a qualified reader of astrological charts, dr mccleary said the planet uranus figured prominently in jesus's astrological chart, as it did with many gays..
I just wanted to distance my stance from the assanine comments of demar. Jesus existed, but that does not in any way prove the Christian faith. Your homophobic, sexist comments are despicable.
i listen to her regularly.
i don't always agree w. her but usually have to admit that she is right from a moral standpoint.
god knows we need more of that in this world!.
I just needed to say that this has devolved into one of the stupidest threads I've seen in months.
Okay, I've got to go now....just like a liberal.
jesus was gay - says academic
jesus was gay and so were at least three of his 12 disciples, according to an australian academic.. .
dr rollan mccleary said jesus's astrological chart, clues in the scriptures and biblical translations, all played a part in his conclusions.. in a forthcoming book, he attempts to present st john's gospel in a new light to back up his claims, reports the herald sun.. dr rollan mccleary, a university of queensland phd graduate who now lives in melbourne, has just been awarded his doctorate for a thesis on gay spirituality.. an anglican and a qualified reader of astrological charts, dr mccleary said the planet uranus figured prominently in jesus's astrological chart, as it did with many gays..
Regarding the historical Jesus; some points:
Many people who do not subscribe to a religion are also intensely interested in it and devote their professional lives to studying it. Many scholars do not believe that Jesus is God incarnate, that he, in fact, was nothing more than a wise philosopher who was the central figure in the establishment of a Jewish sect. To say, "Well, if you are not a Christian why are you studying Jesus?" seems intellectually shortsighted.
I'm not a Christian by any sense of the word, yet I cannot help but comment that some of my fellow non-Christians are a little too eager to believe the extreme minority of scholars (some of whom should have quotation marks around that title) in saying that a historical man named Jesus of Nazereth ever existed. Do you also believe that Muhammed never existed? The man named Siddartha Gautama who later became the Buddha? Does it make a difference if you do? Most likely, you believe there really were historical personages who founded those religions, yet, you probably are neither Muslim or Buddhist. Could it be that, in your desire to destroy the sophmoric and naive faith we were once part of, you go a little too far in your "hermeneutics of suspicion?"
Who said the Gospels were all written in the second century? In my research of the Bible -- all of it higher criticism -- I have never heard this. To my knowledge, the four Gospels which were later voted as being canonical started to be written with the Gospel of Mark around 70 ce, then Matthew and Luke sometime before the first century was over with. The latest date I have ever seen for the Gospel of John is 135 ce; the earliest around 90 ce.
Am I certain that Jesus existed? No. But, I believe there is a very high probability that there really was a man, a Jew, named Jesus who taught many interesting things and might have even thought of himself as the Messiah. He did not do any of the miracles later writers fictionalized and did not rise from the dead. Yes, the Gospel writers did incorporate many Greek and near eastern myths in their portrayel of the man they called Christ, but that does not in any way negate the probablity that Jesus existed. You know the old tale about George Washington and the cherry tree? "I cannot tell a lie" -- all that? Well, it's a myth; it never happened. But, I'll bet dollars to pennies you believe the man existed.
The book, "The Christ Conspiracy" was mentioned. Sorry, but it got a pathetic review in Skeptic magazine by Tim Callahan who is hardly a Christian (and the magazine certainly not Christian apologetic fare). I stand by my position in stating that those who believe that Christ never existed are on the extreme fringes of scholarship, not far from those who would make the ludicrous assertion that Jesus was gay.
PS -- Tim Callahan has written two books on Biblical higher criticism: "Bible Prophecy -- Fact or Fictioon" and "The Secret Origins of the Bible."
jesus was gay - says academic
jesus was gay and so were at least three of his 12 disciples, according to an australian academic.. .
dr rollan mccleary said jesus's astrological chart, clues in the scriptures and biblical translations, all played a part in his conclusions.. in a forthcoming book, he attempts to present st john's gospel in a new light to back up his claims, reports the herald sun.. dr rollan mccleary, a university of queensland phd graduate who now lives in melbourne, has just been awarded his doctorate for a thesis on gay spirituality.. an anglican and a qualified reader of astrological charts, dr mccleary said the planet uranus figured prominently in jesus's astrological chart, as it did with many gays..
Among modern scholars there really is no question as to whether a historical Jesus existed. Just think of the Jesus Seminar. This is a group of world-reknown scholars who are devoting oodles of time trying to figure out exactly what the man named Jesus really said and did. And they are not Christian fundamentalists, by the way. In fact, I believe most of them are extemely liberal Christians or agnostics.
Think about it: you really believe a religion as powerful as Christianity was founded on nothing? Now, I don't believe in the myths of Jesus walking on water and multiplying bread, but I certainly believe there is a core of historicity to the Gospels. It just boggles the mind to think that such a rich system could develop without some figure behind it.
Plus, there are documents outside of Christianity which talk about Jesus, although these are extraordinarily sparse. Josephus talks about Jesus (I'm NOT talking about the spurious passage of Josephus invented by the Christians) as well as a couple other first century Roman historians. And, we cannot forget the James ossuary which is pretty impressive.
Unfortunately, some pseudo-scholars like the infamous "Acharya" make wild claims which are generally disregarded by professional historians. The quality of this scholarship rivals creationism in it's status.
i'm considering getting a tattoo.
who else has tats?
let's see some pics of your tats...
I, personally, would love a Tattoo. You know, he could follow me around and yell, "Da plane! Da plane" all the time.
i listen to her regularly.
i don't always agree w. her but usually have to admit that she is right from a moral standpoint.
god knows we need more of that in this world!.
Um, Aztec -- what issues are you conserative on? This is news to me.
i listen to her regularly.
i don't always agree w. her but usually have to admit that she is right from a moral standpoint.
god knows we need more of that in this world!.
LOL Six...Why, oh why, would I ever want to suck up to Azzy?
Actually, politically I'm pretty libertarian (not the party, but the ideology). I'm socially liberal, but conservative economically. Aztec is pretty liberal in both these areas, I think.
But let's not get off topic -- HANG DR. LAURA, DAMMIT!!!
i listen to her regularly.
i don't always agree w. her but usually have to admit that she is right from a moral standpoint.
god knows we need more of that in this world!.
Well, I'm not saying that you are ready to throw your computer out the window in frustration, but I think it is rather obvious that you are quite annoyed that people are speaking against this wonderful, brilliant, saintly woman. You have every right to be a little angry, just like I have every right to say she's a conservative simpleton offering fly by night psychology based on quasi-Puritanical views. Isn't debat wonderful?
jesus was gay - says academic
jesus was gay and so were at least three of his 12 disciples, according to an australian academic.. .
dr rollan mccleary said jesus's astrological chart, clues in the scriptures and biblical translations, all played a part in his conclusions.. in a forthcoming book, he attempts to present st john's gospel in a new light to back up his claims, reports the herald sun.. dr rollan mccleary, a university of queensland phd graduate who now lives in melbourne, has just been awarded his doctorate for a thesis on gay spirituality.. an anglican and a qualified reader of astrological charts, dr mccleary said the planet uranus figured prominently in jesus's astrological chart, as it did with many gays..
First off, all scholars and historians agree that Jesus existed.
Secondly -- It really kind of annoys me to see homosexuals who want to bend the scriptures to make it appear as if Christianity and their sexual orientation are compatible. They are not, period -- choose one or the other.
Bradley (who is neither Christian or homosexual btw)
i listen to her regularly.
i don't always agree w. her but usually have to admit that she is right from a moral standpoint.
god knows we need more of that in this world!.
An aside: It's my opinion that anything really popular with the American public is probably pretty pathetic.