I go away for a while, and come back to the Watchtower in shambles. Awesome!
How much more can they cut back? Let's see...
Getting brothers with computer access and printers to make physical copies for the elderly who are stuck in the dark ages is a good idea. What an opportunity to get to know our elderly congregation members better! Jehovah works in magnificent ways!
Turn meetings into video-watching sessions. Well, that could happen in people's homes! Jehovah's organization embraces only the best in technology!
Cutting down the number of conventions and assemblies until there's no more to cut is a good way to get rid of those expensive Conventions and Assembly complexes, although they'd probably be the last buildings to go.
When the organization ordered the congregations to send them a set amount each month, I firmly believed that the organization had severed themselves from the Kingdom Halls. The Org can strike a Kingdom Hall dead if it so desires. If donations aren't up to par or are WAY down, they can just kill off the Kingdom hall and/or congregation. To hell with the members if they aren't donating. The members can have the option of meeting in homes to watch JW TV.
My only question is, what is the end goal (if any)? Keeping the Governing Body fed and housed? Control is only good if you get a reward from it.