Yep, those rules were one of the major reasons why I left. There is absolutely no biblical basis for 90% of what the society demands.
Why book bags? Once I wore a backpack because I used to ride my bike to the hall... Some sisters started calling me a mormon and I was talked to.
Why do I need to wear a tie?
Why does my hair have to be a certain length?
Why can't I have a beard? Mustache? SURE. But beard = devil worshiper
At one point it was taboo to have electronic devices in the hall, now everyone has them. Now dem Jdubs be like "you don't have an ipad? Gosh, why aren't you following Jehovah's celestial chariot." We all know that I need that ipad to win the hearts of those in the ministry.
No logos on T-shirts
no slacks for sisters
Slits can't be too high OMG
God forbid the skirt is a little too short
Shoulders? I once heard that sisters aren't to show too much shoulder but I may be wrong.
No suit jacket at the meeting? Well, that means you can't do microphones, platform, talks, or anything else that involves your being seen by the public... OOPS I mean your fellow brothers and sister who know you and could care less whether or not you have a suit jacket when adjusting a brothers mic. Because, let's face it, there are rarely any new ones coming into those halls... am I right?
What about yoga pants?
Death to you! Skinny jeans or anything that might be tight fitting?
Off with your head at Armageddon! Excuuuuse me for trying to look nice.
Perfume? NOPE! Someone is gonna die if you put a nice smell on, then that brother's blood will be on your hands.
While I'm at it, I'm gonna nitpick. I once was embarrassed because I didn't pray before having coffee/tea at Bethel. No drinking those beverages without praying first, because they are considered "food".
Second beer? What are you an alcoholic?
Sorry, I'll stop, just got a little wound up is all, my apologies.