Orbiting the Sun,
I agree with you. Actually, the writer of the song was inspired by the book of Revelation -- but not the JWs.
Oh and, I hope you don't mind me saying this or get all weirded out but, you are a beutiful girl! Wow.
did you ever hear the rumor that this song was actually about the "truth" book?
i did...here's the lyrics:.
Orbiting the Sun,
I agree with you. Actually, the writer of the song was inspired by the book of Revelation -- but not the JWs.
Oh and, I hope you don't mind me saying this or get all weirded out but, you are a beutiful girl! Wow.
i just thought i would post a little about myself here, even though some of you might know me from the "beyond jehovah's witnesses" forum.
my name is bradley and i live in a suburb of chicago illinois.
i'm currently twenty six years old and left the jws about nine months ago after a year and a half of intense doubts, many hundreds of hours of research, cognitive dissonance and bouts of vomitting (stressful, eh?).
If you will excuse me for a minute, folks.......
**Bradley hits Ronnie over the head with a metal pipe**
Sorry, I had to get that out of me
im leaning more and more towards a fully gifted creation.
i think god is so wise that when he first began "this" universe that he endowed it with tremendous organization potentiality, that would not require him to step in and guide it or help it along to produce intelligent life.. look at how scientist tell us all the elements are made in the stars, though nuclear fusion suns not only give us light and heat but also produce more complicated elements.
physicists tell us of wonderful self organization on the atomic and subatomic level.
I'm going to be plain and simple about the whole thing -- when I look at the incredible complexity and pure grandeur of the universe, I just don't see some tribal god of the Jews behind it all. Sure, there are parts of the Bible that are "deep" and poetic. And then there are parts that are primitive, contradictory and unrefined. You sound like you have a very good knowledge of science and I laud your introspective, philosophical mind. But, I just can't jump on the "Bible is in some way inspired" bandwagon. I think the best and most honest way to look at the Bible is to take what it says at face value and not stretch it's meaning so as to correspond to modern scientific findings. When Genesis says God put Adam asleep and removed a rib from him which He formed into Eve I don't think it can be "interpreted" in any other way but literally. That's what the ancient Jews believed, so why cater it's meanings to our scientific understanding?
PS -- I'm sorry if my previous post was a little harsh sounding -- I could have chosen better words to get my point across.
did you ever hear the rumor that this song was actually about the "truth" book?
i did...here's the lyrics:.
Did you ever hear the rumor that this song was actually about the "Truth" book? Haha! I did...here's the lyrics:
Look over yonder what do you see
The sun is a-risin' most definitely
A new day is comin' people are changin'
Ain't it beautiful crystal blue persuasion
Better get ready gonna see the light
Love, love is the answer and that's all right
So don't you give up now so easy to find
Just look to your soul and open your mind
Crystal blue persuasion, mm-hmm
It's a new vibration
Crystal blue persuasion, crystal
Blue persuasion
Maybe tomorrow when He looks down
Every green field and every town
All of his children every nation
There'll be peace and good brotherhood
Crystal blue persuasion
Crystal blue persuasion.....
im leaning more and more towards a fully gifted creation.
i think god is so wise that when he first began "this" universe that he endowed it with tremendous organization potentiality, that would not require him to step in and guide it or help it along to produce intelligent life.. look at how scientist tell us all the elements are made in the stars, though nuclear fusion suns not only give us light and heat but also produce more complicated elements.
physicists tell us of wonderful self organization on the atomic and subatomic level.
D wiltshire,
My "interpretation", huh?
Take a look at Genesis 1:3. You will notice that it says God created Light. Now, take a look at Genesis 1:14-18. You will notice that God "puts" stars in the sky and creates the sun and moon. Doesn't fit modern conceptions of astronomy or physics now, does it?
Genesis 1:21 says that God created the sea creatures and the birds. Genesis 1:24,25 says God created land creatures. As I mentioned before, this is in contradiction to the findings of modern paleontologists.
Take a look at the Genesis account in chapter two and you will notice a completely seperate account of creation in order, language and in the very conception of how God acts. In chapter one God simply can create things by speaking them into existence. In chapter two God (called Yahweh througout this account -- in difference to chap. 1) has to mold the man out of clay and take out a rib from his side to "form" the woman.
If you call this a match with modern science you probably need to reevaluate your scientific background.
im leaning more and more towards a fully gifted creation.
i think god is so wise that when he first began "this" universe that he endowed it with tremendous organization potentiality, that would not require him to step in and guide it or help it along to produce intelligent life.. look at how scientist tell us all the elements are made in the stars, though nuclear fusion suns not only give us light and heat but also produce more complicated elements.
physicists tell us of wonderful self organization on the atomic and subatomic level.
that self organization is so broad based and easy in molecular chemistry that it does not naturally or randomly produce what is so specifically necessary for life. All human intervention has been completely unsuccessful in helping this "fully gifted creation" produce life through the natural processes required.
Modern evolutionary biology only goes back about 150 years. Give it time.
im leaning more and more towards a fully gifted creation.
i think god is so wise that when he first began "this" universe that he endowed it with tremendous organization potentiality, that would not require him to step in and guide it or help it along to produce intelligent life.. look at how scientist tell us all the elements are made in the stars, though nuclear fusion suns not only give us light and heat but also produce more complicated elements.
physicists tell us of wonderful self organization on the atomic and subatomic level.
D wiltshire,
So when I see the order of creation as found in Genesis matching the order that Scientist say occured it gives me reason to beleive.
How so? I don't see the order matching at all. Genesis 1 has light appearing before the sun is created and birds and fish being created at the same time -- even though fish evolved, then reptiles (and possibly some mammels), then birds. But Genesis says that all land-creatures were created after the birds, which contradicts the fossil record.
Plus, in chapter 2 of Genesis we have a totally different account of creation which has man being created before all the other animals and plants!
So in no way does the Genesis account -- or should I say accounts -- in Genesis match the scientific findings of the fossil record.
im leaning more and more towards a fully gifted creation.
i think god is so wise that when he first began "this" universe that he endowed it with tremendous organization potentiality, that would not require him to step in and guide it or help it along to produce intelligent life.. look at how scientist tell us all the elements are made in the stars, though nuclear fusion suns not only give us light and heat but also produce more complicated elements.
physicists tell us of wonderful self organization on the atomic and subatomic level.
D wiltshire,
What evidence or reason do you have that God inspired the Genesis account?
Well, for once, I have to agree with starScream. The Bible clearly does not teach that all people are going to be saved, yadda, yadda, yadda. Although I commend the thought and philosophy behind the bishop's comments, they just don't add up logically in my mind. There are so many holes in his ideology swiss cheese would be jealous. Nice guy, though.
The references to God being so damn jealous quoted by starScream sure makes Him out to be an insecure maniac, don't they?
'jesus box' exposed as fake
a stone box touted as the oldest archaeological evidence of jesus is, in fact, a well-crafted fake, israeli archaeological experts say.
the box, an object known as an ossuary, was said to have contained the bones of jesus' brother james.
Um hello, but the media is just reporting what the scholarly authorities stance is on the matter. They didn't do the actual investigation or put words in their mouths.