What a difficult situation.
First, please remember that as wrong as your parents are... they are doing it because they truly believe it is the best thing for you and they love you. They are victims of the religion just as we all are.
Secondly, screw what anyone else thinks... you have to make the decision that is best for you and your family... and if that means going back to the religion in name then that's what you have to do. My only concern is this: while I understand the need to be close to your family it is not a decision you are making only for you. You are also making this decision for your children. I'm not familiar with the situation... and you say that you are mentally able to beat the control... are your children? How will going back affect them?
Do whatever you truly believe is best for all of you... and then live with your decision without any regrets knowing that you made the best choice you could.
My thoughts are with you,