Welcome Sofia :)
I hope your time here is both liberating and enlightening!
have lurked here for many, many years.
female, latina, middle-aged, born-in, 3rd generation jw, northeast usa.
my fate is to continue to play the game 'till death do us part because the very strong and tangled web of friends, family, business, etc.
Welcome Sofia :)
I hope your time here is both liberating and enlightening!
hey guys,.
so, since my leaving i have been doing so much research on so many topics that it's been extremely enlightening.
not only have i learned a lot about the organization and what motivates it, but i have also learned a lot about the bible, god and most importantly, myself.. currently, i'm not quite sure where i stand, but i'm having some real issues with the bible and god.
Hey guys,
So, since my leaving I have been doing SO much research on SO many topics that it's been extremely enlightening. Not only have I learned a lot about the organization and what motivates it, but I have also learned a lot about the Bible, God and most importantly, myself.
Currently, I'm not quite sure where I stand, but I'm having some real issues with the Bible and God. However, that's for another post which I'm looking forward to discussing.
My question here is, after leaving Jehovah's witnesses, did you remain a Christian? Did you become an Agnostic or Atheist? Perhaps you turned to another religion? What are YOUR views on things now that you aren't influenced by JW?
i hated ministry book bags.i hated coming out of my home with the book bags looking like i was going to a seminar.so,i starting going to the ministry school and sunday bible meetings holding only the required books for that day in my hand.. for the sunday meetings,i would just carry the song book,bible and watchtower magazine in my hand.
no book bag!
for the ministry school,i would just carry just what necessary for the evening.
i hated ministry book bags.i hated coming out of my home with the book bags looking like i was going to a seminar.so,i starting going to the ministry school and sunday bible meetings holding only the required books for that day in my hand.. for the sunday meetings,i would just carry the song book,bible and watchtower magazine in my hand.
no book bag!
for the ministry school,i would just carry just what necessary for the evening.
Yep, those rules were one of the major reasons why I left. There is absolutely no biblical basis for 90% of what the society demands.
Why book bags? Once I wore a backpack because I used to ride my bike to the hall... Some sisters started calling me a mormon and I was talked to.
Why do I need to wear a tie?
Why does my hair have to be a certain length?
Why can't I have a beard? Mustache? SURE. But beard = devil worshiper
At one point it was taboo to have electronic devices in the hall, now everyone has them. Now dem Jdubs be like "you don't have an ipad? Gosh, why aren't you following Jehovah's celestial chariot." We all know that I need that ipad to win the hearts of those in the ministry.
No logos on T-shirts
no slacks for sisters
Slits can't be too high OMG
God forbid the skirt is a little too short :o GASP
Shoulders? I once heard that sisters aren't to show too much shoulder but I may be wrong.
No suit jacket at the meeting? Well, that means you can't do microphones, platform, talks, or anything else that involves your being seen by the public... OOPS I mean your fellow brothers and sister who know you and could care less whether or not you have a suit jacket when adjusting a brothers mic. Because, let's face it, there are rarely any new ones coming into those halls... am I right?
What about yoga pants? :O Death to you! Skinny jeans or anything that might be tight fitting? :O Off with your head at Armageddon! Excuuuuse me for trying to look nice.
Perfume? NOPE! Someone is gonna die if you put a nice smell on, then that brother's blood will be on your hands.
While I'm at it, I'm gonna nitpick. I once was embarrassed because I didn't pray before having coffee/tea at Bethel. No drinking those beverages without praying first, because they are considered "food".
Second beer? What are you an alcoholic?
Sorry, I'll stop, just got a little wound up is all, my apologies.
it's funny that in ancient times the jews had beard and had to grow their hair and the egyptians were the ones who shaved.
so shouldn't shaving be considered just like birthdays and holidays to the jws?
Everything is pagan. We should all live in a bubble and never do anything... EVER.
if you choose to enter into a discussion on this site and you don't have the time, or patience, or are just too damn lazy to defend your position on any given topic that is perfectly fine.
i'm not going to bash you over the head about it.
however, please don't tell me that i'm "wasting my time" or that the person i'm trying to convince, "will never learn.
*Sees wall of text* oh what a waste of time...will people ever learn?
(sorry I had to) <3
No but seriously, I totally agree with you. I like disposable of hypocrisy's point. We don't know who's watching so might as well type some stuff up in the hopes of helping others. And having the information at a moments notice as you mentioned is invaluable.
i had a man walk by the cart and say "hey, you guys are now catching up the herbert armstrong's literature carts from the 1970s!
he wanted to know if our organization move's at the pace of "evolution" when it comes to adapting to social norms, what madness is he speaking about?
did herbert armstrong's crew have "the plain truth carts" in front of stores before jws had literature carts?