Oh sorry a special Thanks to you....Robyn...I forgot his name,lol
JoinedPosts by seeking_truth
God's Name?
by seeking_truth inanother question for everyone.
i have read through some of the threads, posts or whatever and even though there is a sense of disagreement over witnesses and the society, their way of handling the words of the bible.
i was curious to know if anyone does believe jehovah is his name?
God's Name?
by seeking_truth inanother question for everyone.
i have read through some of the threads, posts or whatever and even though there is a sense of disagreement over witnesses and the society, their way of handling the words of the bible.
i was curious to know if anyone does believe jehovah is his name?
Thanks to everyone for their opinions and advice, greatly needed. I can't say that I have been a Witness all my life because I started to question things once my mother was disfellowshiped, she had a run in with the law which was later dismissed, and I got a first hand look at how she was seperated and treated. That point in my life made me question all things that any man tries to push off as "religious". I believe the bible survived all this time so that everyone could learn through it. Also lettting each person simply read the words and apply it. If a mere imperfect man can stand on a platform and teach it....we can teach ourselves with the same efforts.
An no, can't no one take away something that is real to each of us.
God's Name?
by seeking_truth inanother question for everyone.
i have read through some of the threads, posts or whatever and even though there is a sense of disagreement over witnesses and the society, their way of handling the words of the bible.
i was curious to know if anyone does believe jehovah is his name?
Bob uh?
I was "introduced" by calling His Name, which is and forever will be Jehovah (I've found in almost every bible) that in one point or more His name is written somewhere in there. So that kind of makes my faith stronger. Are there any Witnesses here or is this a place for ex-witneses?
God's Name?
by seeking_truth inanother question for everyone.
i have read through some of the threads, posts or whatever and even though there is a sense of disagreement over witnesses and the society, their way of handling the words of the bible.
i was curious to know if anyone does believe jehovah is his name?
Another question for everyone. I have read through some of the threads, posts or whatever and even though there is a sense of disagreement over Witnesses and the Society, their way of handling the words of the bible. I was curious to know if anyone does believe Jehovah is His Name?
by TR inwere you a "weirdo single hovah dude"?.
some examples i know of:.
single 'hovah dude, 40ish, mic handler, non-elder/ms, huge pot belly, rotten teeth.
What is a "borg" I keep seeing posted here in different areas. My family are Witnesses and I don't think I have ever heard the term or it's meaning before now.
JW alternatives to holidays
by YellowLab ineven though you couldn't celebrate holidays growing up as a jw, did your parents ever have alternatives instead?
in my case, we never celebrated christmas, we had "surprise day" usually a week before.
instead of celebrating thanksgiving, we would have a turkey dinner a few weeks later.
I don't know if this means so much to anyone but I grew up with my family being members of the Kingdom Hall. SO celebrating holidays was a no-no and of course any child feels isolated when not attending classroom parties or even holidays, that is if the reasonings aren't explained real well.
Holidays are rooted in pagan beliefs and anyone can see that. Halloween being the day where you dress up to ward off the ghosts and goblins that get the 31st to roam around. If you ask yourself anything, do you want your child participating in something that deals with the devil however direct or indirect it may be? One little boy told my 11 year old that since she didn't celebrate halloween that she didn't believe in God. Crazy. Another holiday is Christmas. Which to me if it was a day for celebrating Christ's birth, where is it stated in the bible that december was the month or even the date pointed out to be considered holy? Why do people feel the joy and love on his birth-day but yet give "others" gifts? To me if true christains was to honor, not celebrate, his birth it would be in a spiritual manner. Yet it isn't his birth that meant the most but the fact he died for our sins which is not so nationally observed.
Mosaic Law
by seeking_truth ini am new to this forum and i am curious as to why certain foods was outlined under the mosaic law but do not apply now.
pork being the biggest example of all.
deuteronomy 14:8 "the pig also, because it is a splitter of the hoof but there is no cud.
Thank you for the information.
It makes sense about the times of cooking then, compared to now. What doesn't make sense is how rules bend. I read somewhere that since Jesus died for our sins that it also meant the breaking free of Mosiac Law. Is this true? I always believed what the bible said was truth not a tale of rules for the past that don't effect us today.
Mosaic Law
by seeking_truth ini am new to this forum and i am curious as to why certain foods was outlined under the mosaic law but do not apply now.
pork being the biggest example of all.
deuteronomy 14:8 "the pig also, because it is a splitter of the hoof but there is no cud.
I am new to this forum and I am curious as to why certain foods was outlined under the Mosaic Law but do not apply now. Pork being the biggest example of all.
Deuteronomy 14:8 "The pig also, because it is a splitter of the hoof but there is no cud. It is unclean for YOU. None of their flesh must YOU eat, and their carcasses YOU must not touch"
Family tried to example this to me but I am not satisfied with the answer. If it was set as a rule then how come it changed. I don't see how a pig then differs from a pig now.