Aztec, you're slipping!
Are you offering to catch me?
cannes, france (reuters) - u.s. director michael moore's ``fahrenheit 9/11'' won the top award at the cannes film festival saturday.. thanking the jury headed by cult director quentin tarantino, moore said: ``you will ensure that the american people will see this movie.
'' moore's win capped a politically charged festival, with documentaries and films reflecting troubled times and french show-business workers staging demonstrations and sit-ins to protest against cuts in their welfare benefits..
Aztec, you're slipping!
Are you offering to catch me?
Trojans, Bears and Cardinals into the turf...
Who are they? Even if I lived in Cali I wouldn't root for Cali teams. Especially hockey! My Red Wings are all a girl could ever need. Maybe I should just move to Ohio...
cannes, france (reuters) - u.s. director michael moore's ``fahrenheit 9/11'' won the top award at the cannes film festival saturday.. thanking the jury headed by cult director quentin tarantino, moore said: ``you will ensure that the american people will see this movie.
'' moore's win capped a politically charged festival, with documentaries and films reflecting troubled times and french show-business workers staging demonstrations and sit-ins to protest against cuts in their welfare benefits..
Micheal Moore is a little leniant on the facts at times but he does make some good points in his films. "Roger and Me" was very accurate which I can say because it's about my hometown. It pissed off alot of people here because they didn't like to see their hometown so poorly displayed. "Bowling for Columbine" was interesting. I don't buy the Canada is superior thing because I happen to know that Torontonians do lock their doors and I don't buy into the walking out of the bank with a gun thing. However, he did make some interesting points about the US medias coverage of violence and the way schools in the US handle school violence. Very often it is a 'culture of fear' here and that's sad. Overall I agree with most of what he says. He's a very good filmmaker. Plus, he went to the same high school that I did. Yay for me!
Good point Xena. My parents are very good with my son when they aren't trying to take him to meetings. I was thinking of bringing my brother with me if I decide to do it. Another option is Arizona where I have family. I'm going to see how this week goes and then decide next weekend if I want to stay here in Michigan or not.
OMG! The cost of living there is ridiculous! Gas here is just as bad though.
Sassy, I've lived in the ghetto. I didn't mind it. I don't mind commuting. I get to catch up on Tom Leykis. LOL!
Chevy's, that actually sounds ideal except for the cost of living. We have decent Mexican food here too but it's not nearly spicy enough.
Sirius, I will never and I do mean never become a Shark fan.
If you are in technology or biotech, the bay area is the best place to be in the world. In you are in movies, music, acting or porn then LA is the best place in the world to be.
Does technology mean 'able to turn on a computer'? Beyond that I'm clueless. I'm into music (I play violin) but porn is a little on the spooky side for me. As much as my dad bugs me I couldn't do that to him plus, my boobs are real....LOL! Thanks for the link!
the witnesses have infiltrated!
anyway, love ya all!.
Aztec, what do you want? Will moving make thins better?
KLS, yes, moving would make things better. The farther away I live the less they bother me. My dad is afraid of technology. He won't touch the computer except to do his bible reading and he seems to be afraid of the telephone...LOL! Deminnnzzz!
I asked her if she thought it was more difficult to live now, or during the potato famine in Ireland
Good point Mulan!
the witnesses have infiltrated!
anyway, love ya all!.
Try not to let that pity turn into contempt.
LT, I get what you're saying but I've held my father in contempt for so long that I don't know if he deserves anything else. Well, he did help me with my car one time so I suppose he's not all evil. How about if I just treat him the way he's always treated me?
Blondie, I feel similarly about my Witness relatives. Maintaining any kind of relationship with them is very hard. I get very sick of the crap they feel the need to force on me. I wish they could just stick to other topics but they have to tie everything into Witness stuff. Watch out for those tornadoes! We've been having them here too.
Last note: I was watching tv with my father a few days ago and he remarked that there are so many movies that deal with spiritism coming out lately. (Uhhhh, okee doke. I don't think there are any more than usual) I said "Yeah. The new Harry Potter movie is coming out this summer. I can't wait!" He just shook his head. Arrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!
the witnesses have infiltrated!
anyway, love ya all!.
Bradley, whatever...
Thanks for the responses! I'm getting really sick of my father bullying me. He's done it my whole life. I was so surprised by the look on his face when I stood up to him!
Just don't be disappointed if he never hears you or respects your thoughts or beliefs.
Bubbamar, I expect that he won't but I want him to leave me alone!
that's the longest corner in the history of mankind!
No kidding! LOL!
Walter, I know what you're going through right now. It can't be much worse than what's going on here. I think. I'll shoot you an email later hon.
Thanks everyone!
Yes Michigan would be far from my family. That would be the point! Walter and Rocket, you're both so silly! I would not become a Laker, Raider, Duck or Shark fan. I'm a true blue Lions, Wing, Piston, Tiger, Wolverine and Spartan fan. Check my wardrobe. I could still visit Toronto but it would take alot longer and I'd still cheer for the Leafs (minus Don Cherry).
Thanks to everyone else. I realize that earthquakes would be a possibility. We've had tornado warnings here three days in a row. I'm used to weird weather. No I don't have a job lined up there but, I don't have one lined up here in Michigan either. I would probably move to a big city because that's what I'm used to and I know how to drive in crazy traffic. I've lived in Detroit and Toronto. I'm sure LA would be worse but I'm adaptable. Part of what is attractive about California is the diversity in weather. In Michigan it's either muggy, freezing or tornado weather. There isn't much else.
Anyway, I'm weighing all of my options right now and deciding what I want to do. Thanks for the replies.
What will happen?
Just curious...