Let me start off by saying that I am fully and utterly through with the JWs from both a logical and emotional point of view. I'm happy and content in my decision to leave. But one thing that I find very curious is the personalities of the GB members themselves. It seems as if most of the members here view all of the GB as being these vicious, money-grubbing, conceited, pedophile protecting, vile creatures interested in nothing but their own power. Just look at the thread about Milton Henshcel's death (sorry people, some of the comments were of horrendous taste and utterly immature).
Funny thing is, I don't see that. I have had almost no personal experiences with any GB members, but I have read CoC, heard stories (some believable, some not), been at assemblies where I've heard them first-hand. It seems that most of them are genuine people who actually believe they are doing the right thing. Cruzanheart (I believe) said they had personal experiences with Henschel and T. Jaracz as a child and wholeheartedly like the former and did not like the latter.
In my limited experience it seems that Jaracz is the only one that I have serious reservations about in terms of his personality. He was the guest speaker for a few assemblies we had (we always had him for some reason) and I have heard reports from very reliable people. I'm not saying he is a Stalin or anything, but the unanimous and striking opinion seems to be that the guy just isn't very nice -- at all.
In his talks he seemed stern, condescending and heavy-handed (in contrast to someone like Dan Sydlik who everybody liked). Unlike other special speakers, he was nowhere to be found after the day's talks. He didn't talk to a soul. I found this very disturbing. My brother-in-law, former Bethelite and current super-elder, gave a couple experiences about TJ that I viewed with great suspicion. One was a morning worship in which he meant to say "seminaries" but, perhaps through a Freudian slip, said "cemetaries." He smiled and quipped, "Well, I guess they will be cemetaries pretty soon!" this to a barrage of laughter. After breakfast my brother-in-law was talking to a long-time Bethelite about how "funny" this was. The Bethelite (who evidently had served there for years) said that this was "the first time I've ever seen Bro. Jaracz laugh." Seriously. Wow. That's a small thing, but I think it kind of shows how serious (twisted, perhaps?) this man is.
So my question is to all of you former Bethelites and others who have had personal contact with the GB: what are your stories? Who seemed pleasant and genuine? Who didn't? I've noticed that CO's and especially DO's gravitate to a little "click" of long-time "heavies" -- brothers with much experience who are "above" the rest of the r and f. Did you also notice this about the GB? Please, no humerous bashing or sensational stories that are probably not true.