Nitty-Gritty - I am with you 100%. That is why, and I am repeating myself, parents will go to the authorities (police) to report that crime. Elders will advise parents to go to the police if they themselves are not mandated to report.
No. You are not 100% with me. I don't give a damn how the JWs think they need to handle child rape. Advising or not advising authorities of a crime is not in the discretionary purview of the Elders or the Parents or the various Branches, Departments, etc. This is not a discretionary matter. It is a crime. As such, whether you are the Elders or the Parents you are required to report it. I grow tired of trying to explain this. The only thing the organization needs as a policy is a one-line memo that says "Child Rape: Contact the authorities." That's it. And, you know this because if it was any other religion or organization we would not even be talking about procedures, dancing around the issue, and splitting verbiage.