I personally believe that the witnesses have a very unconventional approach to dating which leads to unhappy marriages.
Relationships in the org are too serious. Or perhaps that's just how I view them. Everything you do and say is monitored either by you, the person you're dating or those around you. You can't truly be yourself nor express how you truly feel without worries of consequences. I remember a brother in my old hall who was holding hands with his girlfriend for too long...he ended up getting reproved because of it which is utter nonsense.
Relationships also seem to be too rushed. People seem way too worried about marriage and whether the other is good enough "spiritually".
I gave up on dating and love until I quit the org and met a girl that I'm starting to fall for. While I think she's amazing and I really want everything to work, I have this voice in the back of my head that keeps telling me it won't. Why? Because of the brothers and sisters in the organization that were always telling me not to date, to stay single, to marry in the truth. I suppose that out of all the things I've rid myself of regarding the org, I haven't been able to come to grips with this issue.
Anyways, I believe that, in the moment, single sisters aren't happier because they want something but, in the future will become unhappier when they are married. If that makes sense.
Aussi, bonne chance ma chère amie :)