That is the cutest, thanks for the sunshine!!
That is the cutest, thanks for the sunshine!!
the watchtower has been trying to get my wife appointed as the representative of bethany's estate so they would be in a possition to sue the doctors, hospital, child welfare and provincial government.
i decided to get involved to prevent this.
after many months of legal battling , the wts thru in the towel and gave up on the idea.
My best wishes to you, and hoping Casssandra will be safely with you very, very soon. I wish the authorities could understand that this group has gone far beyond "freedom of religion" to endangerment of their children's lives, and make it illegal to force a child to die for ideas they have been brainwashed to accept.
Happyout (sending you massive hugs)
i don't want to give anything away, but if you are a fan, you should really enjoy this.
the f/x, as we all know, are wonderful, but i really liked the storyline also.
although some of the lines are a little trite, it's really got a lot going for it.
I read that the AP hated it, too. I don't know, maybe I am just so sucked in that I can't see the faults (although even I can admit there were certain parts that needed help), but I really did enjoy it. I dug the way they brought in so much technological logic, the back doors in systems, the fact that there really are "rogue" applications that try to destroy other applications. So, does that mean you won't go see the next one? Did you sit through the credits to see the trailer for Matrix Revolution?
Edited to add: I love your new picture!!
i don't want to give anything away, but if you are a fan, you should really enjoy this.
the f/x, as we all know, are wonderful, but i really liked the storyline also.
although some of the lines are a little trite, it's really got a lot going for it.
I don't want to give anything away, but if you are a fan, you should really enjoy this. The F/X, as we all know, are wonderful, but I really liked the storyline also. Although some of the lines are a little trite, it's really got a lot going for it. I will have to see it again at least twice to make sure I get all the details.
Just a note, STAY THROUGH THE CREDITS! There is a preview of the Matrix Revolutions that is worth the wait.
I should also say I am a freak fan about this trilogy, having seen the first one more than 20 times.
I can't believe you noticed the dearth of good books out there!! It's driving me crazy! I have re-read most of my favorites so much I am starting to quote them. That said, here's my approximate list:
My family (really honestly can't get enough of them)
Salty foods
This board
i was thinking the other night (my head is still hurtingcould you imagine having the power to stop it and choosing not to?
i kept thinking, if i could die so that no other innocent person should have to suffer, then i would.
most people would, i think.
Your "God" would be really annoyed with your for your "bad association" so why don't you go away and let the thinking people deal with this?
Bona Dea,
I have accepted that my ability to understand a "creator" is hampered by my humanity. In other words, it makes no sense to me that the all loving creator would "allow" suffering for so many centuries just to prove people would blindly worship him. That being said, I don't believe that the universe could happen with so much order out of nothing. Of course, I realize that leads to the catch 22 of where did God come from. Basically, I could go in circles for the rest of my life, and not come to any definitive answers until I died, since that's the only time we will all know for sure what the "truth" is. Because I have lost loved ones, I simply believe that I will see them again in some other form of life, and take comfort from that. If I'm wrong, who does it hurt?
i know most of you american idol watchers perfer clay or reuben...and they are both worthy winners...(last year i would have croaked if kelly clarkson didn't win!
)...but i'm sure you'll agree it will be more fun if all 3 give outstanding performances tonight and it's not a token night tomorrow!
Last night was kind of disappointing to me. I like Clay's voice, but I agree with a lot of others, he belongs on Broadway or in Vegas, not on the Billboard top 40. Kimberly's voice is ok, but I am not all that much into her jazzy kind of sound. Ruben definitely was straining, he sounded ok, but he has done much better in the past. I think if this is a competition about pop singing, which I think it is, Ruben is the obvious choice, but I think Clay will win.
some of us left simply because we didn't believe it any more.. some us couldn't stand the hypocrisy.. some of us left so's to have more sex.
some of us saw another light shining brighter.. some of us wanted more material possessions.. some of us needed more control over others than the borg would allow.. what do you think?.
Reborn is singing my song again, I just could no longer live a lie. Added into that, I was supposed to go door to door and tell other people they were going to be destroyed if they didn't join an organization that I considered hypocritical and cruel, and I could barely look at myself.
i know most of you american idol watchers perfer clay or reuben...and they are both worthy winners...(last year i would have croaked if kelly clarkson didn't win!
)...but i'm sure you'll agree it will be more fun if all 3 give outstanding performances tonight and it's not a token night tomorrow!
Reborn, you are singing my tune I almost stopped watching the show last year when Tamyra was voted off, and no talent Nicki stayed!! Where is Nicki now? Somewhere running a karaoke bar, I'm sure. Anyway, Ruben has the most charisma, and the most magnetism (if that's not being redundant and repeating myself), but I really think Clay will win. I hate to introduce race as a topic, but I don't think black people tend to vote the same way whites do (I mean, the calling in and stuff). Please don't rip me apart, I am fully aware that I could be way off base, it's just a thought I have had for a while with a number of "call in and vote" shows.
Anyway, I love Ruben, and I heard Jimmy Jam said he wanted to work with him, so he should have a great future no matter what.
downside, it says i am too uptight!
what's your emotional age?.
less mature | more mature |
Overall, your emotional age is quite adult. You are a clear thinker who recognizes your emotions and knows how to express them. You follow your instincts, without ever letting yourself get carried away.
Told you I was mature (laughs hysterically at how easy it is to fool these tests)